About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Road Tripping with Luna Take 2
I meant to leave work at 1000 on 12/23. I also meant to take Luna to work with me so I could get on the road immediately. I left work at 1030 and had to go home to get Luna. I was finally on the road at 1100. Tho I still had to stop and top off my gas tank and put some air in all four tires.
I'm on the road and Luna is talking. And by talking I mean meowing, crying and howling. She was also clawing at her crate. I let her out to wander about in the car and the talking continued. I'm not sure what was bothering her. She wasn't like this on her last road trip. I ended up having her in the crate for about half of the drive to DC.
Speaking of the drive. It's supposed to be 4.5 hours from the Triangle to the MD burbs of DC. Yeah, with the traffic yesterday, it took me six. Then my dad and I get back on the road and headed for OH.
We made it to the house at 0145 or so. Yes, that's AM. It was raining pretty good and the temperature was right around 34 degrees F for most of the drive. The road was slushy in spots. Not too bad, in general.
The iciest spot, by far, was the driveway. I stopped to get a better bead on pulling into the garage and my tires just spun. My dad and I got out of the truck and discovered that the driveway was a sheet of ice. If I hadn't had my dad and the car door to hold onto,I'd have slid down the drive and into the street. Assuming I didn't loose my balance and fall on my butt first. Let's be honest, that butt hitting asphalt was the more likely scenario.
My dad managed to get the truck into the driveway. After some minor sliding back down the driveway. I stood in the grass and supervised. I then sidestepped on the front walk a bit and then had to grab my dad's hand to make it into the garage. It was that icy and my sneakers weren't getting any sort of grip on it.
The main thing is, we made it in one piece. Hopefully Luna will be tuckered out after all the running, galloping and playing she's down today. I really don't need her to wake me up at 0500. Although, theoretically, I'll be in bed before 0200 tonight.
I'm on the road and Luna is talking. And by talking I mean meowing, crying and howling. She was also clawing at her crate. I let her out to wander about in the car and the talking continued. I'm not sure what was bothering her. She wasn't like this on her last road trip. I ended up having her in the crate for about half of the drive to DC.
Speaking of the drive. It's supposed to be 4.5 hours from the Triangle to the MD burbs of DC. Yeah, with the traffic yesterday, it took me six. Then my dad and I get back on the road and headed for OH.
We made it to the house at 0145 or so. Yes, that's AM. It was raining pretty good and the temperature was right around 34 degrees F for most of the drive. The road was slushy in spots. Not too bad, in general.
The iciest spot, by far, was the driveway. I stopped to get a better bead on pulling into the garage and my tires just spun. My dad and I got out of the truck and discovered that the driveway was a sheet of ice. If I hadn't had my dad and the car door to hold onto,I'd have slid down the drive and into the street. Assuming I didn't loose my balance and fall on my butt first. Let's be honest, that butt hitting asphalt was the more likely scenario.
My dad managed to get the truck into the driveway. After some minor sliding back down the driveway. I stood in the grass and supervised. I then sidestepped on the front walk a bit and then had to grab my dad's hand to make it into the garage. It was that icy and my sneakers weren't getting any sort of grip on it.
The main thing is, we made it in one piece. Hopefully Luna will be tuckered out after all the running, galloping and playing she's down today. I really don't need her to wake me up at 0500. Although, theoretically, I'll be in bed before 0200 tonight.