This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cleaning Your Way to Procrastination

How is it that when I start cleaning, the room ends up looking even messier than before I started? And that's before Luna gets involved pouncing upon whatever she can.

Spring cleaning usually hits me about this time of year. It's part of my NaNoWriMo preparation process. Good way to procrastinate thinking of a plot, characters, any sort of kernel of an idea.

Besides, if I don't do it now. I'll feel the need to do it in November when I should be writing. Or hosting write-ins. Or monitoring posts in the forum.

Played long and hard this morning, afternoon and evening. She's been sleeping most of the late evening. Lying right next to me, looking adorable and purring. What a sweet, sweet girl. Just don't look at my right hand. Or arm. Or either leg below the knee.
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