About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Music to My Ears
This particular news story broke Last Thursday, whilst I was in the middle of my U2phoria. I'm hopeful that yall have already heard about it but just in case you haven't ....
Billionaire Branson tackles Global Warming. NEW YORK (AP) -- British business mogul Richard Branson on Thursday pledged to invest about $3 billion over the next decade to combat global warming and promote alternative energy, saying that it was critical to protect the environment for future generations.
Unrelatedly, my coworkers & I may be sent out of the building early today as some nitwit forgot to renew our Confidential Authorization. Oh and I lost my ID badge yesterday. Somewhere. Discoverd that little gem this morning. Thankfully it's Friday.
Billionaire Branson tackles Global Warming. NEW YORK (AP) -- British business mogul Richard Branson on Thursday pledged to invest about $3 billion over the next decade to combat global warming and promote alternative energy, saying that it was critical to protect the environment for future generations.
Unrelatedly, my coworkers & I may be sent out of the building early today as some nitwit forgot to renew our Confidential Authorization. Oh and I lost my ID badge yesterday. Somewhere. Discoverd that little gem this morning. Thankfully it's Friday.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
National Estuaries Day - Tomorrow
Sadly I'll veer away from my U2 theme to talk about another passion of mine. Cleaning & saving the environment. Yeah, I'm in Tree-Hugger-Extraordinare mode. I got this email on Tuesday (the fed gov't is so organized! *eye roll*) and will be spending my day tomorrow eyeballing the various estuaries online. Whole thing sounds totally cool to me! :)
Take a virtual trip to some of our nation’s estuaries live via the internet when EPA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) present “EstuaryLive 2006” on Friday September 29, 2006. EstuaryLive brings estuarine ecosystems into classrooms nationwide and provides students with a platform to take an active role in the learning experience -- they can ask real time questions during the field trips, many of which are answered live during the program.
You can log-on with thousands of students to see naturalists from EPA’s National Estuary Program (NEP), and NOAA’s National Estuarine Research Reserve guide you on tours though New York - New Jersey Harbor, Peconic Bay on Long Island, New York, South Slough in Oregon, and Padilla Bay in Washington. Once there you’ll explore eelgrass beds and tidal wetlands, examine the relationship between Coho Salmon and Dungeness Crabs, and see how research is conducted using the scientific method.
The NEP is a network of 28 programs across the country engaged in efforts of restoration, education, monitoring, and outreach. More about NEPs.
Participate in EstuaryLive 2006 (click on Estuary Live, then How to Participate, and you’ll be prompted to choose between windows media player or real player). You know you want to!
Broadcast Schedule Friday September 29th
Peconic NEP, New York
11:00 am-12:05 pm (Eastern)
8:00 am-9:05 am (Pacific)
New Jersey Harbor NEP, New York
12:10 pm-1:15 pm (Eastern)
9:10 am-10:15 am (Pacific)
South Slough NERR and Tillamook Bay NEP, Oregon
1:20 pm-2:25 pm (Eastern)
10:20 am-11:25 am (Pacific)
Padilla Bay NERR, Washington State
2:30 pm-3:35 pm (Eastern)
11:30 am-12:35 pm (Pacific)
Take a virtual trip to some of our nation’s estuaries live via the internet when EPA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) present “EstuaryLive 2006” on Friday September 29, 2006. EstuaryLive brings estuarine ecosystems into classrooms nationwide and provides students with a platform to take an active role in the learning experience -- they can ask real time questions during the field trips, many of which are answered live during the program.
You can log-on with thousands of students to see naturalists from EPA’s National Estuary Program (NEP), and NOAA’s National Estuarine Research Reserve guide you on tours though New York - New Jersey Harbor, Peconic Bay on Long Island, New York, South Slough in Oregon, and Padilla Bay in Washington. Once there you’ll explore eelgrass beds and tidal wetlands, examine the relationship between Coho Salmon and Dungeness Crabs, and see how research is conducted using the scientific method.
The NEP is a network of 28 programs across the country engaged in efforts of restoration, education, monitoring, and outreach. More about NEPs.
Participate in EstuaryLive 2006 (click on Estuary Live, then How to Participate, and you’ll be prompted to choose between windows media player or real player). You know you want to!
Broadcast Schedule Friday September 29th
Peconic NEP, New York
11:00 am-12:05 pm (Eastern)
8:00 am-9:05 am (Pacific)
New Jersey Harbor NEP, New York
12:10 pm-1:15 pm (Eastern)
9:10 am-10:15 am (Pacific)
South Slough NERR and Tillamook Bay NEP, Oregon
1:20 pm-2:25 pm (Eastern)
10:20 am-11:25 am (Pacific)
Padilla Bay NERR, Washington State
2:30 pm-3:35 pm (Eastern)
11:30 am-12:35 pm (Pacific)
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I realize I've prattled on about U2 for over a week now and that some of you (b) might be a tad tired of it. Some of yall might even think I'm obsessed with the band. I wouldn't go that far.
It's not as if I lied to a bookstore clerk about calling the store the night before and having it confirmed that they had U2 By U2 in stock. Or that I go into work late because I stay home on a rumor that the band will be on a morning talk show. Or that I bought tickets to four concerts when I was unemployed and barely able to walk from a back injury (& subsequent surgery). Or enter a contest saying I'd be in NYC if I won during the work week. Or shouting out to The Edge, "Will you come home with me?!" while huddled outside a concert venue.
Oh wait. Those are all true. Hmm. Maybe I am obsessed. Ah well. There are worse things to be. :)
It's not as if I lied to a bookstore clerk about calling the store the night before and having it confirmed that they had U2 By U2 in stock. Or that I go into work late because I stay home on a rumor that the band will be on a morning talk show. Or that I bought tickets to four concerts when I was unemployed and barely able to walk from a back injury (& subsequent surgery). Or enter a contest saying I'd be in NYC if I won during the work week. Or shouting out to The Edge, "Will you come home with me?!" while huddled outside a concert venue.
Oh wait. Those are all true. Hmm. Maybe I am obsessed. Ah well. There are worse things to be. :)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
U2 by U2
Last night U2 was part of the big pregrame extravaganza down in New Orleans at the Superdome. Now, something I just don't get (having watched the hoopla many times now) is why Green Day played all of their song, all of the Skids' song (with U2) and then played along with Beautiful Day. Only The Edge was out there during the opening (Green Day's When September Ends). Yet Billie Joe et al were out there, Playing & Singing, during Beautiful day. What's the deal?? Does anyone actually think that GD is better, more popular, than U2? Anyone not currently residing in a mental hospital, that is. Or folks that Should be in a mental facility but aren't. Yet. It's like GD were the headliners and U2 the wanna be rockstars. Please. That's like saying The Beatles should've been the opening act for New Kids On The Block.
Imagine my ire if The Edge hadn't been out there, rockin out, the whole time.
Today I had hoped to be in NYC for the U2 book signing. Sadly I wasn't one of the winners. Although there's a rumor that U2 will be on The Today Show or Good Morning America this morning. I hope it's true as I've delayed my work arrival to check it out :)
For the record, yes I did notice how The Edge's t-shirt lifted up a bit at the end when he was waving.
Imagine my ire if The Edge hadn't been out there, rockin out, the whole time.
Today I had hoped to be in NYC for the U2 book signing. Sadly I wasn't one of the winners. Although there's a rumor that U2 will be on The Today Show or Good Morning America this morning. I hope it's true as I've delayed my work arrival to check it out :)
For the record, yes I did notice how The Edge's t-shirt lifted up a bit at the end when he was waving.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Monday Night Football
The Superdome in New Orleans opens for the first Saints home game since Hurricane Katrina ravaged it last year. This story would give me chills and have me welling up for that alone. However, a certain rock group will be performing before the show to remind viewers of the hardships still in New Orleans. Profits from the tunes, videos, etc will benefit Music Rising. MR is a non-profit organization determined to get music, instruments, gear, etc back in the hands of all the musicians in New Orleans. Whether they're teachers, preachers, bands or individuals. Helping the music rise again in New Orleans is key in healing the city.
Watch! Listen! Cry (okay, you don't have to cry. I'll do it enough for lots of people)! and, most importantly, visit Music Rising and make a donation today!
Watch! Listen! Cry (okay, you don't have to cry. I'll do it enough for lots of people)! and, most importantly, visit Music Rising and make a donation today!
Friday, September 22, 2006
In A Little While
The Edge, darlin, it'd be Really really bad ANY day if you drowned. Not just a gig day. Yall need to check out A Day in the Life of The Edge: Part 3. The Edge playing guitar at a lifeguard station on Miami Beach, Bono singing along. What's not to love???
Hello! The Edge on a beach on a gorgeous day! It'd be a dream come true if I were to encounter him like that. Ah well. Maybe tonight in my dreams
Hello! The Edge on a beach on a gorgeous day! It'd be a dream come true if I were to encounter him like that. Ah well. Maybe tonight in my dreams
Thursday, September 21, 2006
A Day in the Life of The Edge: Part 2 has the Guitar Genius chasing down a reluctant poparazzi on Miami Beach and "attacking" another, obviously clueless, one. The guy wasn't looking for The Edge and he kept taking photos of the guy filming The Edge. What the heck?? Sure the cameraman was Bono but still. It's The Edge! In front of you! Talking to you! Why bother with the guy who's hidden behind a big camera? Sheesh! Part 3 aires tomorrow.
Oh and prepare yourselves.. Pre-season Canes hockey starts tomorrow! Wooohoooo!!!
Oh and prepare yourselves.. Pre-season Canes hockey starts tomorrow! Wooohoooo!!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
A Day in the Life of The Edge
Part 1 of a video shot by Bono in Miami, FL. A Day in the Life of The Edge starts out with The Edge in bed. Need I say more? I didn't think so.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Yo! Peeps!
Sorry about the lack of entry yesterday. I know some of yall feel ever so depressed and lost if I don't post something every day of the week. Well, Monday thru Friday anyway. I was out of town (state, actually) and didn't feel like hijacking a friend's computer to post an entry. Plus I was too nervous to think of anything witty or profrain to say. Yall know how I strive to write things with deep, philosophical meaning. Today's post is just riddled with it, as you well know. ;)
I'd explain about the nerves but I don't want to jinx things. For those who know, SHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone else! ANYONE! Thanks :)
Don't forget! U2's Zoo TV Live from Sydney comes out on DVD today! Wahooo!!!!
I'd explain about the nerves but I don't want to jinx things. For those who know, SHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone else! ANYONE! Thanks :)
Don't forget! U2's Zoo TV Live from Sydney comes out on DVD today! Wahooo!!!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Trip to Snoreway?
A little Friday amusement for yall, Only in Kenya. It should also help with the waiting for the New Orleans Saints first home game (vs the Atlanta Falcons) on Sept. 25.
Do I care about either team? Not especially. It's the music that'll be played that I'm interested in. U2 & Green Day to perform together before the show. You'd better show it ESPN!!!! You hear me?!
Do I care about either team? Not especially. It's the music that'll be played that I'm interested in. U2 & Green Day to perform together before the show. You'd better show it ESPN!!!! You hear me?!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
It's the Coyotes' Fault. Surrreeeeee......
A woman in the Yukon Territory discoverd a terrified goat in her backyard. The lady had heard coyotes during the night and figured they were after the goat. The officials seem to agree with this theory. What they didn't notice were the squirrels busily taking notes in the trees or the raccoons sprawled on the ground, panting from exhaustion after helping the goat onto the trash can and over the fence into the backyard. The coyotes were meerly decoys. Deployed to keep the human types nervous and indoors during the testing phase of the Animal Cooperative Ongoing Renegade Nuisances or A.C.O.R.N. for short.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Masked Bandit & Family
Squirrels aren't the only creative critters out there. Raccoons in Florida are apparently against public education. People might think that it's just one Anti-School Raccoon but I have my concerns. Firstly she was teaching her babies how to infiltrate a home, spy on the residents when they're most vulnerable and then prevent them from expanding their minds by barricading them from their books. I think folks should take the time to explore their attics. You might have more than just a leaking, rotting, drafty roof. There might be yet another family of raccoons plotting to stop your education.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I hope I'm home and can watch the landing. Hopefully shown on NASA tv via C-SPAN. The people on CNN spend too much time yammering their fool heads off and don't let you hear what the people There - Involved, In the Middle of the Launch/Landing - are saying. That's much more interesting & informational than any "newscaster" on CNN could be.
Here's to a successful mission and a safe return. Fly on Atlantis. Fly on.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Five Years Later
Friday, September 08, 2006
More The Other Today
Last night I watched the movie The Last Unicorn. I hadn't seen it in years. I'm not sure what surprised me most - that America sang the songs or that it got 3.5 stars from whomever gives stars to movies on Comcast's cable guide. Sure I'd have given it that many stars myself but didn't figure animated movies from 1982 would receive such ...high accolades from others. Oh and Mia Farrow should not sing.
I forgot to tell yall to check out the moon last night. It's a corn moon and just gorgeous! Saw it this morning whilst waiting for my apt shuttle. Beautiful. If you can, go out tonight and look for it.
Space Shuttle Atlantis scheduled to launch today at 11.40 this morning, Eastern time. Keep your fingers crossed that the fuel cell really IS okay for launch. I don't know that NASA could survive another accident.
I forgot to tell yall to check out the moon last night. It's a corn moon and just gorgeous! Saw it this morning whilst waiting for my apt shuttle. Beautiful. If you can, go out tonight and look for it.
Space Shuttle Atlantis scheduled to launch today at 11.40 this morning, Eastern time. Keep your fingers crossed that the fuel cell really IS okay for launch. I don't know that NASA could survive another accident.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
In the News...
A couple of news stories that you may have missed. First one is about a Super Fertile Cow in Arkansas. Last Friday she gave birth to her Fourth set of Triplets and she's only 10 years old.
The other article is about an art museum in Oslo, Norway that has dumped three tons of Legos in their side parking lot. They want folks to sculpt, create and have fun. They may even use buildings created from the Lego Invasion as a jumping off point for an addition to the museum.
The other article is about an art museum in Oslo, Norway that has dumped three tons of Legos in their side parking lot. They want folks to sculpt, create and have fun. They may even use buildings created from the Lego Invasion as a jumping off point for an addition to the museum.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Destination Diverted
Driving back from Ohio yesterday, I had planned on stopping at Turn the Page Bookstore & Cafe (aka mecca to all NR fans). Bookstore is located in Boonsboro, MD just off of 70 and is near some Civil War sites.
I didn't stop as it was raining and misty and foggy and traffic was picking up. I don't like driving in the rain. And I really don't like driving with the drivers from the greater DC areas. They're crazy. Plus driving in the rain brings back memories of doing a 360 on I-85 and then hydroplaning into an embankment. The entire drive to Ohio was rainy (thanks Ernesto). I didn't anticipate that the entire return drive would be as well.
I will eventually make my pilgrimate to Turn the Page. Maybe on my next compressed day. Or early on a Saturday, before most of the crazies are out on the road.
I didn't stop as it was raining and misty and foggy and traffic was picking up. I don't like driving in the rain. And I really don't like driving with the drivers from the greater DC areas. They're crazy. Plus driving in the rain brings back memories of doing a 360 on I-85 and then hydroplaning into an embankment. The entire drive to Ohio was rainy (thanks Ernesto). I didn't anticipate that the entire return drive would be as well.
I will eventually make my pilgrimate to Turn the Page. Maybe on my next compressed day. Or early on a Saturday, before most of the crazies are out on the road.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Don't think I've forgotten yall, my few loyal readers. I've just been on vacation. And as all but one or two of you already knew that, I didn't write anything here about it. Why be redundant? And yes, I'm up early on a vacation day. Must be some latent masochisticness in me. Or something.
Anywho, all is well. JT is still cute as ever and seeing the family was great. However, I have to go pack up now, eat some pizza for breakfast and hit the road, yet again. Hope everyone that is reading this from work (HA! Ha!) has a lovely day and for those reading it from home, I know yall will. :)
Anywho, all is well. JT is still cute as ever and seeing the family was great. However, I have to go pack up now, eat some pizza for breakfast and hit the road, yet again. Hope everyone that is reading this from work (HA! Ha!) has a lovely day and for those reading it from home, I know yall will. :)