This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Neighborly Interaction

I was getting into my car this morning, headed to work, when the downstairs neighbor stopped me and asked if he could ask me a question. I paused, one foot in my car and said, “Okay.”
“You know when the painters were painting the railing?”
“Yeah…” they had just finished on Monday, did he think I had forgotten already?
“Well, when they put their ladder down in my space to work on your railing they knocked a bunch of trash from your porch down onto mine.”
“Yeah like dirt and debris from the woodpile. Leaves and twigs and such.”
“It just made a mess on my porch.”
“Okay,” I said as I’m thinking seriously, buster, what’s your point?
“Well could you keep it clean?”
“So that more trash and debris doesn’t fall down onto my porch.”
“Umm okay? I’ll tell M about it since it’s her place.” What did he want from me? It’s nature! Leaves and twigs and dirt and ‘such’ come from trees, blown by the wind. Sorry dude, as much as I would wish otherwise, I can’t control the elements. Or nature.
“Hmph.” I swear he said that. With a higher pitched tone. It was all I could do not to smirk and snicker at him.
“Have a good one,” I said as I finished climbing into my car. The twerp.
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