About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Mmmmm Fibers
Luna is licking the carpet. I don't know why. It's not near her food bowl(s). Or water bowl. Then again, she'll often lick my hand. And toes. Maybe she's doing the cat equivalent of brushing her teeth?
And now Luna is drinking some water. Think this is her equivalent of rinsing? or gargling? Then again, she's not spiting the water out...
Anyway, I got home from work yesterday and just vegged. Didn't turn the computer on. Had the tv on for about an hour. Mostly I napped and read. Trying to catch up for the rest of the week. Hence, no entry for yesterday. If you're reading this, that meant you survived :)
I was going to just post a video and leave it at that. Sadly, all the U2 ones I perused are blocked from embedding. Ah well.
And now Luna is drinking some water. Think this is her equivalent of rinsing? or gargling? Then again, she's not spiting the water out...
Anyway, I got home from work yesterday and just vegged. Didn't turn the computer on. Had the tv on for about an hour. Mostly I napped and read. Trying to catch up for the rest of the week. Hence, no entry for yesterday. If you're reading this, that meant you survived :)
I was going to just post a video and leave it at that. Sadly, all the U2 ones I perused are blocked from embedding. Ah well.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A Federal Kind of Day
It's still Wednesday! Just because most of you won't read this til Thursday doesn't change a thing! Today was busy, busy, busy. Tomorrow will be even more so.
This morning I was dealing with an audit. All morning. No it wasn't personal and it wasn't the IRS. Tho it was a federal entity. That's all I'm gonna say. If I told you what entity, you'd know where I work. I'd like to pretend that random people finding this don't know that information :)
This afternoon I was outside (have the sun burnt head to prove it). I was sorta kinda helping out with other departments at work. I wasn't officially helping but as one of the few employees there, I like to pretend I was. Sorry about the vagueness, it's that whole I-don't-want-to-say-where-I-work thing again. I will say that the afternoon activities were entirely because the Prez was in town.
This morning I was dealing with an audit. All morning. No it wasn't personal and it wasn't the IRS. Tho it was a federal entity. That's all I'm gonna say. If I told you what entity, you'd know where I work. I'd like to pretend that random people finding this don't know that information :)
This afternoon I was outside (have the sun burnt head to prove it). I was sorta kinda helping out with other departments at work. I wasn't officially helping but as one of the few employees there, I like to pretend I was. Sorry about the vagueness, it's that whole I-don't-want-to-say-where-I-work thing again. I will say that the afternoon activities were entirely because the Prez was in town.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday Morning Ramblings
Another day, another teeny post. Don't you feel special? I really should get up earlier or just start posting in the evenings. Granted I didn't even turn on the computer yesterday evening. I did, however, charge my laptop battery. So that's something.
The Little Luna Love is snoozing. She's been very sweet the last few nights. Sleeping right next to me. I wake up and can see her with just moving my head. Not sure what's inspired this, but I'm going to enjoy it while I can.
Maybe she's feeling old since her birthday is in a few weeks? She'll be One!
The Little Luna Love is snoozing. She's been very sweet the last few nights. Sleeping right next to me. I wake up and can see her with just moving my head. Not sure what's inspired this, but I'm going to enjoy it while I can.
Maybe she's feeling old since her birthday is in a few weeks? She'll be One!
Monday, July 27, 2009
4-Day Recap. Shorthand(ish)
I know, I know. I go two days without posting and this post is all you get. Lots of stuff happened, some of which I can't post about yet. I'll post the bits I can.
- Late last week, I had no internet at home. Apparently the wireless router died. So, because I waited til Thursday morning to write Thursday's entry, there was no post.
- Friday the router wasn't replaced until I was at work. When I got home from work, I didn't turn my computer on. I didn't turn my computer on until Saturday afternoon.
- Saturday afternoon & evening, I was out and about. Then I went to bed earlyish. Well, early for me for a Saturday when I'm not sick (i.e. before Midnight).
- Sunday I went to the beach. I have pictures. I'll post 'em. Eventually.
- Late last week, I had no internet at home. Apparently the wireless router died. So, because I waited til Thursday morning to write Thursday's entry, there was no post.
- Friday the router wasn't replaced until I was at work. When I got home from work, I didn't turn my computer on. I didn't turn my computer on until Saturday afternoon.
- Saturday afternoon & evening, I was out and about. Then I went to bed earlyish. Well, early for me for a Saturday when I'm not sick (i.e. before Midnight).
- Sunday I went to the beach. I have pictures. I'll post 'em. Eventually.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Rain Chorus
No idea where this was filmed or who the chorus is. Wish I did. This is pretty cool.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hello Universe! I'm Listening...
I'm posting this on Tuesday morning but I'm cheating and writing it Monday night. Deal with it.
Luna is all tuckered out from playing with a catnip mouse. She's so tired she's no longer growling at me when I reach for the mouse. Or maybe she just knows I'll give it back to her. Either way it's not nearly as fun to grab the mousey.
I'm queasy and not because I narrowly avoided an assassination attempt earlier tonight either. Had dinner with friends at Sweet Tomatoes. Food was not that good and it wasn't restocked. Also the restrooms were out of order and they restaurant closed early. Not that they told us that. Think something was off in the salad I had.. or maybe the pasta.
Assassination attempt was by M. She inadvertently knocked over a big glass bottle of soda in World Market. It shattered and glass went sailing. One grazed my cheek. Didn't draw blood tho.
I'm thinking the Universe is trying to tell me something. Possibly, "take a step to the right". Literally and perhaps figuratively. A step to the right would've had the glass shard go sailing by. Also, at the Mudcats game, -- Oh wait. I haven't told that story yet. Maybe tomorrow. Hmm.. so yeah, maybe the Universe thinks I'm too liberal?
Maybe an answer will come to me in my dreams.
Luna is all tuckered out from playing with a catnip mouse. She's so tired she's no longer growling at me when I reach for the mouse. Or maybe she just knows I'll give it back to her. Either way it's not nearly as fun to grab the mousey.
I'm queasy and not because I narrowly avoided an assassination attempt earlier tonight either. Had dinner with friends at Sweet Tomatoes. Food was not that good and it wasn't restocked. Also the restrooms were out of order and they restaurant closed early. Not that they told us that. Think something was off in the salad I had.. or maybe the pasta.
Assassination attempt was by M. She inadvertently knocked over a big glass bottle of soda in World Market. It shattered and glass went sailing. One grazed my cheek. Didn't draw blood tho.
I'm thinking the Universe is trying to tell me something. Possibly, "take a step to the right". Literally and perhaps figuratively. A step to the right would've had the glass shard go sailing by. Also, at the Mudcats game, -- Oh wait. I haven't told that story yet. Maybe tomorrow. Hmm.. so yeah, maybe the Universe thinks I'm too liberal?
Maybe an answer will come to me in my dreams.
Monday, July 20, 2009
It's Luna Monday...
Here are some pictures of the Luna Girl. They're from the end of May. I think.
If I just push hard enough, surely this screen will give. Then I'll be outside!

What?! I wasn't doing anything. Just taking a bath in the breeze. How about some privacy? Hmm??

There's gotta be a way to disable the camera. The paparazzi are driving me crazy. Now where is that blasted thing?!? Oh crap...
If I just push hard enough, surely this screen will give. Then I'll be outside!

What?! I wasn't doing anything. Just taking a bath in the breeze. How about some privacy? Hmm??

There's gotta be a way to disable the camera. The paparazzi are driving me crazy. Now where is that blasted thing?!? Oh crap...

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Extreme Shepherding (or Extreme LED Lighting)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
HP recap
HP and the 0.5 Blood Prince was supposed to start at 1220. The previews started and stopped. And started and stopped. And started and stopped. Manager came in and said there was a problem with the projector and they were working on it. If the guy fixing it didn't get it up and running in the next few minutes the manager said he'd bring projector guy into the theatre so we could throw stuff at him.
Previews started and kept going at 1247. Several previews. End credits started at 0311.
Movie was ..okay. Not, in my opinion, as good as the others. Doesn't seem like that much happened. I think it's because of all the dialogue and actual acting. Previous movies have more action and less acting. I dunno. If I knew before the movie what I know now, I would have skipped the midnight premier.
The more I thought about the movie (as I tried to find a way out of the stupid parking garage), the more I realized things were brought up but not answered. Events happened, seemed like a big deal, but no mention was made of it later. Other things were going on without any explanation. And I haven't read the books.
I'll watch it again. On TV or the dollar theatre but not for $9.50.
Previews started and kept going at 1247. Several previews. End credits started at 0311.
Movie was ..okay. Not, in my opinion, as good as the others. Doesn't seem like that much happened. I think it's because of all the dialogue and actual acting. Previous movies have more action and less acting. I dunno. If I knew before the movie what I know now, I would have skipped the midnight premier.
The more I thought about the movie (as I tried to find a way out of the stupid parking garage), the more I realized things were brought up but not answered. Events happened, seemed like a big deal, but no mention was made of it later. Other things were going on without any explanation. And I haven't read the books.
I'll watch it again. On TV or the dollar theatre but not for $9.50.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
HP & the 0.5 Blood Prince
I'm going to see it tonight with friends. Although it'll technically be Wednesday morning. I'm hoping to get in a nap after work and before I meet them for a late dinner.
I had wanted to watch the previous two movies before seeing the new one. That didn't happen. Ah well. Hopefully I won't be too lost on what's happened. I'll let yall know what I think of the movie.
I had wanted to watch the previous two movies before seeing the new one. That didn't happen. Ah well. Hopefully I won't be too lost on what's happened. I'll let yall know what I think of the movie.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Weekend Trip & Domesticity
The weekend was pretty much as I anticipated: Nephews were (are) cute and the drive was wretched. I saw (at least) 18 Virginia state troopers on my drive up. Apparently they were having some sort of crack down on speeding and aggressive driving. I saw only three on my drive back. I guess they were still recovering from Friday's work?
I'd share pictures but I forgot to take my camera. Tho that didn't stop me from taking a lot with someone else's camera :) I'll eventually get copies of the pix I took. Sometime (ahem).
Today was fairly domestic. I did some laundry, some dishes and some recycling. I also had my first PT session for my knee. The guy was funny and the knee was manhandled something fierce. The pain didn't set in until about 2045 and man did it ever.
It made it hard to avoid Miss Luna Pants and her Fiona personality. I now have new bite and claw marks on both of my ankles. They itch something fierce too. She's likely still damp from the repercussions.
I'd share pictures but I forgot to take my camera. Tho that didn't stop me from taking a lot with someone else's camera :) I'll eventually get copies of the pix I took. Sometime (ahem).
Today was fairly domestic. I did some laundry, some dishes and some recycling. I also had my first PT session for my knee. The guy was funny and the knee was manhandled something fierce. The pain didn't set in until about 2045 and man did it ever.
It made it hard to avoid Miss Luna Pants and her Fiona personality. I now have new bite and claw marks on both of my ankles. They itch something fierce too. She's likely still damp from the repercussions.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Eloise - Nerissa & Katryna Nields (& their band)
Iron Horse Music Hall, Northampton, MA - October 13, 2007
Not the best video but it's the song that was in my head when I woke up this morning. When they performed this last Sunday, they didn't have the band. Katryna didn't have the rattling tambourine-esque doo dad shaker in her hand either. (What do you want from me? I haven't had any caffeine yet.)
Thursday, July 09, 2009
A Letter to Limited Brands
Dear Bath & Body Works,
I have been a loyal customer for many, many years. All soaps, lotions and hand sanitizers I bought have been yours. I've dabbled in your hair care line, your makeup, candles and perfume. I've sung your praises near and far. I am so disappointed in you.
I went to restock my supply of hand sanitizers on Wednesday. I looked around your store while your employees chatted amongst themselves. I found your display of antibacterial soaps and the pocket sized hand sanitizers. Nowhere did I see your 3oz bottles. When I was finally near enough to the counter that the MOD could ask if I needed help without having to leave her position (leaning against the checkout counter), she asked if I needed help finding anything.
I asked for the hand sanitizers. She gestured to the glass urn on the counter. The urn was filled with pocket sized containers. I explained that I wanted the larger size. She gestured toward the unit holding the ones with lotion and the foaming variety. I said no, the gel ones like these (gesture to the urn) but in the larger bottle.
She said that Bath & Body Works is no longer making that size. And then tried to tell me how long the pocket sized ones last. I pointed out the obvious (the larger bottles last longer) and then asked if there were any refill containers. She said no but the pocket sized ones were on sale so I could buy multiples to get the same amount.
I said no, that's such a waste of plastic. I asked why B&BW had stopped making the larger size. She told me about the sale for the lotion & foaming sanitizers. I took that to mean she didn't know..
I wandered around some more and saw that the packaging on (some) of the Wallflowers were touting that they were now recyclable. Or maybe it said that they now contained more recycled material. The one I bought doesn't have that packaging. It's also the last one I'll be buying anytime soon. Sure they smell nice, but they're not $10.00 nice let alone $12.50.
So while you are changing your packaging (supposedly) for the better, you're also forcing customers to buy more items for the same volume. That negates your efforts to be more environmentally friendly. I applaud your (finally) providing refills on your soap pumps but I deplore your lack of refills for hand sanitizers.
I don't foresee myself purchasing anything in Bath & Body Works anytime in the near future. This last experience has left a sour impression that I have no desire to repeat. Ever.
I have been a loyal customer for many, many years. All soaps, lotions and hand sanitizers I bought have been yours. I've dabbled in your hair care line, your makeup, candles and perfume. I've sung your praises near and far. I am so disappointed in you.
I went to restock my supply of hand sanitizers on Wednesday. I looked around your store while your employees chatted amongst themselves. I found your display of antibacterial soaps and the pocket sized hand sanitizers. Nowhere did I see your 3oz bottles. When I was finally near enough to the counter that the MOD could ask if I needed help without having to leave her position (leaning against the checkout counter), she asked if I needed help finding anything.
I asked for the hand sanitizers. She gestured to the glass urn on the counter. The urn was filled with pocket sized containers. I explained that I wanted the larger size. She gestured toward the unit holding the ones with lotion and the foaming variety. I said no, the gel ones like these (gesture to the urn) but in the larger bottle.
She said that Bath & Body Works is no longer making that size. And then tried to tell me how long the pocket sized ones last. I pointed out the obvious (the larger bottles last longer) and then asked if there were any refill containers. She said no but the pocket sized ones were on sale so I could buy multiples to get the same amount.
I said no, that's such a waste of plastic. I asked why B&BW had stopped making the larger size. She told me about the sale for the lotion & foaming sanitizers. I took that to mean she didn't know..
I wandered around some more and saw that the packaging on (some) of the Wallflowers were touting that they were now recyclable. Or maybe it said that they now contained more recycled material. The one I bought doesn't have that packaging. It's also the last one I'll be buying anytime soon. Sure they smell nice, but they're not $10.00 nice let alone $12.50.
So while you are changing your packaging (supposedly) for the better, you're also forcing customers to buy more items for the same volume. That negates your efforts to be more environmentally friendly. I applaud your (finally) providing refills on your soap pumps but I deplore your lack of refills for hand sanitizers.
I don't foresee myself purchasing anything in Bath & Body Works anytime in the near future. This last experience has left a sour impression that I have no desire to repeat. Ever.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Pink - Please Don't Leave Me
Monday, July 06, 2009
Pix from the 2009 Festival for the Eno
These were all taken on my cell phone. I forgot my digital. Then again, it was rainy most of the day so I doubt I'd have taken my digital out very much. I did see more than The Nields and the sand sculpture. Just nothing that motivated me to take my cell out or, if it did, it didn't last long enough for me to get a picture.
The Eno Park is a lovely place. I highly recommend anyone going there for a walk, picnic, or daydreaming session. Anyway, on to my few pictures.
Nerissa & Katryna Nields kids show
Patriotic Sand Sculpture. I think it said there were 16 tons of sand...Maybe.

Nerissa & Katryna "adult" show. Nothing risque, just not 'Muffin Man' or ABCs being sung.
Another pic from their second show on Sunday.
The Eno Park is a lovely place. I highly recommend anyone going there for a walk, picnic, or daydreaming session. Anyway, on to my few pictures.

Nerissa & Katryna "adult" show. Nothing risque, just not 'Muffin Man' or ABCs being sung.

Friday, July 03, 2009
Festival for the Eno and Hockey
At the Eno River State park in Durham, fireworks aren't the only thing to look forward too around the 4th of July. The Festival for the Eno, sponsored by the Eno River Association, happens there and is anchored by July 4th. This year marks the 30th anniversary. An anticipated 30,000 people are expected to attend and all proceeds go to protect, purchase and preserve land along the Eno River.
The Festival is a three day event with arts, crafts, music, shops, dancers, etc. You can buy a single day pass or an entire event pass, volunteers are free (keep that in mind for next year). Parking is free. Most of their trash is recycled or composted, making their event 90% trash free.
The entrance fee covers it all. There are three different stages for performers. Here's the schedule of musicians for this year. There's typically a lot of bluegrass, folk, blues and soul music. Nerissa and Katryna Nields are performing twice this year. WOOHOO!! There are also cloggers and belly dancers.
If you're in the area this weekend, you should come out. It's a fun time for a good cause. Don't forget your sunblock!
And LaRose is staying with the Canes!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
The Festival is a three day event with arts, crafts, music, shops, dancers, etc. You can buy a single day pass or an entire event pass, volunteers are free (keep that in mind for next year). Parking is free. Most of their trash is recycled or composted, making their event 90% trash free.
The entrance fee covers it all. There are three different stages for performers. Here's the schedule of musicians for this year. There's typically a lot of bluegrass, folk, blues and soul music. Nerissa and Katryna Nields are performing twice this year. WOOHOO!! There are also cloggers and belly dancers.
If you're in the area this weekend, you should come out. It's a fun time for a good cause. Don't forget your sunblock!
And LaRose is staying with the Canes!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
Labels: Canes, Festival for the Eno, Nields
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Cranky Babies and Canes
Stay at home moms should really stay at home when they're kids are whiny and cranky and noisy. They should not be out shopping at lunchtime. They should definitely not be holding up the line because they're trying to get the cashier and other customers to coo at their baby. Yes we get that you think your baby is cute. That you think she/he/it is a sweet baby.
Face it honey. Your baby is so new it still resembles a pug or a shar pei puppy - all wrinkly. Very, very, very few babies are actually cute in that stage. Sadly, yours is not one of them. Nor do we feel your baby is sweet when he/she/it is wailing their little lungs out. Perhaps you should stop fishing for compliments, pay your bill and then see to your baby's need. I'm gonna guess that he/she/it needs a nap/drink/diaper change. Quite possibly all three.
This goes for all the other cranky kids that were in the store yesterday. Maybe I missed the special event welcoming moms with their whiny, cranky, obnoxious kids. Why would you have that at lunch time anyway? And why would moms bring their kids out for a marathon shopping event without food, drink and toys to distract them? Sheesh!
/rant (that means end of rant, for those not up on blog/code-esque speak)
Glad we signed Cole. Really wish we had signed LaRose before the free agency began. Maybe we'll see what other teams offer Rosey and alter our offer and then he'll decide he'd rather stay in Raleigh.
Not really upset that Dennis is going (sorry bub). There are several other players I wouldn't be upset about seeing leave either. Unfortunately they're not on the market. Ah well...
Face it honey. Your baby is so new it still resembles a pug or a shar pei puppy - all wrinkly. Very, very, very few babies are actually cute in that stage. Sadly, yours is not one of them. Nor do we feel your baby is sweet when he/she/it is wailing their little lungs out. Perhaps you should stop fishing for compliments, pay your bill and then see to your baby's need. I'm gonna guess that he/she/it needs a nap/drink/diaper change. Quite possibly all three.
This goes for all the other cranky kids that were in the store yesterday. Maybe I missed the special event welcoming moms with their whiny, cranky, obnoxious kids. Why would you have that at lunch time anyway? And why would moms bring their kids out for a marathon shopping event without food, drink and toys to distract them? Sheesh!
/rant (that means end of rant, for those not up on blog/code-esque speak)
Glad we signed Cole. Really wish we had signed LaRose before the free agency began. Maybe we'll see what other teams offer Rosey and alter our offer and then he'll decide he'd rather stay in Raleigh.
Not really upset that Dennis is going (sorry bub). There are several other players I wouldn't be upset about seeing leave either. Unfortunately they're not on the market. Ah well...
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Cats Should Not Click
Last night, Luna came into my room making a weird clicking noise and walking sort of hunched over. Priss followed shortly after. Luna paused, looked at me and continued to make a clicking sound. Which, you gotta admit, is freaky for a cat to do.

Just as I was putting aside my laptop to check on her, Luna put her head to the floor and opened her mouth. Out popped a beetle. An Eyed Click Beetle to be precise (see the Will Cook picture to the left).
The beetle stayed still and silent. Luna scurried around the beetle, taunting it. Priss saunters over from her post at the door for a closer inspection of the beetle. Luna doesn't like this, she feels as if her prey is in jeopardy so she hunches over the beetle and glares at Priss. The beetle began clicking frantically.
Neither action bothered Priss. She simply reached out and swatted Luna. Luna swatted back. Priss then swatted ..more aggressively and Luna took a couple steps back.
Priss then sniffed and pawed at the beetle. It continued its clicking. While Priss was swatted a couple of times but was able to get the beetle in her mouth and away from Priss.
Luna took a couple steps away and turned around, thereby putting herself between Priss and the prized beetle. Priss then feigned disinterest in the beetle and went to investigate the food bowl. Or maybe she just smelled the food, either way she left the beetle to Luna and had a snack.
Luna pawed and nibbled at the beetle some more but when the clicking and twitching stopped, she left. Soon after Luna's departure, Priss finished up her snack and swaggered over to the unprotected beetle. She pawed it, sniffed it and deemed it unworthy of her attention and daintily walked away.
Poor little Eyed Click Beetle. Not only did it not survive kitty playtime but it was left to rot on my bedroom floor. It was good enough to play with but not good enough to eat.

Just as I was putting aside my laptop to check on her, Luna put her head to the floor and opened her mouth. Out popped a beetle. An Eyed Click Beetle to be precise (see the Will Cook picture to the left).
The beetle stayed still and silent. Luna scurried around the beetle, taunting it. Priss saunters over from her post at the door for a closer inspection of the beetle. Luna doesn't like this, she feels as if her prey is in jeopardy so she hunches over the beetle and glares at Priss. The beetle began clicking frantically.
Neither action bothered Priss. She simply reached out and swatted Luna. Luna swatted back. Priss then swatted ..more aggressively and Luna took a couple steps back.
Priss then sniffed and pawed at the beetle. It continued its clicking. While Priss was swatted a couple of times but was able to get the beetle in her mouth and away from Priss.
Luna took a couple steps away and turned around, thereby putting herself between Priss and the prized beetle. Priss then feigned disinterest in the beetle and went to investigate the food bowl. Or maybe she just smelled the food, either way she left the beetle to Luna and had a snack.
Luna pawed and nibbled at the beetle some more but when the clicking and twitching stopped, she left. Soon after Luna's departure, Priss finished up her snack and swaggered over to the unprotected beetle. She pawed it, sniffed it and deemed it unworthy of her attention and daintily walked away.
Poor little Eyed Click Beetle. Not only did it not survive kitty playtime but it was left to rot on my bedroom floor. It was good enough to play with but not good enough to eat.