This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend Trip & Domesticity

The weekend was pretty much as I anticipated: Nephews were (are) cute and the drive was wretched. I saw (at least) 18 Virginia state troopers on my drive up. Apparently they were having some sort of crack down on speeding and aggressive driving. I saw only three on my drive back. I guess they were still recovering from Friday's work?

I'd share pictures but I forgot to take my camera. Tho that didn't stop me from taking a lot with someone else's camera :) I'll eventually get copies of the pix I took. Sometime (ahem).

Today was fairly domestic. I did some laundry, some dishes and some recycling. I also had my first PT session for my knee. The guy was funny and the knee was manhandled something fierce. The pain didn't set in until about 2045 and man did it ever.

It made it hard to avoid Miss Luna Pants and her Fiona personality. I now have new bite and claw marks on both of my ankles. They itch something fierce too. She's likely still damp from the repercussions.
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