About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Why Not The Fourth Whale?
I found a new green website last week. Well I learned bout it through one of the environmental emails I get - I couldn't tell you which one of those. Anyway, website is called 3rd Whale. It has links on green travel, green living, buying green, sustainability and several other green issues.
3rd Whale is currently running a competition. They're trying to find the Greenest Person on the Planet. Sadly, it's not me. I don't have solar panels or a windmill or a compost pile or energy star appliances. Then there's the roommate who is so UN-green it's ridiculous. No way I could win that competition. Maybe next year ;)
Pens won 4-2 last night and lead their series with Philly 2-0. Red Wings won again and lead their series against the Stars 2-0
Belated Birthday
3rd Whale is currently running a competition. They're trying to find the Greenest Person on the Planet. Sadly, it's not me. I don't have solar panels or a windmill or a compost pile or energy star appliances. Then there's the roommate who is so UN-green it's ridiculous. No way I could win that competition. Maybe next year ;)
Pens won 4-2 last night and lead their series with Philly 2-0. Red Wings won again and lead their series against the Stars 2-0
Belated Birthday
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Hi. Nice to see you reviewed our website, 3rdwhale.com The name 3rdwhale actually has a meaning but I think I'll keep it a secret for a little while longer:)
Besides the competition we are just about to launch our green dating component (where people with similar values go to find a partner).
FYI, I am a huge U2 fan myself...I saw them first on the Joshua Tree Tour in Illinois and have seen them many other times since including at Slane Castle in Dublin in 2001!
Besides the competition we are just about to launch our green dating component (where people with similar values go to find a partner).
FYI, I am a huge U2 fan myself...I saw them first on the Joshua Tree Tour in Illinois and have seen them many other times since including at Slane Castle in Dublin in 2001!
I actually sent the link to the green dating blog entry on How to Green Your Sex Life to several friends. I found it rather amusing.
I will, one day, see U2 perform in Ireland. Hopefully their next tour.
Thanks for stopping by!
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I will, one day, see U2 perform in Ireland. Hopefully their next tour.
Thanks for stopping by!
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