About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sorry For Being a Slacker...
It's late but I will post something!!! I don't want to go an entire week without an entry. That would just be pitiful.
Still behind but not too badly. If I write 2000 words a day for the rest of the month, I'll hit the 50k mark. Currently have 36,081 words. Still no clear plot. Another dead body is on the horizon though. That should produce a lot of words.
Canes lost tonight, err last night, to the Stars. So we're still winless on the road. Boo!! But we've won two games recently! And they were in a row!! So there have been some bright spots. Then again, Ruutu left the game with an injury tonight. We can't seem to shake the injury hex. Grrr!!! (what do you want me from? it's late! Grrr! was the best I could do)
I started listening to Christmas songs today. How sad am I? Need to get the Trans-Siberian Orchestra cd with Wizards of Winter on it.
Still behind but not too badly. If I write 2000 words a day for the rest of the month, I'll hit the 50k mark. Currently have 36,081 words. Still no clear plot. Another dead body is on the horizon though. That should produce a lot of words.
Canes lost tonight, err last night, to the Stars. So we're still winless on the road. Boo!! But we've won two games recently! And they were in a row!! So there have been some bright spots. Then again, Ruutu left the game with an injury tonight. We can't seem to shake the injury hex. Grrr!!! (what do you want me from? it's late! Grrr! was the best I could do)
I started listening to Christmas songs today. How sad am I? Need to get the Trans-Siberian Orchestra cd with Wizards of Winter on it.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Piano Stairs - The Fun Theory
One question: How many more people were injured that day? All that hopping about on the stairs.
Monday, November 16, 2009
I Found A Dead Body Tonight...
I wrote over four thousand words yesterday. More than two thousand words written today. You'd think I'd be able to write something for a simple blog post, right? Wrong!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Bouncing Water Drops
Go ahead and get your geek on cause this is cool!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Right Whales Sighted Near Fort Fisher
Three Right whales were spotted last Sunday, three miles off the NC coast near Fort Fisher. It's the earliest recorded sighting in these waters. How cool is that? See article and photo here.
I'm over 15k in and I haven't killed a character yet. That may be a record for me. No worries though, there's a murder on the horizon. I just need to write it.
I'm over 15k in and I haven't killed a character yet. That may be a record for me. No worries though, there's a murder on the horizon. I just need to write it.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
No Impact Man
I so want to see this.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Heal Well, Cam!
Video of Cam Ward getting sliced during the Canes vs CBJ game on Saturday night. Cam is out for 3-4 weeks, at a minimum, with a laceration to his thigh. Coming home to Raleigh sometime today, after two nights in a Columbus hospital. There is blood on the ice, so prepare yourself if you're a squeamish sort.
Friday, November 06, 2009
Welcome, Little One!
Welcome to the outside, Jacob Thomas! You've got yourself a great family, little man. Jake was born on Nov. 5, at 11:05 pm. He weighs 8 lbs, 6 oz. Minion -- I mean Mom and baby are doing well.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
A List Without Bullets (there are dashes!)
Mostly because I don't know how to add them in html.
- NaNo word widget still down. Just like my word count.
- Crossed the 5,000 word mark yesterday.. (barely)
- Still no NaNo words written today, but I did write a letter of violation that had over 1000 words. Sadly that was for work and I can't use it.
- Luna doing much better this evening. Still not her usual self tho
- Am tired
- Am thankful tomorrow is Friday
To the Amy's out there: Feel better soon!! PUSHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Erm, two different Amy's. Two different medical situations going on. Hopefully you can figure out which one is meant for you. :)
- NaNo word widget still down. Just like my word count.
- Crossed the 5,000 word mark yesterday.. (barely)
- Still no NaNo words written today, but I did write a letter of violation that had over 1000 words. Sadly that was for work and I can't use it.
- Luna doing much better this evening. Still not her usual self tho
- Am tired
- Am thankful tomorrow is Friday
To the Amy's out there: Feel better soon!! PUSHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Erm, two different Amy's. Two different medical situations going on. Hopefully you can figure out which one is meant for you. :)
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Not Going Crazy (yet)
Back in NC. Trip up north went well. JT and MM are as cute as ever! Even when grouchy and whiny and loud. Still unsure on what the heck the craze is with Bakugan. I'm okay with that tho, since I'm not a pre-adolescent boy.
The Canes are imploding. I hope they find their rhythm soon! It's painful to watch us get our butts skated all over. I understand we've had a series of injuries on key players. But this is when the non-key players should take the advantage to show their stuff! C'mon Canes!! I still love yall but you're making me so sad! :(
I'm continuing my trend of the last few years. That is, I've named my novel after a U2 song. This year's is "Unknown Caller." I changed it on Sunday. Prior to that it had been "I Know I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight." What I had really intended to name it originally was, "I'll Go Crazy (Remix)" but didn't figure that would work. Even as a temporary title on a piece of work that will prolly never go past my laptop.
Unknown Caller seems to fit better. And if I can get back to a plot (currently stuck in an upper crust, high society, hair salon) I'll like it even more. I think. I hope.
The Canes are imploding. I hope they find their rhythm soon! It's painful to watch us get our butts skated all over. I understand we've had a series of injuries on key players. But this is when the non-key players should take the advantage to show their stuff! C'mon Canes!! I still love yall but you're making me so sad! :(
I'm continuing my trend of the last few years. That is, I've named my novel after a U2 song. This year's is "Unknown Caller." I changed it on Sunday. Prior to that it had been "I Know I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight." What I had really intended to name it originally was, "I'll Go Crazy (Remix)" but didn't figure that would work. Even as a temporary title on a piece of work that will prolly never go past my laptop.
Unknown Caller seems to fit better. And if I can get back to a plot (currently stuck in an upper crust, high society, hair salon) I'll like it even more. I think. I hope.
Monday, November 02, 2009
NaNoWrimo 2009 Has Begun

The above is supposed to be a widget showing my progress to date. Apparently the NaNo site is experiencing issues with the widgets. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon!
As of today we're supposed to have written 3,334 words. I have written 3,406. Which means I'm 72 words ahead of where I should be. Go me and all that. ;)
The story is a real stinker. I'm hoping it'll get better, find a plot, etc. Otherwise this month will be pure torture.