This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Kitchen Sink Uprising

Gah! Before I get into my real post I just wanna whine & moan about firefox crashing in the middle of my first draft to this entry. Grrrrr! Argh even.

If you're wondering why I'm posting an entry after midnight yet before 6.30 in the morning it's because I'm too paranoid & wound up to sleep just yet. See my kitchen sink has been backing up with dirty, nasty, vile, greasy, gritty, vomity-smelling water since about 8.30 Thursday night. I called the after hours emergency maintenance line. When I finally got the on-call maintenance guy to call me back he told me it sounded like a clog. Golly gee buddy and here I thought the pipes were flowing just fine. Geez.

Anyway he goes into this "explanation" of how it will be a long and involved process. That he'd have to snake the entire line and take things apart and it'd take awhile and he'd get to it first thing in the morning (which is, apparently, 8.30). I made sure that I would not be responsible for ANY damage that may come from nasty water overflowing from the sink. He said that no, he'd be responsible. I told him that I'd already bailed two potfulls of water down my toilet because the water level was getting high in my sink. Didn't phase him any.

After hanging up with him I called the main office number & left a detailed message there. Remembering my bathroom ceiling incident and how long it took before it was resolved. I decided to go ahead and email the apartment manager too. Both times (voicemail & email)I asked for someone to call me when the problem was fixed & to let me know if there was any damage as I didn't want to come home and be surprised.

In the email I documented both my conversation with the maintenance guy And the message I had left on the machine. See the maintenance guys get in the office before the administrative staff and could, theoretically, delete my message. Basically I was covering my bases so that I can say "Hey! I called and the guy didn't come. Not my fault there's water damage."

I've completely cleared my counter off around my sink as well as under the sink. Only things left on the counter are the three pots I've used to bail out water. At one point I had all three full and the water was 3/4 the way up my sink and still rising. I thought it was over then & there. I managed to dump one pot of water & get back into the kitchen to refill that pot without the vile water rising too much. Currently the sink is empty (*knock on wood*) except for ..particles & lysol residue. The particles are from the nasty water, lysol residue is from yours truly spraying the crap outta the sink & the pots trying to rid the air of the stench. I've currently got some incense burning, it smells much better in here now.

I have to get up in about four hours to get ready for work. I'm nearly ready to go to bed. I just Really don't want to wake up to a sink full of disgusting water or, worse yet, disgusting water on my counter tops, floor and down my cabinets. What are the odds that the maintenance peeps will clean up a mess like that? I mean Clean it, not just wipe it up. Actually busting out some cleaning products. I'm thinking slim to nil on the cleaning products.

Okay so I've rambled long enough that my incense has nearly finished burning. Think I'll put on the pajamas and head to bed. Hopefully I'll get some sleep.
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