About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Traveling - Part One
Even though I did not have internet access, I was still writing blog entries. I just wasn't posting them. I'll post them as the week goes on. The following is from Sunday:
I should be tired. Very tired. Between packing, repacking, swearing at my new bag and repacking yet again, I didn’t get to bed til just after three in the morning. I was up at 5 and out the door by 540. I walked into the terminal at 605 and nearly cried. Massive amounts of people. Everywhere. Little did I know it was a premonition of my upcoming O’Hare experience.
There was a group of 30 students that was slowing the check in process down. Thankfully, due to my diligence at packing, I didn’t have to check any bags. It wouldn’t have mattered as the student group was on my plane. And several babies. I want to take this time to say THANK YOU to Santa (aka my folks) for having the foresight to give me the U2 i-pod a couple years back. It got me through the flight, off the plane, to my gate & then to my next gate beautifully.
O’Hare is one crazy busy airport. I kept looking around thinking I had warped into the holiday season. Maybe flew through a wormhole on my way from Raleigh. It was 830 (central) on a Sunday morning and I was dodging people like there was a 75% off everything sale at the Apple store on a tax free weekend. It made my experience at RDU seem pitiful and small town. I can’t imagine what it’s like to work at O’Hare. So many concourses, jet bridges, planes, and People. I’m pretty sure I’d lose my mind.
I have some spiffy pix taken somewhere over Indiana or Illinois. I didn’t bring my cable to upload them, so yall will simply have to wait to see my creative genius with a digital camera. I think the last time I took pix on an airplane was when I was going overseas – over 10 years ago. Wow. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
Anyway I’m in Milwaukee, WI for the next couple of days. Or, as M puts it, ‘one of those middle America states’.
I should be tired. Very tired. Between packing, repacking, swearing at my new bag and repacking yet again, I didn’t get to bed til just after three in the morning. I was up at 5 and out the door by 540. I walked into the terminal at 605 and nearly cried. Massive amounts of people. Everywhere. Little did I know it was a premonition of my upcoming O’Hare experience.
There was a group of 30 students that was slowing the check in process down. Thankfully, due to my diligence at packing, I didn’t have to check any bags. It wouldn’t have mattered as the student group was on my plane. And several babies. I want to take this time to say THANK YOU to Santa (aka my folks) for having the foresight to give me the U2 i-pod a couple years back. It got me through the flight, off the plane, to my gate & then to my next gate beautifully.
O’Hare is one crazy busy airport. I kept looking around thinking I had warped into the holiday season. Maybe flew through a wormhole on my way from Raleigh. It was 830 (central) on a Sunday morning and I was dodging people like there was a 75% off everything sale at the Apple store on a tax free weekend. It made my experience at RDU seem pitiful and small town. I can’t imagine what it’s like to work at O’Hare. So many concourses, jet bridges, planes, and People. I’m pretty sure I’d lose my mind.
I have some spiffy pix taken somewhere over Indiana or Illinois. I didn’t bring my cable to upload them, so yall will simply have to wait to see my creative genius with a digital camera. I think the last time I took pix on an airplane was when I was going overseas – over 10 years ago. Wow. I can’t believe it’s been that long.
Anyway I’m in Milwaukee, WI for the next couple of days. Or, as M puts it, ‘one of those middle America states’.