About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Until the End of the World snippet
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I'll Go Crazy... Remix
From Chicago's Soldier Field on September 13, 2009 during U2's 360 Tour
Labels: 360 Tour, Chicago, Soldier Field, U2
Friday, September 25, 2009
U2 Ultraviolet - Chicago 9/13/09
I didn't get the beginning. I was calling Cupcake so she could 'listen' so was a little slow on the record. That and I thought I had hit record, when really I hadn't. Just glad I noticed when I did. Sound is a lot better than I thought it would be. I get to try again on Tuesday!!!! :)
Labels: 360 Tour, Chicago, Soldier Field, U2
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Moms of the World, Read This!
Researchers at Kingston University in the UK found that an unmade bed is less appealing to dust mites, since the linens retain less moisture. Read the abstract of The psychrometric control of house dust mites: a pilot study.
So Moms, how's it feel to know that every time you ever told your child to make their bed, you were actually creating a better environment for dust mites (aka wee beasties)? Feel guilty now? How about you moms with asthmatic kids? How's your guilt level? Hmmm?? ;)
So Moms, how's it feel to know that every time you ever told your child to make their bed, you were actually creating a better environment for dust mites (aka wee beasties)? Feel guilty now? How about you moms with asthmatic kids? How's your guilt level? Hmmm?? ;)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Bono the Masseur
I could totally use one of these right now.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Autumn? Says Who?
Although they did have snow in Colorado yesterday (or maybe it was over the weekend). And some of the trees around here are less green than they had been. Still seems early for Fall though. This year has just flown by.
Anyway, Happy Autumn!!
Anyway, Happy Autumn!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
National Public Lands Day
This Saturday, September 26th, is the 16th annual National Public Lands Day. It's the nation's largest hands-on volunteer effort to improve the (American) public lands. Pretty spiffy. Sad that this is the first year I've heard about it. Thank you, random Merrell email.
After volunteering at a park, you can reward yourself by watching the season premier of Saturday Night Light. No idea who the chickie is that's hosting. Don't care either. U2 is performing!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!
After volunteering at a park, you can reward yourself by watching the season premier of Saturday Night Light. No idea who the chickie is that's hosting. Don't care either. U2 is performing!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
U2 Withdrawals
Not even a week since I saw them perform and I'm already impatient for my next show! It's not for over a week!! :( Not sure I'll survive. Although U2 is on the season premier of Saturday Night Live... that might help. Possibly. Hopefully.
I know, I know. I haven't posted any pix or video yet. I haven't even uploaded them onto my computer. First I was coming down off my U2 high, then I was lazy, then my touchpad broke and now I'm in the process of trying to spend A LOT of money. And the whole incident with my plane locking its brakes & blowing a tire after we landed at RDU didn't help my productivity any.
All of those are just excuses, I know. Doesn't mean the videos & pix are any closer to being posted tho :)
I know, I know. I haven't posted any pix or video yet. I haven't even uploaded them onto my computer. First I was coming down off my U2 high, then I was lazy, then my touchpad broke and now I'm in the process of trying to spend A LOT of money. And the whole incident with my plane locking its brakes & blowing a tire after we landed at RDU didn't help my productivity any.
All of those are just excuses, I know. Doesn't mean the videos & pix are any closer to being posted tho :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Luna Luna Luna Luna LUNA!!!
She's been with me for a year now! Time surely flies and my little girl has grown 10 times in size. Literally. She weighed less than a pound when she found me and now she weighs over 10. My little pork pie cutie girl.
I'd post pictures but I still haven't uploaded my U2 ones and I'm having computer difficulties. Also, I'm lazy.
I'd post pictures but I still haven't uploaded my U2 ones and I'm having computer difficulties. Also, I'm lazy.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mini Chicago Recap
Chicago was great. The company I spent my time with was even better though. And the U2 concert (Sept 13) was beyond awesome. I have a ton of pix and a couple of videos from it. Just don't tell anyone as there were signs up all over Soldier Field saying no professional photography or video equipment allowed. Neither of which I had, just my little hand held digital Canon, but you never know what people will do. Especially if you get an awesome shot or a overly revealing one.
Maybe tomorrow I'll have the images/vids uploaded from my camera. Or later this week...
Maybe tomorrow I'll have the images/vids uploaded from my camera. Or later this week...
Labels: 360 Tour, Chicago, September 13, U2
Friday, September 11, 2009
Crazy Cat
She came running into my room, bit my foot and then went running out when I yelled.
Also, I've determined that she doesn't like me singing any song. Was singing a duet with Miranda Lambert earlier this week and Lunatic, I mean Luna, started pawing at my face. *sigh* Apparently, if I had to audition for my high school choir now, I wouldn't make the cut. Ah well.
Also, I've determined that she doesn't like me singing any song. Was singing a duet with Miranda Lambert earlier this week and Lunatic, I mean Luna, started pawing at my face. *sigh* Apparently, if I had to audition for my high school choir now, I wouldn't make the cut. Ah well.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
You Know You Want An Inner Gong Too
I know three different people who either were or are currently in Paris. Yes, the one in France. Okay, technically I only sort of know one of the people. I have met him and I did talk to him.. so that's like knowing him. Right?
Okay, okay. So by talking to him I mean I got his autograph and asked a question. That's definitely meeting him tho!!
Anywho, it must be a fine time to be in Paris. Maybe next year I'll see what all the fuss is about. Well, after I check out Ireland of course. and assuming I actually leave Ireland once I get there. :)
I lay the blame for my Ireland fascination squarely on Mrs. Crary, my 5th grade teacher. Or maybe she was 4th grade. Either way, it's all her fault. She had to go and teach us mythology. Greek was nifty. Rome was nice. But the Celts!! Totally rang the inner me gong (surely such a thing exists). It's been chiming ever since (yes, chiming. gonging just sounds wrong, ringing is for a phone and tolling makes me think of Hemingway).
My love and adoration of U2 has only increased the resonating (it can chime and resonate, thankyouverymuch) of my inner gong.
Okay, okay. So by talking to him I mean I got his autograph and asked a question. That's definitely meeting him tho!!
Anywho, it must be a fine time to be in Paris. Maybe next year I'll see what all the fuss is about. Well, after I check out Ireland of course. and assuming I actually leave Ireland once I get there. :)
I lay the blame for my Ireland fascination squarely on Mrs. Crary, my 5th grade teacher. Or maybe she was 4th grade. Either way, it's all her fault. She had to go and teach us mythology. Greek was nifty. Rome was nice. But the Celts!! Totally rang the inner me gong (surely such a thing exists). It's been chiming ever since (yes, chiming. gonging just sounds wrong, ringing is for a phone and tolling makes me think of Hemingway).
My love and adoration of U2 has only increased the resonating (it can chime and resonate, thankyouverymuch) of my inner gong.
Labels: elementary school, Ireland, mythology, Paris, U2
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
U2. Blackberry. Mobile Album?
There's a rumor running around the 'net about U2 and Blackberry. The possiblity that BB will release a mobile album this Saturday.. That would be the first date of U2's US leg. Or Chicago Night 1. I'll be in Chitown, but sadly not at the gig. My euphoria will have to wait until Sunday.
Whatchall think about this mobile album dealie? Read Article Here
Today is the dreaded 09.09.09. People are so squirrelly sometimes. Wait until 11.11.11. comes around. Oy!
Whatchall think about this mobile album dealie? Read Article Here
Today is the dreaded 09.09.09. People are so squirrelly sometimes. Wait until 11.11.11. comes around. Oy!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Luna's Labor Day
Friday, September 04, 2009
Watermelon Exhaust
Apparently folks have done some testing and determined that watermelons are a pretty swanky option for making ethanol. Who knew? Although this begs the question, Will mufflers now have seed spitting contests?
Watermelon Juice: The New Fuel? by Michael Reilly, Discovery News
Watermelon Juice: The New Fuel? by Michael Reilly, Discovery News