This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, July 27, 2009

4-Day Recap. Shorthand(ish)

I know, I know. I go two days without posting and this post is all you get. Lots of stuff happened, some of which I can't post about yet. I'll post the bits I can.

- Late last week, I had no internet at home. Apparently the wireless router died. So, because I waited til Thursday morning to write Thursday's entry, there was no post.
- Friday the router wasn't replaced until I was at work. When I got home from work, I didn't turn my computer on. I didn't turn my computer on until Saturday afternoon.
- Saturday afternoon & evening, I was out and about. Then I went to bed earlyish. Well, early for me for a Saturday when I'm not sick (i.e. before Midnight).
- Sunday I went to the beach. I have pictures. I'll post 'em. Eventually.
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