About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
On September 18
I'll be buying this. Woooofreakinghooo!!!
Popmart Bono = hubba hubba. Though still a distant second to The Edge. :)
Popmart Bono = hubba hubba. Though still a distant second to The Edge. :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Edge Perusing Guitars in NYC
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Cat, Cosmo & Carbon...
Priss was reading an old copy of Cosmo on the living room floor earlier. Since she had felt the need to jump up on a cabinet (despite being told "NO" numerous times on previous occasions) to chew on a plant and ended up knocking over said plant and getting dirt and water all over some pictures, I felt the need to disturb her reading. Actually she was just lying on it but I'm pretty sure if she could read, she'd have been thumbing through it.
Anyway, I can't say as I've read Cosmo before. My impression of it had always been girly girls needing info on how to get a man, make a man happy, please him, trap him and marry him. With page after page after page about sex. Yeah, sad to say that my stereotypical thoughts were, in fact, correct. Good to be vindicated though.
The only good thing about the magazine (other than disturbing Priss and that I didn't spend any money on it) is that there was a two page article about things to do to lessen your carbon footprint. I was going to say real article but there are prolly lots of women who think thecrap other articles are useful.
Sure the article was short (it wasn't talking about pleasing your man, after all) and contained stuff I already knew (setting your thermostat to 70 instead of 68 in the summer & 68 instead of 70 in the winter can save about 2,000 pounds of CO2 a year, for example) but that's cool. At least it was in there. Hopefully a plethora of people read it and made changes accordingly.
What? You didn't think I could turn an entry about a cat tormenting a plant and reading Cosmo into an entry about Global Warming? Please. I've got mad skills! (yo)
Anyway, I can't say as I've read Cosmo before. My impression of it had always been girly girls needing info on how to get a man, make a man happy, please him, trap him and marry him. With page after page after page about sex. Yeah, sad to say that my stereotypical thoughts were, in fact, correct. Good to be vindicated though.
The only good thing about the magazine (other than disturbing Priss and that I didn't spend any money on it) is that there was a two page article about things to do to lessen your carbon footprint. I was going to say real article but there are prolly lots of women who think the
Sure the article was short (it wasn't talking about pleasing your man, after all) and contained stuff I already knew (setting your thermostat to 70 instead of 68 in the summer & 68 instead of 70 in the winter can save about 2,000 pounds of CO2 a year, for example) but that's cool. At least it was in there. Hopefully a plethora of people read it and made changes accordingly.
What? You didn't think I could turn an entry about a cat tormenting a plant and reading Cosmo into an entry about Global Warming? Please. I've got mad skills! (yo)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Things You Do For Friends...
I'm absurdly tired, yet still up. Why is it that I'm not in bed? Because my irksome dear roomie whined and fussed until I turned my computer back on to see what level I was at and how much money I've made so far in The Game.
We're both still addicts. I believe she is more so at this point because I surpassed her highest level yesterday (Mwahahahahahaha). Granted she has made more money than I have but I had the higher level!! Not that I'm competitive or keeping track or anything.
Anyway, one cannot merely start the game to check your standing without playing it. Okay, technically you can, but why would you??? It's The Game!!
Then Miss Priss was a muffin top cat in her basket of toys. I'll upload the pix later. Once I re-find the cable...
We're both still addicts. I believe she is more so at this point because I surpassed her highest level yesterday (Mwahahahahahaha). Granted she has made more money than I have but I had the higher level!! Not that I'm competitive or keeping track or anything.
Anyway, one cannot merely start the game to check your standing without playing it. Okay, technically you can, but why would you??? It's The Game!!
Then Miss Priss was a muffin top cat in her basket of toys. I'll upload the pix later. Once I re-find the cable...
Friday, August 24, 2007
Home Made Chips
Mmmmm chili cheese fries. Need I say more? I do? Fine, take a look at today's title or follow the link.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Unsuspecting U2Lorax...
Here's a spiffy keen phone interview with The Edge and some group called Negativland for Mondo 2000 magazine from 1992. I only wish I was savvy enough to copy the audio of the interview. Ah well. Maybe one of yall can help a computer challenged person? :)
And yes before this interview I had never heard of Negativland or Mondo 2000. I'm okay with that.
And yes before this interview I had never heard of Negativland or Mondo 2000. I'm okay with that.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Affirmative. I Poked One. It Was Dead.
I can't begin to explain to yall how amusing I find The Humans Are Dead by Flight Of The Conchords, a folk comedy duo from New Zealand. Sadly their website wasn't up to date the last time I checked (that'd be three minutes ago). However, Wikipedia has some current info on them, so surf on over there - after you watch the video clip.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Not Happy Sunday...
Daughtery (some guy/group/band that I've never heard of) doing a cover of Sunday Bloody Sunday. I'm not sure that they realize that it's not a happy song. Perhaps they're unaware that 26 civil protesters in Northern Ireland were gunned down by the British on January 30, 1972. The anniversary of this massacre is known as Bloody Sunday.
Plus the ..jam session at the end of the song is crap. However, I needed something to post today....
Monday, August 20, 2007
Yet Another Leo...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Happy Birthday Mom!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Endeavour Update
On August 8th, the Space Shuttle Endeavour took off for the space station. During the launch two tiles on the underbelly, near the wing, were damaged. According to NASA repairs are not needed for Endeavour to return safely.
For those who're interested, Roland Piquepaille's blog has pictures from Neptec Design Group of the damage to the tiles. Thanks Toph
Happy Friday everyone. May you all go country line dancing tonight because that's what your friend wants to do for her birthday and you can't get out of going without feeling like a major shlameel (shlamazel?). Or something.
For those who're interested, Roland Piquepaille's blog has pictures from Neptec Design Group of the damage to the tiles. Thanks Toph
Happy Friday everyone. May you all go country line dancing tonight because that's what your friend wants to do for her birthday and you can't get out of going without feeling like a major shlameel (shlamazel?). Or something.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Where Have All The Memories Flown?
I had a bright, big, bursting idea for today's blog entry. Sadly, I forgot what it was. Apparently it wasn't nearly as bright and big and bursting to be written down as it was to slide right out of my memory cells. Ah well.
Here's a link to an amusing story concerning a dog, a bag of sweet potatoes and an unsuspecting human. I was most entertained when I read it, hopefully yall will be too.
Here's a link to an amusing story concerning a dog, a bag of sweet potatoes and an unsuspecting human. I was most entertained when I read it, hopefully yall will be too.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I saw a commercial tonight that was a copy of one I saw last season. Well, last hockey season. The NFL is copying the NHL because they realize how freaking cool the NHL is. Silly, silly NFL.
Last hockey season there was a commercial with AO & Sid the Kid ordering crap & having it delivered to the others' hotel room, all the while claiming they were that person. The NFL commercial tonight did the same thing. Pitiful. Even if it did have Peyton in it.
Obviously hockey is cooler (no pun intended) than football. Also funnier. And faster. Not to say that I don't like football. But if it's a choice between the two, hockey's gonna win. Unless I'm not in control of the remote. Which, sadly, happens all too often.
Last hockey season there was a commercial with AO & Sid the Kid ordering crap & having it delivered to the others' hotel room, all the while claiming they were that person. The NFL commercial tonight did the same thing. Pitiful. Even if it did have Peyton in it.
Obviously hockey is cooler (no pun intended) than football. Also funnier. And faster. Not to say that I don't like football. But if it's a choice between the two, hockey's gonna win. Unless I'm not in control of the remote. Which, sadly, happens all too often.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Slave Labor Uprising

But what do they know? They put him to work doing mindless chores that they don't want to do. Claiming all the while that JT wants to do them.
We all know that's not true. I don't think there's a kid alive that actually wants to do chores. Common sense people.

I won't tell them that JT and I had planned this event weeks ago. He was to carry it out when he deemed it safe. When he had enough time to execute it completely without being interrupted.
Obviously he found an opportunity and took it. I think that shows that he has good judgment. And also stealthy ninja skills.

The pink bottle on the bed is baby lotion. Sadly JT was unable to get this opened. Which is for the best as he would've been distracted by the smell and started eating it (Hey he's not yet three and the lotion does smell good) instead of being devious.
Instead he got the soap from the bathroom and brought it back into his room. Since he had finished our plan (dust his room with two bottles of baby powder) without being caught, he decided to up the ante and start making paste.

This last picture is of JT doing time. That is, he had to clean his cars off. And his hands. And his arms. Most likely his face too.
Friday, August 10, 2007
As Cool As I Am...

As you can see, Priss is fond of the little pink purse.

Or a credit card to buy some shoes...

She's also keeping track of her latest music magazine. Make sure it doesn't get away from her. You know how magazines run amok when you don't lie on top of them.

I honestly can't say as I've seen any other cat lie like that. Especially not day after day, for hours on end. Months later, after seeing Priss spread eagled and sound asleep like this repatedly, it still amuses me.
I mean, how can you not smile and laugh and go "awwwwww" when you see her?
Thursday, August 09, 2007
It's....Easy Being Green
I've been wanting to post about this for awhile but kept getting side tracked with other entries. If I can't even remember what month it is, why should I be surprised that I can't remember what I wanted to post about?
It's a blog about ideas for green living called Simply Green by Danny Seo. Danny is an author and has been on a couple of shows on HGTV showing how to decorate greenly. While I wouldn't particularly want his Style in my house, I've definitely noted ideas and tips that I can use.
Don't tell my roomie but I sneak around the place greening it up. I also recycle way more than she used to, use less electricity, water and plastic bags. She hasn't noticed any ill effects, so obviously I'm doing my covert job well.
So yeah, that's it. Mainly I just wanted the link to his blog on here so that I can stop searching for it :) Speaking of searching, yall are first searching with Good Search, right? Then, when that fails (mostly because it's based on yahoo's crappy search engine) you go to Google. Yes it's an extra step, but at least you're raising money for a cause you believe in.
The Space Shuttle Endeavour lifted off Wednesday evening. One of the coolest things about this launch is that Barbara Morgan was on board. For those of yall who don't remember, Ms Morgan was the backup teacher for Christa McAuliffe on the Challenger mission in 1986.
It's a blog about ideas for green living called Simply Green by Danny Seo. Danny is an author and has been on a couple of shows on HGTV showing how to decorate greenly. While I wouldn't particularly want his Style in my house, I've definitely noted ideas and tips that I can use.
Don't tell my roomie but I sneak around the place greening it up. I also recycle way more than she used to, use less electricity, water and plastic bags. She hasn't noticed any ill effects, so obviously I'm doing my covert job well.
So yeah, that's it. Mainly I just wanted the link to his blog on here so that I can stop searching for it :) Speaking of searching, yall are first searching with Good Search, right? Then, when that fails (mostly because it's based on yahoo's crappy search engine) you go to Google. Yes it's an extra step, but at least you're raising money for a cause you believe in.
The Space Shuttle Endeavour lifted off Wednesday evening. One of the coolest things about this launch is that Barbara Morgan was on board. For those of yall who don't remember, Ms Morgan was the backup teacher for Christa McAuliffe on the Challenger mission in 1986.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Your Story To Remain Untold...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday most wonderful and dearest Edge!!!
Happy Birthday to You!!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday most wonderful and dearest Edge!!!
Happy Birthday to You!!
Don't know who The Edge is? For Shame!! Check this article for a summary (be sure to watch the video). And check out today's Scatter o' Light entry for a kickin U2 mp3 of We Love You
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me....
I had an ..interesting experience recently. I was being a good friend and went with M to a club/bar. She's been many times, I've managed to never go. But I was bored and she was uber eager and I didn't want to rain on her parade.
So we get there and I see, above the main entrance, a steer skull. I should've feigned a cough then and there and went back to the car. But no, I continued being a good friend and went on inside.
The decor consisted of a plethora of skulls, cowboy hats, neon signs and cowboy boots. Yes the skulls were cattle related, some were 'real' some were neon signs. Same with the cowboy hats & boots since the only ones wearing said attire (at that time) were the bartenders. It was early yet. See M wanted to go for the free country line dance lessons. When we got there I saw about 25-30 people. All but 10 or so were working.
Yes, yes I knew ahead of time that I was going to a country/hip hop/hair metal (don't ask, I have no idea) bar. The very worst part about the whole thing? I drove.
A guy there was trying to impress me with his line dancing skills and his knowledge of country music. I think I may have crushed him when I said I didn't know any of the songs playing or any line dances other than the electric slide and the one I (sort of) learned earlier that night. Yes, I participated in the free lesson. It was, surprisingly enough, amusing. However, I think perhaps the world might be ending sometime soon. There could be no other reason for my actually being entertained while there.
Best part of the whole night? When M & I left and went to a diner for food. Burgers, chili cheese fries and coffee. Late night meal of champions, I tell ya.
So we get there and I see, above the main entrance, a steer skull. I should've feigned a cough then and there and went back to the car. But no, I continued being a good friend and went on inside.
The decor consisted of a plethora of skulls, cowboy hats, neon signs and cowboy boots. Yes the skulls were cattle related, some were 'real' some were neon signs. Same with the cowboy hats & boots since the only ones wearing said attire (at that time) were the bartenders. It was early yet. See M wanted to go for the free country line dance lessons. When we got there I saw about 25-30 people. All but 10 or so were working.
Yes, yes I knew ahead of time that I was going to a country/hip hop/hair metal (don't ask, I have no idea) bar. The very worst part about the whole thing? I drove.
A guy there was trying to impress me with his line dancing skills and his knowledge of country music. I think I may have crushed him when I said I didn't know any of the songs playing or any line dances other than the electric slide and the one I (sort of) learned earlier that night. Yes, I participated in the free lesson. It was, surprisingly enough, amusing. However, I think perhaps the world might be ending sometime soon. There could be no other reason for my actually being entertained while there.
Best part of the whole night? When M & I left and went to a diner for food. Burgers, chili cheese fries and coffee. Late night meal of champions, I tell ya.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Southern Fried Crackers
For some reason I get the names of two, fairly common, restaurants confused. Cracker Barrel and Golden Corral. One is a buffet, one is not. You'd think I could keep them straight. But no. I think the conversation I had with a friend on Friday helped fix that little issue of mine once and for all.
We were having a late lunch at Golden Corral when I mentioned my ..condition. After she finished looking at me in disbelief and saying (repeatedly), "they're not even close to being similar restaurants!" we dissected their names.
First up, Golden Corral (GC). We didn't focus on the Golden part, just Corral. Corral is a place where you herd a bunch of farm animals. Farm animals are not known for eating neatly but they are known for eating a lot. So it fits because GC is an all you can eat buffet. Humans are animals. People go there to eat like pigs. It's a perfect fit!
Now onto Cracker Barrel. Cracker is not just something crunchy to eat. It's also a scary person**. Cracker Barrel has a bunch of country stuff for sale. People who like all that country stuff (& buy it) are scary. All perfectly logical.
**Typically a scary white person. The times I've been at GC it's mostly white people I see buying that country ..stuff. But I didn't want to include that because it seemed overly racist.
We were having a late lunch at Golden Corral when I mentioned my ..condition. After she finished looking at me in disbelief and saying (repeatedly), "they're not even close to being similar restaurants!" we dissected their names.
First up, Golden Corral (GC). We didn't focus on the Golden part, just Corral. Corral is a place where you herd a bunch of farm animals. Farm animals are not known for eating neatly but they are known for eating a lot. So it fits because GC is an all you can eat buffet. Humans are animals. People go there to eat like pigs. It's a perfect fit!
Now onto Cracker Barrel. Cracker is not just something crunchy to eat. It's also a scary person**. Cracker Barrel has a bunch of country stuff for sale. People who like all that country stuff (& buy it) are scary. All perfectly logical.
**Typically a scary white person. The times I've been at GC it's mostly white people I see buying that country ..stuff. But I didn't want to include that because it seemed overly racist.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Penguins Schmenguins
Thursday, August 02, 2007
When The Night Takes A Deep Breath
I was talking with friends tonight about The Munsters TV show. We couldn't remember what the mother's name was. We came up with Lily but then there was a debate about whether or not that was Mrs. Munster or her niece. I even called someone who I knew would know the answer, sadly the twerp didn't answer his phone so I had to come home & IMDB for the answer. (Lily is the mom)
I won't be trying diet Pepsi max anytime soon because the commercials for it are so utterly irritating. Just scrapes on my nerves all those people yawning loudly. Bleh. I'm protesting the commercial by not drinking the beverage. (yes, it was just on)
I won't be trying diet Pepsi max anytime soon because the commercials for it are so utterly irritating. Just scrapes on my nerves all those people yawning loudly. Bleh. I'm protesting the commercial by not drinking the beverage. (yes, it was just on)
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
It's All Good
Today, without even looking, I found my digital camera, my ipod connector cable and a gift card. All had been MIA since I moved. WoooHoo! Now if only I could find my Birks, then there'd be all kinds of happy here.
Watched 300 tonight. Good movie. And not just because of all the amazing male bodies wearing very little clothing. Not that that Hurt the movie any ;) Gerry Butler. Wow. Too bad he didn't have more of a brogue during the movie. Although, then, I might have lost great portions of the plot. I believe I'll have it watch it again. And again.
Watched 300 tonight. Good movie. And not just because of all the amazing male bodies wearing very little clothing. Not that that Hurt the movie any ;) Gerry Butler. Wow. Too bad he didn't have more of a brogue during the movie. Although, then, I might have lost great portions of the plot. I believe I'll have it watch it again. And again.