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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Luna Cat - The Music Critic
My beloved, sweet, innocent, passive, non-aggressive (sarcasm? You betcha) Luna girl was playing in the other room. I'm singing along to the song I posted yesterday and she comes running in the room.
She puts her paws up on the side of my bed and licks my arm. Her eyes are huge and she's obviously concerned. Perhaps she thought I was wailing in pain?
I coo at her for being such a sweet girl. Reassure her that I'm okay and then start to sing again. Sweet, gentle Luna stops licking and starts biting. Hard. I have fang impressions in my arm. On my hand. On my elbow. Some long scratches. Only one is seeping blood.
Not sure if she's upset about the caliber of my singing. Or if she's ticked because she came running in to aide me and I didn't need it. Or if she just doesn't like the song.
I was in choir from elementary school through high school. I used to think I could carry a decent tune. Obviously Luna disagrees.
Of course I continue to sing. It's just interrupted by interjections of, "No! Gentle!" and "Hi Sweetie". The latter for when she jumps up on me and lets me (very briefly) cuddle her before the gnawing commences, which is when the former is utilized.
Pseudo Unrelatedly
She's only been to the litter box twice in 4 hours!!!! Not sure if it's the meds or the random canned food I've been trying. Or the high priced dry food I started giving her on Wednesday. Glad she's better!
She puts her paws up on the side of my bed and licks my arm. Her eyes are huge and she's obviously concerned. Perhaps she thought I was wailing in pain?
I coo at her for being such a sweet girl. Reassure her that I'm okay and then start to sing again. Sweet, gentle Luna stops licking and starts biting. Hard. I have fang impressions in my arm. On my hand. On my elbow. Some long scratches. Only one is seeping blood.
Not sure if she's upset about the caliber of my singing. Or if she's ticked because she came running in to aide me and I didn't need it. Or if she just doesn't like the song.
I was in choir from elementary school through high school. I used to think I could carry a decent tune. Obviously Luna disagrees.
Of course I continue to sing. It's just interrupted by interjections of, "No! Gentle!" and "Hi Sweetie". The latter for when she jumps up on me and lets me (very briefly) cuddle her before the gnawing commences, which is when the former is utilized.
Pseudo Unrelatedly
She's only been to the litter box twice in 4 hours!!!! Not sure if it's the meds or the random canned food I've been trying. Or the high priced dry food I started giving her on Wednesday. Glad she's better!
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Sad is what it is. I had to audition for the choir in High School!! Where did all my singing prowess go? Oy.
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