This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

HP recap

HP and the 0.5 Blood Prince was supposed to start at 1220. The previews started and stopped. And started and stopped. And started and stopped. Manager came in and said there was a problem with the projector and they were working on it. If the guy fixing it didn't get it up and running in the next few minutes the manager said he'd bring projector guy into the theatre so we could throw stuff at him.

Previews started and kept going at 1247. Several previews. End credits started at 0311.

Movie was ..okay. Not, in my opinion, as good as the others. Doesn't seem like that much happened. I think it's because of all the dialogue and actual acting. Previous movies have more action and less acting. I dunno. If I knew before the movie what I know now, I would have skipped the midnight premier.

The more I thought about the movie (as I tried to find a way out of the stupid parking garage), the more I realized things were brought up but not answered. Events happened, seemed like a big deal, but no mention was made of it later. Other things were going on without any explanation. And I haven't read the books.

I'll watch it again. On TV or the dollar theatre but not for $9.50.
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