About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, May 11, 2009
A Window Isn't Always A Portal in the Sky
I was walking into the living room this morning when I heard this loud thump from the dining room area. Luna went on alert. We both cautiously made our way to the dining room. I had to go cautiously as I didn’t want to step on Luna who was creeping along, belly almost on the floor.
I look around the dining room. Nothing appears out of place. I open the door to the balcony and look back to see if Luna is following. She’s still hunkered down by the dining room table. I close the door and go to the railing. I poke my head over and look at the windows & siding, nothing obviously wrong there (I was thinking that someone had thrown something at us or something had sprung off). I look down at the grass and see a bird. On its back. Not moving.
Not good since it’s sprinkling. I watch it for a bit, still no movement. I go back inside and look at the windows again. There’s a mark on one of them that I think is from the bird. It’s mostly white, I didn’t see any blood. Then again I didn’t look at it close enough to see any details. I hope the rain revived the little guy and he was able to fly away. I’d rather have the hope that he’ll be okay than the confirmation that we won’t.
Apparently I need to put something on the dining room windows. Keep other birds from doing what this guy did. There are no screens up, so it’s just the (relatively) clear glass. Maybe I’ll hang some beads or a sun catcher. Something to indicate that there’s not clear passage there.
We’ve already reached our high for the day. How crazy is that? We’re going back to Spring weather after days and days of early Summer. It’s supposed to get down in the 50’s as the day goes on. It was only 60 when I drove into work.
Canes apparently wanted another day off between games since they didn’t show up to last night’s game. I can’t even blame the refs, although the folks I was watching the game with were. The refs were far, Far worse in previous games. We were just playing at playing. We didn’t go after the puck. We didn’t shoot the puck. We weren’t hitting like we should.
It’s not that Boston was playing extremely well. They weren’t. They were just playing better than we were. Sloppy passing. No speed. I hope the guys get some rest and their ears chewed off by the coaching staff.
Part of me wonders, just a little, if the Canes threw the game. If upper management wanted them too, so that there would be one more home game this series. One more chance to make some money off the fans. I’d like to think we wouldn’t do that but I just don’t have the best opinion of the owners/managers.
I look around the dining room. Nothing appears out of place. I open the door to the balcony and look back to see if Luna is following. She’s still hunkered down by the dining room table. I close the door and go to the railing. I poke my head over and look at the windows & siding, nothing obviously wrong there (I was thinking that someone had thrown something at us or something had sprung off). I look down at the grass and see a bird. On its back. Not moving.
Not good since it’s sprinkling. I watch it for a bit, still no movement. I go back inside and look at the windows again. There’s a mark on one of them that I think is from the bird. It’s mostly white, I didn’t see any blood. Then again I didn’t look at it close enough to see any details. I hope the rain revived the little guy and he was able to fly away. I’d rather have the hope that he’ll be okay than the confirmation that we won’t.
Apparently I need to put something on the dining room windows. Keep other birds from doing what this guy did. There are no screens up, so it’s just the (relatively) clear glass. Maybe I’ll hang some beads or a sun catcher. Something to indicate that there’s not clear passage there.
We’ve already reached our high for the day. How crazy is that? We’re going back to Spring weather after days and days of early Summer. It’s supposed to get down in the 50’s as the day goes on. It was only 60 when I drove into work.
Canes apparently wanted another day off between games since they didn’t show up to last night’s game. I can’t even blame the refs, although the folks I was watching the game with were. The refs were far, Far worse in previous games. We were just playing at playing. We didn’t go after the puck. We didn’t shoot the puck. We weren’t hitting like we should.
It’s not that Boston was playing extremely well. They weren’t. They were just playing better than we were. Sloppy passing. No speed. I hope the guys get some rest and their ears chewed off by the coaching staff.
Part of me wonders, just a little, if the Canes threw the game. If upper management wanted them too, so that there would be one more home game this series. One more chance to make some money off the fans. I’d like to think we wouldn’t do that but I just don’t have the best opinion of the owners/managers.