This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Mini-Danikid

Freaky how much JT looks like his dad. I actually told his dad that yesterday. Said I could no longer call JT a cutie because of it. Poor JT.

Little Miss Thang (aka Kitten aka Luna aka Fiona aka Baby Kitty) is doing well. She has lots of energy and then she just crashes. She's either on the go or napping. Her grandpa heard her speak last night. I'm pretty sure he didn't get the same thrill as, say, when JT spoke for the first time. I don't think I'll tell her that, she might be heartbroken and take it out byjavascript:void(0) pouncing on my hands & feet even more.
My darling husband just cae in and said JT looks like his Auntie.

Haha :-P
Humm. I can't be insulted because that would reflect poorly on JT. Although it reeks of Mr. Muffin being squirrelly, saying I look like my brother. How is that kosher, Muffin Man? Hmm?

R - please poke your hubby for me.
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