This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Plants Vs Zombies

I discovered a new (minor) addiction this weekend. It's a computer game called Plants vs Zombies. I'm probably much too amused by it. I was up until 0100 playing it.

The good news is that I haven't bought it (yet). M told me about the website Wild Games where I can play the full version for free! And yes, I got her playing it too. Mwahahahahahaha err, make that, braaaiinnsss.

Somewhat Unrelatedly
I bought a quarter of a watermelon at the grocery store yesterday. I ate the whole thing - quite yummy. While I was trying to cut out the sticker on the back of the rind, I managed to injure myself. Twice. Am I good or what?

The first injury was when the knife slid through the rind faster, and in a different direction, than I anticipated and the end of the knife encountered the palm of my hand. I was using a steak knife. You know the kind with the pointy end? Yeah, that hurt.

The second injury I found when I went to the sink to clean my puncture wound. I found blood smeared on my hands in places that made no sense. No way I could've gotten blood on my right hand or on the back of my left hand when the puncture was to my left palm. Apparently I had sliced a finger on my right hand. I'm thinking I put too much pressure on the back of the knife with my finger, causing it to slice the skin.

My theory for the whole situation, is that watermelon rind thought the knife was a zombie. Hence the all out attack with the steak knife. My hands were merely innocent bystanders. I guess the rind didn't get the memo on the time out. Ah well.
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