This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Irish Coffee

I found the next car I want to buy.

The Tesla Roadster
- Is 100% electric
- Produces one-tenth of the pollution
- Is six times as efficient as the best sports car
- Produces zero emissions
- Can go 220 miles on a fully charged battery
- Charges fully in about 3.5 hours
- Costs less than two cents a mile to recharge (depending on time and local electric charges)
- Battery is recyclable and weighs about 115 pounds
- Can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in under 4 seconds. Which is better than a Lamborghini
- Base price is $109,000
- You only have to put $60,000 down to reserve your car

Sure, I found out about it because of the guy in the picture below.

But I'd still want one even if he hadn't been in it. It's an electric car that looks super cool! Why wouldn't I want one?? Just because it costs more than some houses doesn't mean I'd disregard it. Umm yeah.

Yay for M! The Sharks won last night. I'm happy for you, me dear, but I still don't particularly care who wins the series.

Song in Head
Two by Ryan Adams.
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