About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Timely Observations
There was a full moon last night, the first day of Autumn was recently and the temperature hasn't been in the 90s for a couple of days now. Yep, definitely beginning to feel like Fall to me.
Canes beat the Bluejackets tonight - Woohoo! - in a pre-season game. Their opening night game is swiftly approaching - October 3rd vs the Canadiens - and another home game on that Saturday (Oct 5th) vs the flightless birds of Pittsburgh.
All of which are yet more signs that Autumn is showing her presence. All I can say is Hooray! :)
Canes beat the Bluejackets tonight - Woohoo! - in a pre-season game. Their opening night game is swiftly approaching - October 3rd vs the Canadiens - and another home game on that Saturday (Oct 5th) vs the flightless birds of Pittsburgh.
All of which are yet more signs that Autumn is showing her presence. All I can say is Hooray! :)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Right About Now...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Watch Out For Big Pinky-Purple Fives
I was on a forum earlier today (yesterday) and read someone's rant over the design of the new five dollar bill. Guy was ticked because of the new pink color in it. Saying how it was disrespectful to "hard core Americans" and that the color is added to appease the "new fake citizens".
After I finished laughing, I had to inspect the new design to see what the fuss was all about.

Yeah, I don't see what the ruckus was all about. Especially since they won't be in circulation until next year. But at least I got a good chuckle out of it. :)
After I finished laughing, I had to inspect the new design to see what the fuss was all about.

Yeah, I don't see what the ruckus was all about. Especially since they won't be in circulation until next year. But at least I got a good chuckle out of it. :)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Whistle Bait
Woah! Check out the cinnamon on that tuna!!
Feel free to give me a translation of what you think this means...
Feel free to give me a translation of what you think this means...
Monday, September 24, 2007
Yes, I Copped Out. Again. What Of It?
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Pesky Brick Walls
I think the link below is only valid for a few more days. Wish I had seen it to post about yesterday when more of yall would have seen it. Hopefully you're reading this entry in time to see it now.
A Beloved Professor Delivers the Lecture of a Lifetime is an article in the Wall Street Journal by Jeff Zaslow, about a professor at Carnegie-Mellon (CM).
CM (and other universities) has a program called the Last Lecture Series, where top professors come in and give a Last Lecture. They impart their thoughts on what they think is important, what they've learned in life, what they would want people to remember them for, what their last words to people would be, etc.
It's pretty moving stuff. I admit it. I teared up reading the article and again when I watched the video. So go read & watch it and think about brick walls in a new way
A Beloved Professor Delivers the Lecture of a Lifetime is an article in the Wall Street Journal by Jeff Zaslow, about a professor at Carnegie-Mellon (CM).
CM (and other universities) has a program called the Last Lecture Series, where top professors come in and give a Last Lecture. They impart their thoughts on what they think is important, what they've learned in life, what they would want people to remember them for, what their last words to people would be, etc.
It's pretty moving stuff. I admit it. I teared up reading the article and again when I watched the video. So go read & watch it and think about brick walls in a new way
Friday, September 21, 2007
Moustachey Faces Forever...
Despite this amusing review of the movie Across the Universe, I'm still pretty sure I don't want to see it. Obviously, if The Edge were in it, I'd have seen it already. Probably.
Any of yall see it?
Say today's title like you were singing Strawberry Fields Forever :)
Any of yall see it?
Say today's title like you were singing Strawberry Fields Forever :)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Look What Miss Priss Dragged In...
A katydid!
(picture from Hilton Pond Center)
Or as M calls it, a leaf bug. Related to crickets and grasshoppers and capable of spiffy camouflage.
Miss Katydidleafbug was released back into the wilds of the backyard without any (visible) teeth marks. I explained to Priss that bugs are outside toys, I hope she was listening...

Miss Katydidleafbug was released back into the wilds of the backyard without any (visible) teeth marks. I explained to Priss that bugs are outside toys, I hope she was listening...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Last Saturday

I saw this guy. Didn't get his name so didn't want to post his face out on the WWW (thx T). Although, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't care. He seemed fairly ..laid back.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Hockey is back! Went to the first pre-season game of the Carolina Hurricanes on Sunday. Free parking for the free game for my first hockey game back in NC and tailgating with friends in the gorgeous weather after strolling around the Caniac Carnival. How can you beat that?? Oh right, by winning! And we did :):)
Goal tender Michael Leighton played. Good to know that we have solid goal tending if -god forbid- Cam or John are injured. Way to go Michael!
I was actually pretty surprised at how much checking the players did. I wasn't surprised by the lack of officiating done by the refs. Yes the person who screamed, among other things, "Get off your knees Ref, you're blowing the game!!!!" was me. Perhaps that's why I'm rather hoarse today.
In summary: Yay Hockey! :)
Goal tender Michael Leighton played. Good to know that we have solid goal tending if -god forbid- Cam or John are injured. Way to go Michael!
I was actually pretty surprised at how much checking the players did. I wasn't surprised by the lack of officiating done by the refs. Yes the person who screamed, among other things, "Get off your knees Ref, you're blowing the game!!!!" was me. Perhaps that's why I'm rather hoarse today.
In summary: Yay Hockey! :)
Friday, September 14, 2007
Foamy the Squirrel: Amplified Bible
Thursday, September 13, 2007
On Wednesday, I bought some epoxy from the hardware store. I need it to fix a pipe which assisted in the flooding of the residence downstairs as well as my having no water for six days. Admittedly the broken hot water heater had the starring role in the aforementioned events.
Anyway, I was reading the packaging for the epoxy last evening (shown to cause cancer, can glue throat closed if ingested, etc.) and began to wonder what other things it might be able to fix. A broken heart? Shattered dream? Mangled ego?
Sadly the package lists nothing of the kind. Although I wonder if perhaps the fumes will cause hallucinations making you think that your heart is whole, your dream is still alive and your ego is strong and healthy? Granted the results wouldn't be permanent but perhaps the headache (which is sure to follow after you come down from your fumigation high) will be so vicious that it will erase the memories of said heart breaking, dream shattering, ego shredding. Or maybe the fumes themselves will do that?
I'll let you know after I finish the repair job. If not, there's always propoxy... ;)
Anyway, I was reading the packaging for the epoxy last evening (shown to cause cancer, can glue throat closed if ingested, etc.) and began to wonder what other things it might be able to fix. A broken heart? Shattered dream? Mangled ego?
Sadly the package lists nothing of the kind. Although I wonder if perhaps the fumes will cause hallucinations making you think that your heart is whole, your dream is still alive and your ego is strong and healthy? Granted the results wouldn't be permanent but perhaps the headache (which is sure to follow after you come down from your fumigation high) will be so vicious that it will erase the memories of said heart breaking, dream shattering, ego shredding. Or maybe the fumes themselves will do that?
I'll let you know after I finish the repair job. If not, there's always propoxy... ;)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Keepin the Faith That Water Will Return Tomorrow....
I'm copping out on a posting a 'real' entry (again). In my defense I was on the road for nearly seven hours (pesky construction) today and am staying in a hotel where my internet access is limited (ie nonexistent except for at a Panera at a mall nearby). And no, my lack of internettedness (yes that's a real word, I just used it in a sentence, didn't I?) does not excuse yall from not responding to emails and/or text messages.
sarcasm - thank you Lowe's for taking nearly a WEEK to install a hot water tank end sarcasm
So here's a video of one of my favorite songs. Frankly I dont even watch the video, I just listen to it. John Hiatt's Have A Little Faith In Me
sarcasm - thank you Lowe's for taking nearly a WEEK to install a hot water tank end sarcasm
So here's a video of one of my favorite songs. Frankly I dont even watch the video, I just listen to it. John Hiatt's Have A Little Faith In Me
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Why I'm Proud To Be A Jayhawk.....
Friday, September 07, 2007
Run JT! RUN!!!!!!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
In My Hand Was Love
Flipping channels tonight I stumbled on Rattle and Hum playing on VH1C. WooHoo! After it goes off Classic Albums comes on covering The Joshua Tree. Holy Freaking WOOHOO! My first time seeing this. Shocking, right? My not having seen something U2 related. After the tons of Edge closeups and the ending of the show with Running To Stand Still playing (killer way to end it, btw) it's totally something I should own. One of yall should buy me the DVD :)
So after Classic Albums - The Joshua Tree ends guess what comes on?? ZooTV!!! I'm currently deeply in love with the VH1 Classic channel.
Best part? I got to watch them all on the big screen! Anywho, The Fly is nearly over & I already missed Zoo Station. I must go and bounce around the place.
So after Classic Albums - The Joshua Tree ends guess what comes on?? ZooTV!!! I'm currently deeply in love with the VH1 Classic channel.
Best part? I got to watch them all on the big screen! Anywho, The Fly is nearly over & I already missed Zoo Station. I must go and bounce around the place.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Turn Around Bright Eyes
During my road trip yesterday I had to make a U-Turn. Three times. That's what I get for traveling two lane highways without confirmed directions. Ah well. I still got to my destination in about eight hours. Thank you truckers.
I get here and a spooky tree greets me. I can't say as I'm surprised...
I get here and a spooky tree greets me. I can't say as I'm surprised...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Designer Bag vs Candles...
The other day Priss was snuggled up with my purse, snoozing the evening away. When my roomie saw this she said (paraphrasing here), "Priss I'm worried about you hon. Your taste in purses has gone downhill." I'm pretty sure she was insulting me, not Priss.
I easily could have said that she's a smart kitty, not throwing away her money on designer bags. She's saving it for important things - candles and books. But I bit my tongue and said that it was just a pity purse cuddle. M seemed mollified by that.
I easily could have said that she's a smart kitty, not throwing away her money on designer bags. She's saving it for important things - candles and books. But I bit my tongue and said that it was just a pity purse cuddle. M seemed mollified by that.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Dodging Butterflies
I was here last week...
View Larger Map
I know yall are jealous.
For those who don't recognize that strip of sand, it's part of Carolina Beach, North Carolina. Pretty, pretty, pretty area and not too crowded.. Unless you hooligans tell your friends and all converge on the place. Please don't do that! At least, when I'm going to be there anyway. :)
During the course of my drive there, around there & Wilmington (& Wrightsville Beach) and back, I nearly splattered dozens of butterflies on my windshield. Literally. I know I winged one with my side mirror :(
Thankfully that was the only casualty (that I'm aware of) caused by my me. It was pretty random. Last time I saw that many butterflies in one day is when I was assisting in a field count of Monarchs during their migration south, back in college. Yes I was a science nerd. I still am. I'm okay with that.
Anyway, if it helps yall feel better about my being at the beach, frolicking in the surf and lounging in the sand while you slaved away at work, I nearly got a sunburn.... I did get more freckles (which is what happens before a burn, so it was mighty close). What's that? It doesn't help? Eh, too bad. ;)
View Larger Map
I know yall are jealous.
For those who don't recognize that strip of sand, it's part of Carolina Beach, North Carolina. Pretty, pretty, pretty area and not too crowded.. Unless you hooligans tell your friends and all converge on the place. Please don't do that! At least, when I'm going to be there anyway. :)
During the course of my drive there, around there & Wilmington (& Wrightsville Beach) and back, I nearly splattered dozens of butterflies on my windshield. Literally. I know I winged one with my side mirror :(
Thankfully that was the only casualty (that I'm aware of) caused by my me. It was pretty random. Last time I saw that many butterflies in one day is when I was assisting in a field count of Monarchs during their migration south, back in college. Yes I was a science nerd. I still am. I'm okay with that.
Anyway, if it helps yall feel better about my being at the beach, frolicking in the surf and lounging in the sand while you slaved away at work, I nearly got a sunburn.... I did get more freckles (which is what happens before a burn, so it was mighty close). What's that? It doesn't help? Eh, too bad. ;)