This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Happy May Day!

A friend turns 30 today. Having a party at an Irish pub (woo!) tonight. Should be fun. Hopefully they have TVs tuned to the game!! Otherwise I might be texting others for updates. All you 'others', consider yourselves warned! :)

Anyway, it's apropos that the party is at an Irish pub. Today being Beltane(Bealtaine) and all that. Although, I'm pretty sure, they won't let us build any spiffy fires inside. Ah well.

Every place I've worked, there's been at least one person who cuts their nails while at work. What's up with that??? Why is it acceptable to that? Boggles my mind. Also, the sound of the clippers, irritates me. Which is why, I'm sure, I notice it.
You've also lived with someone who did it in the living room (not me)
True. I had managed to block out those memories. Thankyouverymuch! ;)
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