About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
No, I Don't Want Fries With That
Most of yesterday was spent dealing with 35 gallons of grease (think used frying oil) splattered all over the pavement. And down a storm drain. I can’t even begin to describe how that smelled.
I didn’t think it could smell any worse, then the vacuum truck showed up. Not only was there the putrid smell from the grease basking in the sun for hours, there was now a very loud engine, pump & vacuum running to add to the mix. Oh and other, older, grease smells were also added from the vent stack of the truck.
Something I had blocked out from my early environmental consulting days. The exhaust of vac trucks has this nifty ability of enabling you to taste whatever is being sucked up. Lemme tell you, the taste of all that grease much, much worse than the smell.
On the bright side, I did not hurl. And I don’t think I’ll be going to any fast food restaurants any time soon.
I didn’t think it could smell any worse, then the vacuum truck showed up. Not only was there the putrid smell from the grease basking in the sun for hours, there was now a very loud engine, pump & vacuum running to add to the mix. Oh and other, older, grease smells were also added from the vent stack of the truck.
Something I had blocked out from my early environmental consulting days. The exhaust of vac trucks has this nifty ability of enabling you to taste whatever is being sucked up. Lemme tell you, the taste of all that grease much, much worse than the smell.
On the bright side, I did not hurl. And I don’t think I’ll be going to any fast food restaurants any time soon.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Biting Practice
As you can see, Luna is very adept at looking vicious. That snarl on her face, those (almost) lethal claws. Also, I sometimes call her Fiona.
Baby Kitty is awesome. She'll come when called. Fabulous kitten.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Famous Kitty
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Mini-Danikid
Freaky how much JT looks like his dad. I actually told his dad that yesterday. Said I could no longer call JT a cutie because of it. Poor JT.
Little Miss Thang (aka Kitten aka Luna aka Fiona aka Baby Kitty) is doing well. She has lots of energy and then she just crashes. She's either on the go or napping. Her grandpa heard her speak last night. I'm pretty sure he didn't get the same thrill as, say, when JT spoke for the first time. I don't think I'll tell her that, she might be heartbroken and take it out byjavascript:void(0) pouncing on my hands & feet even more.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
37 Minutes To Spare
I'm writing this entirely so I can say that I had a post today. I doubt it will lessen the grief giving some of yall will give.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fear Not -
Friday, September 19, 2008
Happy Last Friday of Summer 2008
Went to bed before midnight and was distracted with the kitten this morning. She is doing well. Vet confirmed that she is female and healthy. She's only 4-5 weeks old, so too young for the first round of vaccines. Appear like she was not only found on a full moon, but that she was born on one too - making her a Leo (astrologically speaking). Figures.
Saw The Women last night. Funny movie. Now I need to see the original.
Fall/Autumn begins Sunday. And we're actually having fall-like weather. Mid-70's for the highs, breezy, poofy clouds. It's beautiful!
Saw The Women last night. Funny movie. Now I need to see the original.
Fall/Autumn begins Sunday. And we're actually having fall-like weather. Mid-70's for the highs, breezy, poofy clouds. It's beautiful!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Not the Kitten
Thought I'd post this amusing video for yall. It came out in mid-July, I found it yesterday.
Kitten Update
She played and played and played last night. Socks, apparently, are a mortal enemy and must be pounced upon and chewed on, at all costs. There was lots of sideways hopping and posturing by her. Even a couple of fffttt's. She's very, very cute - I mean vicious.
Kitten Update
She played and played and played last night. Socks, apparently, are a mortal enemy and must be pounced upon and chewed on, at all costs. There was lots of sideways hopping and posturing by her. Even a couple of fffttt's. She's very, very cute - I mean vicious.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
More Evidence the Kitten Has Great Taste
She slept on my lap for just over two hours this evening. And then she went galloping up and down the hall. Pouncing on shadows, grains in the wood lament pattern, dust bunnies, wall outlet, my toes - whatever appealed to her at the time.
Currently she's sleeping again. This time in her box in my bathroom. Hopefully she'll be tucked in for the night. Or at least until nearly dawn, when I'll be rolling out of bed.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Kitten At Work & Play
Monday, September 15, 2008
A Non Partisan Message
Friday, September 12, 2008
It's Not Fat. It's My Winter Coat.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Is It Guilty In Here or Is It Just Me?
Yes the title for today's entry is from a Miranda Lambert song. Did yall think I would let you off that easily? Mwahahahahaha! I was tromping through the woods singing More Like Her today. It's amazing how well the pouring rain can make you sound. Maybe it's similar to singing in the shower..
Anyway, don't fret, my lovelies. I'll probably be on to a new performer soon. Maybe. Just be glad you're getting a U2 breather.. Or are you?
Green Links
Brilliant Earth offers *conflict free diamonds *recycled gold *eco friendly & fair labor practices *also sapphires
Eco friendly school supplies. I'm currently eyeballing their messenger bag.
I loathe McAfee.
Anyway, don't fret, my lovelies. I'll probably be on to a new performer soon. Maybe. Just be glad you're getting a U2 breather.. Or are you?
Green Links
Brilliant Earth offers *conflict free diamonds *recycled gold *eco friendly & fair labor practices *also sapphires
Eco friendly school supplies. I'm currently eyeballing their messenger bag.
I loathe McAfee.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Miranda Lambert
More Like Her
Gunpowder and Lead
Yeah, she's a country singer. What of it? Still far, far, Far better than rap!
Gunpowder and Lead
Yeah, she's a country singer. What of it? Still far, far, Far better than rap!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Help Me, Papa! The Plane Is Gonna Eat Me!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Hanna Hoopla
There were a plethora of news conferences, weather reports, speculations and mild freak outs by people during the preparation for TS Hanna. We got rain. Ooooh. Scary rain.
I think I saw two flashes of lightning. No unusual wind gusts. Hanna definitely did not reach severe thunderstorm level. At least, not in my neighborhood. Yes there were (and still are) areas of localized flooding. But that happens in non-tropical storm level storms.
I can't even elaborate on all the stuff that was done at work in preparation of Hanna. Maybe it was a dress rehearsal for Josephine, since Ike appears to prefer the Gulf waters over the Atlantic.
I managed to unplug my computer in the middle of writing this entry. Usually not a big deal. Except this time my battery was not locked in place. So I had to reboot. Basically, yall should really, really, really feel loved that I rebooted to finish writing it.
I think I saw two flashes of lightning. No unusual wind gusts. Hanna definitely did not reach severe thunderstorm level. At least, not in my neighborhood. Yes there were (and still are) areas of localized flooding. But that happens in non-tropical storm level storms.
I can't even elaborate on all the stuff that was done at work in preparation of Hanna. Maybe it was a dress rehearsal for Josephine, since Ike appears to prefer the Gulf waters over the Atlantic.
I managed to unplug my computer in the middle of writing this entry. Usually not a big deal. Except this time my battery was not locked in place. So I had to reboot. Basically, yall should really, really, really feel loved that I rebooted to finish writing it.
Friday, September 05, 2008
He Takes After His Auntie (Moi)
My very smart, very fashionable, very hockey wise nephew, JT. Not only is he supporting the fabulous Carolina Hurricanes, but he's also pondering a career in the aviation industry. Just look at how masterfully he guides the helicopter! Very suave, JT.

Thursday, September 04, 2008
Bring Out Your Zzzzzzzs
I should be sleeping - obviously. Unfortunately, I'm not tired enough. I can't even blame it on a long nap on the train today. I did crossword puzzles (4), read articles in a magazine (4 or 5) and read 200 pages of a book.
Then I went to dinner at the Olive Garden at 21:45. Apparently all the carbs and mind stimulation have left me unable to turn in for the night. I pestered the cat, showed off my acquisitions (ie trip souvenirs) to M and finished the book I started on the train (only had 50 pages left to read).
I think I'll turn in anyway. Perhaps lying in the dark will stimulate the sleep enzymes or what-have-you. I'll need all the rest I can get as there's likely a plethora of emails to wade through when I get to work tomorrow morning.
Hopefully a certain papa will send me pix of an initialed boy in a spiffy keen hat to me today.
Then I went to dinner at the Olive Garden at 21:45. Apparently all the carbs and mind stimulation have left me unable to turn in for the night. I pestered the cat, showed off my acquisitions (ie trip souvenirs) to M and finished the book I started on the train (only had 50 pages left to read).
I think I'll turn in anyway. Perhaps lying in the dark will stimulate the sleep enzymes or what-have-you. I'll need all the rest I can get as there's likely a plethora of emails to wade through when I get to work tomorrow morning.
Hopefully a certain papa will send me pix of an initialed boy in a spiffy keen hat to me today.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Not A Huuuuuggee Entry
At least I posted something yesterday. Yall should just stop rolling your eyes and muttering, "that's it? I checked her blog for That?!!" Obviously today's entry isn't any more riveting. You're gonna give yourself a seizure from all that eye rolling.
Hopefully tomorrow or Thursday I'll have a super awesome picture to share. It involves a certain initialed toddler (I think he's still technically a toddler) and the best hockey team in the world.
Shush. It's my blog.
Hopefully tomorrow or Thursday I'll have a super awesome picture to share. It involves a certain initialed toddler (I think he's still technically a toddler) and the best hockey team in the world.
Shush. It's my blog.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Frickin Frickin Frack Frack
I loathe comcast. and, currently, mozilla. BAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least it was a beautiful day outside. Breezy, not overly hot.
stupid internet.
At least it was a beautiful day outside. Breezy, not overly hot.
stupid internet.