About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Different Kind of Freezing Down Here...
I refuse to believe that I jinxed the Canes by commenting on them yesterday in my post!! However, just in case I did, I won't mention future games. Cause it can't hurt to be cautious. Let me just say this, I hope other teams do what the people in the video below did when my guys are playing them...
(Thanks for the linkage, Toph)
(Thanks for the linkage, Toph)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Baseball Has A Draft?
I would tell you that I've been training this week (10 hours a day) and then going to work for a couple hours after. Making a total of 12 hour days since Tuesday. However, is that really a good excuse for my sporadic posting this week? Umm YES! ;)
My dear Canes have been making me very happy lately. We play the Rangers tonight.
I'd talk more, but my pizza just got here. Mmmm pizza and hockey. What a night!
My dear Canes have been making me very happy lately. We play the Rangers tonight.
I'd talk more, but my pizza just got here. Mmmm pizza and hockey. What a night!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
We Love Who? Oh. Ronnie Drew.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Who Needs A Water Dish?
I was just sitting down to write today's entry when I was distracted by an odd sound. The best way I can describe it is a gurgly thumping sloshing. Obviously not a Good sound but I couldn't fathom what it would be. I knew it was caused by The Cat.
I step into the hallway and pause. Was she (The Cat) in the living room area, bathroom or the roommate's bedroom? I hear the thumping gurgle (with slightly less slosh) and pinpoint it to the bathroom.
I peer in and see The Cat, looking at me, with her paw on top of the three liter bottle of water. She then paws at the water, attempts to drink and can't reach it. So she then takes both paws and attempts to tip it over. Gurgle thump slosh.
She did manage to move the bottle two feet and push up the bath rug in her process. She also left little puddles of water. I shoo her out and put the lid on the bottle.
I'm not sure why she wanted to drink from the bottle. The toilet seat was up and that's her preferred drinking spot. Crazy cat.
For those of you who are wondering, the three liter bottle is for my house plants. I stick it under the shower nozzle to fill with the excess shower water in the morning.
I step into the hallway and pause. Was she (The Cat) in the living room area, bathroom or the roommate's bedroom? I hear the thumping gurgle (with slightly less slosh) and pinpoint it to the bathroom.
I peer in and see The Cat, looking at me, with her paw on top of the three liter bottle of water. She then paws at the water, attempts to drink and can't reach it. So she then takes both paws and attempts to tip it over. Gurgle thump slosh.
She did manage to move the bottle two feet and push up the bath rug in her process. She also left little puddles of water. I shoo her out and put the lid on the bottle.
I'm not sure why she wanted to drink from the bottle. The toilet seat was up and that's her preferred drinking spot. Crazy cat.
For those of you who are wondering, the three liter bottle is for my house plants. I stick it under the shower nozzle to fill with the excess shower water in the morning.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Oopsie Daisy
An entry to say that I won't be posting anything this morning. How considerate am I??
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I Karate Chopped A Birdbath -
because that's what the email said I did.
More importantly
U2 Hits The Studio In Dublin

Picture acquired from here. Yay Edge for wearing his seatbelt! Even if the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car.
I saw bits of the eclipse last night. I stayed out and watched it til 10:20 or so. Then I came inside and crashed. I didn't even taunt the cat first.
Canes play Thrashers tonight at home. No I don't have tix. I won't even be home to watch it. I am wearing red to bring them luck though.
More importantly
U2 Hits The Studio In Dublin
Picture acquired from here. Yay Edge for wearing his seatbelt! Even if the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car.
I saw bits of the eclipse last night. I stayed out and watched it til 10:20 or so. Then I came inside and crashed. I didn't even taunt the cat first.
Canes play Thrashers tonight at home. No I don't have tix. I won't even be home to watch it. I am wearing red to bring them luck though.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Too Tired To Be Ticked
Well, let me clarify. I'm too tired to be as ticked as I normally would be.
Hockey game last night was good, despite losing in a shootout. Before yall can start claiming I'm a jinx, Boston had their first goal (at nearly 5 mins into the first period) before I even got to my seat. That's right, no Eric Staal figurine for me. It's bad enough being late to a hockey game but missing out on free stuff makes it so much worse.
The power being off when I got home from work had nothing to do with the late arrival to the hockey game. I was ready and could easily have been at the arena over an hour before the game began.
I get to work both jobs tonight and hopefully get to see the total lunar eclipse.
Hockey game last night was good, despite losing in a shootout. Before yall can start claiming I'm a jinx, Boston had their first goal (at nearly 5 mins into the first period) before I even got to my seat. That's right, no Eric Staal figurine for me. It's bad enough being late to a hockey game but missing out on free stuff makes it so much worse.
The power being off when I got home from work had nothing to do with the late arrival to the hockey game. I was ready and could easily have been at the arena over an hour before the game began.
I get to work both jobs tonight and hopefully get to see the total lunar eclipse.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
If Only I had a Harmonica or A Star Case
Yeah, yeah, yeah I know I didn't post anything yesterday. I very nearly didn't turn my computer on this morning to post something. Yall gotta take what you can get. Or something.
I was up late last night/this morning because Escape To Witch Mountain was on. I hadn't seen that movie in years. It still amuses me, even with the mid-70's special effects. Now, if only Return from Witch Mountain and That Darn Cat were on later this week...
Canes play the Bruins at home tonight. I'm going. I hope the guys are fired up after yesterday's loss to the devils. We need a winning streak. Especially since we play the Thrashers & caps later this week.
I was up late last night/this morning because Escape To Witch Mountain was on. I hadn't seen that movie in years. It still amuses me, even with the mid-70's special effects. Now, if only Return from Witch Mountain and That Darn Cat were on later this week...
Canes play the Bruins at home tonight. I'm going. I hope the guys are fired up after yesterday's loss to the devils. We need a winning streak. Especially since we play the Thrashers & caps later this week.
Friday, February 15, 2008
May your new home have catnip, squishy food and your first Mom with her metal comb. We'll miss you, Merry Christmas.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Pink Squirreliness On Parade

And, oh yeah, Happy Birthday Bruins Boy! :)
Speaking of hockey, great game against the Bruins on Tuesday. Well except for about a 30-second stretch at the end. Canes take on pens tonight. Should be interesting. Sadly I'll miss it. Hopefully a coworker will call and give me an update or two. Repay the favor I did for her on Tuesday.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Frost Yourself

HOLY CRAP!! I'm still in a mix of denial and shock and disbelief. Two of the fans favorite Canes were traded yesterday. Cory Stillman and Mike Commodore are no longer Canes :( They've been traded to Ottawa for Joe Corvo and Patrick Eaves. Altho, to be honest, I'll miss Cory more than I will Mike. Mike had a knack for turnovers and getting stupid penalties. Not that he didn't do a helluva lot for the Canes. Having said that, there are two other defensemen I'd have rather seen traded before Mike.
I sincerely hope Corvo and Eaves make an immediate impact, else there will be a lot of Highly disgruntled fans. And regardless that the next home game is on Valentine's Day, there will be booing and catcalling at JR. Doesn't matter that Cory and Mike would've been free agents next year. And not every fan will be able to say, "At least this way Cory and Mike will definitely make it to the playoffs" and be happy for them.
Hopefully things will start going better for my boys.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hockey, Agenda, Blah Blah Blah
ARRGHHHH!!!! Canes lost to the Devils 6-1. I'm still heartbroken over it. Play the Bruins tomorrow night and the boys are finally back home on Thursday. Playing the crosby-less penguins.
To the folks who care, I work both jobs tonight & Thursday, writing on Weds. So don't try me at home if you need anything on those days.
Lousy entry for today, I know. Sorry. Should be headed back to work now anyway.
To the folks who care, I work both jobs tonight & Thursday, writing on Weds. So don't try me at home if you need anything on those days.
Lousy entry for today, I know. Sorry. Should be headed back to work now anyway.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Maybe I Should Stick Ovechkin in my Dryer
Sometimes, after you've let your clothes set in the dryer (after it's run) over night, it's hard to tell if the clothes are cold or still damp. Sadly my jeans are, in fact, still damp. Ah well. I'm sure they'll be dry before I come home from work.
Canes play the caps tonight. We really need this win as the caps are currently in first in the SE. They're ahead of us by one point and one game. LET'S GO CANES!!!
Canes play the caps tonight. We really need this win as the caps are currently in first in the SE. They're ahead of us by one point and one game. LET'S GO CANES!!!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
You're So Vain, You Probably Think This Post Is About You
For the record, I have major problems respecting anyone who lies. Especially people who lie on a daily basis. Are you really that insecure and shallow that you feel you have to lie to get attention? That's just pathetic. Grow up.
In the same vein, if you commit to something, give your word, then DO what it is that you said you would. How hard a concept is that to grasp people?! Sheesh.
Should be some fairly big news, in the airport world anyway, announced today.
In the same vein, if you commit to something, give your word, then DO what it is that you said you would. How hard a concept is that to grasp people?! Sheesh.
Should be some fairly big news, in the airport world anyway, announced today.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
And When You Talk, You Talk At Me
It was a squirrelly day at work yesterday. Lots of phone calls from Tizzy Guy (as in he's always in a tizzy about something that does not require to be in a tizzy about). Frankly I think he needs more to do. Too bad I can't off load some of my stuff onto them. Then again, his grammar and spelling are horrible.
Then I got to call a guy and interview him to be my boss. All impromptu and informal and fun, actually. I'm learning all kinds of nifty stuff these days. For example, I know what pharmacy drive-thru to avoid because a black widow spider lives in the metal bin you use to pay & get your meds. Now that's helpful info!
Now I just need to refresh myself on how to use Access. *sigh*
Good game last night between the Canes and the Predators. Some freaking awesome blocked shots by the goalies! Cam, sweetie, you still rock. Two horrible things about the game tho.
1 - Chad LaRose broke his left leg not even two minutes into the opening period when he went for a puck, lost his edge on the soft ice and slammed into the boards at a squirrelly angle.
2 - We lost.
Then I got to call a guy and interview him to be my boss. All impromptu and informal and fun, actually. I'm learning all kinds of nifty stuff these days. For example, I know what pharmacy drive-thru to avoid because a black widow spider lives in the metal bin you use to pay & get your meds. Now that's helpful info!
Now I just need to refresh myself on how to use Access. *sigh*
Good game last night between the Canes and the Predators. Some freaking awesome blocked shots by the goalies! Cam, sweetie, you still rock. Two horrible things about the game tho.
1 - Chad LaRose broke his left leg not even two minutes into the opening period when he went for a puck, lost his edge on the soft ice and slammed into the boards at a squirrelly angle.
2 - We lost.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Not Your Momma's Oregon Trail
I was up playing this squirrelly game instead of sleeping. Silly me.
Apparently there was some sort of football game on this past weekend. Who knew?
Apparently there was some sort of football game on this past weekend. Who knew?
Monday, February 04, 2008
I'm Not The Only One, Taking Cloth Bags Home
It's not like I needed another reason to love Ireland, but now I have one. They just raised their tax on plastic bags at the grocery store. How cool are they?!! Yet more reason for me to be drawn to that country.
For the record, I've had a love of Ireland long before I knew who U2 were.
For the record, I've had a love of Ireland long before I knew who U2 were.