This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stubborn, Toothy, Luna Cat

So the Stanley Cup finals aren't a repeat of last year. Yay for that. Still not overly thrilled about the teams who are vying for the cup. Ah well. Always next year for the Canes to win it again.

The Lunar Child has been in a mood of late. I've got the fresh fang marks to prove it. Maybe it's due to the full moon being last Sunday. Gives her extra strength and mischievousness. Currently she's trying to squeeze her way between the sliding doors of the closet. She's been squirted with water. Repeatedly. Enough that her entire coat is damp. It hasn't stopped her.

Maybe I should change her name to Serenity. Perhaps she would live up to that name like she has to her current one.
As an update. Luna spent the majority of Thursday locked in my room. She was an unholy terror before work. So I locked her up.

She had fresh water, food, clean litter box, toys and windows. One of the better prisons I've heard of.

When I got home she was rather subdued. And, maybe I'm just projecting here, she looked sorry. And sad.
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