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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Festival For The Eno
I've been twice. Or is it three times? Four? I don't remember. Each year I have fun, acquire more freckles (despite dedicated sunblock application), hear great music, learn something new and generally have a grand time.
The first year I went because Dar Williams was performing. I appeared to be one of the few who knew all the songs she played. It was spiffy. That festival is also when I heard The Nields for the first time. I've been a fan of theirs ever since. Sadly neither are scheduled to perform this year. Although, Girlyman is scheduled. Woo!
The Festival has arts, crafts, educational booths and a great earth-friendly vibe. They do their best to leave a small footprint, raise money and to educate about a variety of environmentally friendly ways to go about your life. Obviously it's my cup of tea - environmental awareness + music + crafts.
My inner hippie is dancing in anticipation of going again this year. And yes, she's wearing her (14 year old) birkenstocks. Yall should come out and join me. Birkenstocks not required.
Stars won again, taking their series to 3-2 and possibly making the Red Wings sweat. Penguins eked out a win Sunday with their 6-0 performance over the Flyers. Anyone laying odds on who the Pens will face for the honor to hoist Lord Stanley's cup? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
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I say go Stars, but that's just 'cause I (as any good Blackhawks fan must do) HATE the Red Wings...
As for who is hoisting Lord Stanley's cup, I say go Stars.
Now, if my heart's desire doesn't happen tonight & tomorrow night, and the stupid friggin' red wings win (barf!), then I'm all for the Pens...what a fantastic team to watch play! They have such an immense amount of talent I almost can't handle it.
As for who is hoisting Lord Stanley's cup, I say go Stars.
Now, if my heart's desire doesn't happen tonight & tomorrow night, and the stupid friggin' red wings win (barf!), then I'm all for the Pens...what a fantastic team to watch play! They have such an immense amount of talent I almost can't handle it.
I loathe the red wings. Tho I despise brooks orpik much, much more. I haven't found myself actively cheering for any team during the playoffs this year. I've been cheering on my friends who have teams playing.
Which means I'm now down to one friend who is happy, hockey wise, right now. If brooks were to go to buffalo, that would rock. I could cheer for the Pens no problem. Except for when they're playing the Canes, of course :)
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Which means I'm now down to one friend who is happy, hockey wise, right now. If brooks were to go to buffalo, that would rock. I could cheer for the Pens no problem. Except for when they're playing the Canes, of course :)
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