About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Earth Day 2008
Happy Earth Day everyone! Of course, I think you should make everyday Earth Day (I also think there should be an NHL day at least once a week). I'm not talking about giant fanfare, publicity campaigns or gigantic tree planting fund raisers. I'm thinking long term, sustainable Greenness.
Recycling more than you used to, using less water and electricity, driving less, planting something in your own vegetable garden, buying organic, taking your own reusable bag (preferably cloth) to the grocery store, carpooling, walking to the store, etc. These small steps are easier to do and they add up. Especially if everyone takes one. Replace that burnt out light bulb with a compact fluorescent (those squirrelly curved tube looking ones) one. Buy one that is Energy Star rated and mercury free. They're out there. I found some at the grocery store a couple weeks ago.
Even if your small step is to think about being greener, that's good. It means you're aware and that,next time, you might say, "No thanks" to a plastic bag for only a couple items at the store. You don't need to put that garlic bulb in a plastic bag in the produce section. Or the celery, or the tomatoes.
For more Earth friendly ideas and activities:
Nature Conservancy - Earth Day '08
Earth Day Network Call your representative today 202-224-3121 and ask them to enact stronger climate legislation
I'd link you to the US government's Earth Day web page, but it's a joke. This administration is not an environmentally friendly one (that's the nicest way I can phrase it). Retail stores are doing more than the government. Macy's is giving out tree saplings to visitors today. Home Depot was giving out reusable canvas bags on Sunday. Lowe's Home Improvement hosts eco-friendly remodeling classes.
Take a small step today and repeat it tomorrow and the next day, and the next. Do it until it's a habit. Then pick a new step to add to your lifestyle, your routine. It's not hard but it's not always easy. Most good things in life are like that.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must put on my bamboo socks and recycled shoes and head to work. Happy Earth Day :)
Recycling more than you used to, using less water and electricity, driving less, planting something in your own vegetable garden, buying organic, taking your own reusable bag (preferably cloth) to the grocery store, carpooling, walking to the store, etc. These small steps are easier to do and they add up. Especially if everyone takes one. Replace that burnt out light bulb with a compact fluorescent (those squirrelly curved tube looking ones) one. Buy one that is Energy Star rated and mercury free. They're out there. I found some at the grocery store a couple weeks ago.
Even if your small step is to think about being greener, that's good. It means you're aware and that,next time, you might say, "No thanks" to a plastic bag for only a couple items at the store. You don't need to put that garlic bulb in a plastic bag in the produce section. Or the celery, or the tomatoes.
For more Earth friendly ideas and activities:
Nature Conservancy - Earth Day '08
Earth Day Network Call your representative today 202-224-3121 and ask them to enact stronger climate legislation
I'd link you to the US government's Earth Day web page, but it's a joke. This administration is not an environmentally friendly one (that's the nicest way I can phrase it). Retail stores are doing more than the government. Macy's is giving out tree saplings to visitors today. Home Depot was giving out reusable canvas bags on Sunday. Lowe's Home Improvement hosts eco-friendly remodeling classes.
Take a small step today and repeat it tomorrow and the next day, and the next. Do it until it's a habit. Then pick a new step to add to your lifestyle, your routine. It's not hard but it's not always easy. Most good things in life are like that.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must put on my bamboo socks and recycled shoes and head to work. Happy Earth Day :)