This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Do You Hear A Phone Ringing? Me Neither...

I had a meeting at work today at 0700. I got there at 0650 and walked into the meeting room. There were only three other people there. There were about 60 people coming, so to have so few seemed odd. I went to the breakroom to get some ice for my morning soda and saw several folks hanging out.

One guy (head of his dept.)asks what I'm doing there. I said I was there for the meeting. He said it was canceled last night. As he's known for joking around, I figure he was just pulling my leg. He went on to say that he tried calling me but he forgot to have me paged. I said my phone never rang and walked back to the meeting room. There was one extra person there and it was now 0659.

I go outside and call another manager. Asks him if the meeting was canceled. He said yeah, I was called last night. I explained that nobody had called me last night or my minions. I go back outside and tell the folks who were unlucky like me that the meeting was canceled last night (about 2130) and we were just left off the call list.

My day did not improve. I ended up leaving work about 1745. At least I took a real lunch today. Left the office and everything. For almost the entire time of my allotted hour. Woo.
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