About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
To Whine or Not To Whine...
I thought about using this post to tell about my first couple days at "work" but thought that'd be waaaay too much whining. I mean really, do yall really want to hear how on my first day my boss didn't show until 9 (HR guy never called to tell him that I was starting on Monday at 7.30) and I had to loiter about in another office (after being escorted by a security guard up and down the halls and a couple of different floors because I didn't know the room # and the one in the directory was wrong,then we finally found someone who directed us to the right office) until he showed up and told me that I was working in a different group than I thought.
Nor do yall want to hear that my computer still isn't set up so I can't really do any work and I can't even surf the web, my phone works but I can't setup voice mail (or maybe it's already set up and I just can't access it?) until my computer is set up, the person training me needs to be smacked so that she doesn't contradict herself ("you should ask more questions" and the VERY next question I ask she replies, "it's in the manual, look it up"), doesn't insinuate that I'm slow ("this stuff is really easy"), doesn't get impatient when I take notes (she had said to me "you might want to take notes, this is a lot of stuff to take in and I can't imagine you'd remember it all") and a plethora of other comments just like that.
So, instead of whining, what shall I blog about? The jumping spiders that are in my apartment? Noooo.. The crickets in my apartment? Noooo. Umm the maniac drivers? Nah, already touched upon those in my previous entry and nothing much has changed - all road signs are still optional.
I get to see my nephew this weekend!! That's some darn good news!! Oh and my folks, brother and sis-in-law (I constantly type sister and then have to go add -in-law cause it'd just sound Really weird.. my brother married to my sister, etc. tho they do live close to WV..... *grin*) too, that's not bad either. Granted we'll be moving the rest of my paraphenalia from NC to VA so it won't be all fun and games.
I've sort of lost my train of thought and wind for this entry, so I'll end it here. Kind of abrupt and random, I know. ACK! Virgina is rubbing off on me!! Send in reinforcements!!! ;)
Nor do yall want to hear that my computer still isn't set up so I can't really do any work and I can't even surf the web, my phone works but I can't setup voice mail (or maybe it's already set up and I just can't access it?) until my computer is set up, the person training me needs to be smacked so that she doesn't contradict herself ("you should ask more questions" and the VERY next question I ask she replies, "it's in the manual, look it up"), doesn't insinuate that I'm slow ("this stuff is really easy"), doesn't get impatient when I take notes (she had said to me "you might want to take notes, this is a lot of stuff to take in and I can't imagine you'd remember it all") and a plethora of other comments just like that.
So, instead of whining, what shall I blog about? The jumping spiders that are in my apartment? Noooo.. The crickets in my apartment? Noooo. Umm the maniac drivers? Nah, already touched upon those in my previous entry and nothing much has changed - all road signs are still optional.
I get to see my nephew this weekend!! That's some darn good news!! Oh and my folks, brother and sis-in-law (I constantly type sister and then have to go add -in-law cause it'd just sound Really weird.. my brother married to my sister, etc. tho they do live close to WV..... *grin*) too, that's not bad either. Granted we'll be moving the rest of my paraphenalia from NC to VA so it won't be all fun and games.
I've sort of lost my train of thought and wind for this entry, so I'll end it here. Kind of abrupt and random, I know. ACK! Virgina is rubbing off on me!! Send in reinforcements!!! ;)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
NC versus VA
Okay, so I'm probably not being fair as it's only my second day of "living" in VA but I felt the need to make some comparisons nonetheless. Let me clarify, I mean northern VA.
-People are friendlier in NC. They make eye contact without staring.
-In VA they either stare at you or studiously avoid looking at you when you're looking at them.
-People leave tips in NC for wait staff, they clear their tables in restaurants when they're supposed too.
-In VA a reward for good service is not treating the server like a lesser being and clearing your table is "what they're getting paid for".
-In NC saying "Thank you" is common.
-In VA you get strange looks when you thank someone for holding a door open (granted you get strange looks if you hold the door open) or when they refill your drink.
-Most people understand the signs "No Turn on Red", "Yield", "Left Turn Only", "Stop Here On Red" and "Stop" in NC.
-In VA all signs are optional.
-People go 5-10 MPH over the speed limit (unless it's 440, 540, 40 or 70) in NC.
-In VA it's minimum 20 over unless you're on 395, 495 or 95 then it's 20 Under the limit or stop and go..
-Luxury apartments in NC include ceiling fans, fireplaces, washer/dryer and insulated walls.
-Luxury apartments in VA include four walls and "All Utiliies Paid*" or "All utilities Paid including electric**"
*except electric **no AC in apt.
That's it for now. I'm sure I'll have more observations in the future. Please stand by.. ;)
-People are friendlier in NC. They make eye contact without staring.
-In VA they either stare at you or studiously avoid looking at you when you're looking at them.
-People leave tips in NC for wait staff, they clear their tables in restaurants when they're supposed too.
-In VA a reward for good service is not treating the server like a lesser being and clearing your table is "what they're getting paid for".
-In NC saying "Thank you" is common.
-In VA you get strange looks when you thank someone for holding a door open (granted you get strange looks if you hold the door open) or when they refill your drink.
-Most people understand the signs "No Turn on Red", "Yield", "Left Turn Only", "Stop Here On Red" and "Stop" in NC.
-In VA all signs are optional.
-People go 5-10 MPH over the speed limit (unless it's 440, 540, 40 or 70) in NC.
-In VA it's minimum 20 over unless you're on 395, 495 or 95 then it's 20 Under the limit or stop and go..
-Luxury apartments in NC include ceiling fans, fireplaces, washer/dryer and insulated walls.
-Luxury apartments in VA include four walls and "All Utiliies Paid*" or "All utilities Paid including electric**"
*except electric **no AC in apt.
That's it for now. I'm sure I'll have more observations in the future. Please stand by.. ;)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I'm one of the unfortunate folks unlucky enough to be allergic to chocolate. Not that I don't eat it, I just have ..issues when I do. I know a lot of folks say that they crave chocolate. Unless you've got my variety of chocolate allergy, you really don't know what it is to CRAVE chocolate. The more I have the more I want it and the sicker I get. Until I get it out of my system.
I was at a gathering back in April that was all about chocolate. Had a chocolate bunny, chocolate chips (dark, white & milk), chocolate milk, peppermint patties, chocolate peanut butter cups (am allergic to peanuts too) and a plethora of other chocolatey goodness. So sick (stomache cramps, headache, wheezy, coughing, etc) within hmm 15 minutes but a couple hours later, I needed more chocolate to feel normal..sane. Why'd I eat any at all? Well the smell was all it took to have me twitchy. It was either eat chocolate then or go out and buy chocolate out the wazoo and extend my problems. This way it was more 'controlled'.
It's like a drug to me, after having it and then going without it, I have withdrawals. The shakes, cold sweats, mood swings, hallucinations... I've gone through Vicodin addiction (thank you back problems *sarcasm*) and withdrawal (tried cold turkey, I do NOT recommend it!) so I do have some frame of reference here.
Having said all that, I really, really, really, really want some chocolate right now! Dark chocolate is better and white chocolate is totally gross and utterly useless to me. Milk chocolate is okay but I'd really rather have dark chocolate, which is fortunate, as I don't react so strongly to it or maybe it's that I react the strongest to it? Dunno.. just know that a little goes a long way and my symptoms aren't as bad.
I thought writing about chocolate would get it out of my system. No such luck. I feel a midnight run to the store coming upon me...
Mmmmmm chocolate..................
I was at a gathering back in April that was all about chocolate. Had a chocolate bunny, chocolate chips (dark, white & milk), chocolate milk, peppermint patties, chocolate peanut butter cups (am allergic to peanuts too) and a plethora of other chocolatey goodness. So sick (stomache cramps, headache, wheezy, coughing, etc) within hmm 15 minutes but a couple hours later, I needed more chocolate to feel normal..sane. Why'd I eat any at all? Well the smell was all it took to have me twitchy. It was either eat chocolate then or go out and buy chocolate out the wazoo and extend my problems. This way it was more 'controlled'.
It's like a drug to me, after having it and then going without it, I have withdrawals. The shakes, cold sweats, mood swings, hallucinations... I've gone through Vicodin addiction (thank you back problems *sarcasm*) and withdrawal (tried cold turkey, I do NOT recommend it!) so I do have some frame of reference here.
Having said all that, I really, really, really, really want some chocolate right now! Dark chocolate is better and white chocolate is totally gross and utterly useless to me. Milk chocolate is okay but I'd really rather have dark chocolate, which is fortunate, as I don't react so strongly to it or maybe it's that I react the strongest to it? Dunno.. just know that a little goes a long way and my symptoms aren't as bad.
I thought writing about chocolate would get it out of my system. No such luck. I feel a midnight run to the store coming upon me...
Mmmmmm chocolate..................
It's nearly 2 am on June 21st in the USA.. So while it's still technically early (solstice is at 2.46 AM Eastern time) let me wish yall a Happy Summer Solstice!! Today is also known by the names Midsummer, Litha and other variations that escape me at the moment. It's the longest day of the year so make sure you get out and enjoy it!
The days will start getting shorter and the nights longer until Yule on December 21, when the days start getting longer again. I know it seems squirrelly to think about winter in June, but for folks like me who adore the cold weather, it's a good way to cope with the heat and humidity! :)
Unless, of course, you're in the Southern Hemisphere then Happy Winter Solstice to you!
The days will start getting shorter and the nights longer until Yule on December 21, when the days start getting longer again. I know it seems squirrelly to think about winter in June, but for folks like me who adore the cold weather, it's a good way to cope with the heat and humidity! :)
Unless, of course, you're in the Southern Hemisphere then Happy Winter Solstice to you!
Monday, June 20, 2005
Books Books Books
Moving is the *only* time I regret my love affair of books. I've got twelve boxes packed, all but four are full of books and that's only about half of the books in my living and dining rooms. I've got at least twice as many books in my bedroom. Then there are the books in boxes that I hadn't unpacked since my last move (2003). I just rummage through them until I get the book I want and put the book back in the box when I'm done reading it (or a different book in the box, I have no system).
See, during college I worked in a discount book store. It's simple math, folks. Book lover + cheap books = lots of bought books. I worked there for three years, so you can imagine the ..collection I accumulated. I'm amazed that I managed to bring a paycheck home at all. I think my restraint came from having to pay rent and utilities so that my roomies wouldn't kick me out of the apartment *grin*.
Anyway, back to packing...
See, during college I worked in a discount book store. It's simple math, folks. Book lover + cheap books = lots of bought books. I worked there for three years, so you can imagine the ..collection I accumulated. I'm amazed that I managed to bring a paycheck home at all. I think my restraint came from having to pay rent and utilities so that my roomies wouldn't kick me out of the apartment *grin*.
Anyway, back to packing...
Sunday, June 19, 2005
VA Scouting Trip Summary
Drivers in Northern VA, southern MD and DC are Maniacs!!!! No offense to anyone but holy flippin heck yall!!! And the rent prices are through the roof!! What sane person willing pays $1,150 a month for a stuio apartment with 430 square feet?!!! Utilities NOT included and not even close to a metro stop! I mean really! Maybe I'm just too frugal but that seems like robbery to me! When I moved to NC I thought the prices here were outrageous (compared to KS and OH) so I guess I just need to readjust my definition of "reasonable" again *sigh*
I should hear about the apartment I applied for by Weds and theoretically can move in this coming Saturday. I hope to start work on June 27 so that I can get paid for the July 4th holiday AND have my health benefits kick in on July 1st. See how tricky I am? ;) Granted this all depends on 1) apartment folks not screwing me over and 2) my new boss okaying me to start on June 27.
Anybody want to help me pack?
I should hear about the apartment I applied for by Weds and theoretically can move in this coming Saturday. I hope to start work on June 27 so that I can get paid for the July 4th holiday AND have my health benefits kick in on July 1st. See how tricky I am? ;) Granted this all depends on 1) apartment folks not screwing me over and 2) my new boss okaying me to start on June 27.
Anybody want to help me pack?
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Pre-Scouting VA trip
I'll be driving up to northern Virginia tomorrow to look for an apartment. I'm actually meeting my folks ...sometime tomorrow (yay cell phones!). It'll be good to have a second and third opinion about an apartment. Since I'm not at all familiar with the area, I may or may not see signs of a bad neighborhood. I can see "the forest and not the tree" or "see the tree and not the forest" depending on my mood. Plus my *wow* 7.5 months of unemployment might cause apartment managers to want someone to co-sign a lease, despite my offer letter *must remember to take offer letter*.
I really don't have much else to babble about tonight. Shocking, eh? I'm getting up at 05.00 so maybe something will occur to me in the morning. I actually need to pack some clothes for the weekend too. Huh. Imagine that. Me procrastinating. Will wonders never cease! ;)
Think Happy, Good Location, Cheaper Rent, Nice Neighborhood, Air Conditioned Apartment thoughts for me! And Please Don't Let Her Breaks Die While She's Driving thoughts wouldn't be a bad idea either.. The ominious rotor scraping/grinding sounds are louder...
I really don't have much else to babble about tonight. Shocking, eh? I'm getting up at 05.00 so maybe something will occur to me in the morning. I actually need to pack some clothes for the weekend too. Huh. Imagine that. Me procrastinating. Will wonders never cease! ;)
Think Happy, Good Location, Cheaper Rent, Nice Neighborhood, Air Conditioned Apartment thoughts for me! And Please Don't Let Her Breaks Die While She's Driving thoughts wouldn't be a bad idea either.. The ominious rotor scraping/grinding sounds are louder...
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
PBS and NPR funding
Public Broadcasting Targeted By House
Panel Seeks to End CPB's Funding Within 2 Years
By Paul Farhi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, June 10, 2005; Page A01
A House subcommittee voted yesterday to sharply reduce the federal government's financial support for public broadcasting, including eliminating taxpayer funds that help underwrite such popular children's educational programs as "Sesame Street," "Reading Rainbow," "Arthur" and "Postcards From Buster."
In addition, the subcommittee acted to eliminate within two years all federal money for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- which passes federal funds to public broadcasters -- starting with a 25 percent reduction in CPB's budget for next year, from $400 million to $300 million.
In all, the cuts would represent the most drastic cutback of public broadcasting since Congress created the nonprofit CPB in 1967. The CPB funds are particularly important for small TV and radio stations and account for about 15 percent of the public broadcasting industry's total revenue.
Read the full Washington Post article here
Sign the petition telling Congress to save NPR and PBS.
Additionally, if you go to the Senate's page and click on the "Senators" button, you can choose your state and get a link to a web form where you can write comments that will be sent to your senator.
If you go to the House of Representatives you can enter in your zip code and write to your representative.
Visit Corporation for Public Broadcasting to find out more information.
The hoaxs listed below refer to something that happened 10 years ago.
Panel Seeks to End CPB's Funding Within 2 Years
By Paul Farhi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, June 10, 2005; Page A01
A House subcommittee voted yesterday to sharply reduce the federal government's financial support for public broadcasting, including eliminating taxpayer funds that help underwrite such popular children's educational programs as "Sesame Street," "Reading Rainbow," "Arthur" and "Postcards From Buster."
In addition, the subcommittee acted to eliminate within two years all federal money for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- which passes federal funds to public broadcasters -- starting with a 25 percent reduction in CPB's budget for next year, from $400 million to $300 million.
In all, the cuts would represent the most drastic cutback of public broadcasting since Congress created the nonprofit CPB in 1967. The CPB funds are particularly important for small TV and radio stations and account for about 15 percent of the public broadcasting industry's total revenue.
Read the full Washington Post article here
Sign the petition telling Congress to save NPR and PBS.
Additionally, if you go to the Senate's page and click on the "Senators" button, you can choose your state and get a link to a web form where you can write comments that will be sent to your senator.
If you go to the House of Representatives you can enter in your zip code and write to your representative.
Visit Corporation for Public Broadcasting to find out more information.
The hoaxs listed below refer to something that happened 10 years ago.
U2, London, Chutney and Abalone
Yes, yet another entry about a dream I had, this one was last night. First, I need to give some background from a previous dream. I was at the Pittsburgh U2 concert (this October), hanging out afterwards with some fellow fans hoping to see the lads walk out for an impromptu meet and greet (usually they just hop in their SUVs and are whisked away). I was, for reasons I still don't know, standing with my back to the area where U2 would actually be walking and I see this squirrelly looking guy who gave me the creeps. I then see him take out a gun and instead of doing the sensible thing (screaming, diving to the ground, calling 911 on my cell, etc.) I lunge at him as he raises it and aims it towards where the lads had just appeared, yelling "He's got a gun! Everyone get down!! Gun!!!" I manage to knock the guy down but get myself shot three times in the chest (I first had this dream Months ago so it's not at all "influenced" by the Fayetteville Realtor that was shot three times as she went to meet a new client.) and knocked out as I hit my head on the pavement. U2's bodyguards had protected the lads (Thank Goodness!!) and summoned the police at the same time. I woke up at the hospital a week or so later to a rather haggard looking Bono and The Edge looking down on me.
Apparently I was big news as the media was spinning the story as "The woman who risked her life to save U2". Took some months for me to rehabilitate and in that time, I became an even bigger story because I wasn't pissed or angry about what had happened. I was a novelty. Anyway, I had reluctantly agreed to do some talk shows, news shows, etc. to get the media off my back and earn some cash to pay the bills. So that's the background, now last night's dream...
I was on my way to London to do some shows there and had contacted my friend Chutney (his online name from years ago, not his real name) to see if we could meet up at some point. I've known him since fall of 1999 and have never met him (I've only been to Paris, Rome and some Italian city on the Mediterranean - never England) and figured now would be a great time to do so. I wake up in the back seat of my folks' old red GMC Jimmy (they no longer own it), wrapped up in a blanket, parked in a no parking zone. Apparently I had driven myself to Chutney's place but have no memory of the airport or driving there. I open the door (back right door, if you're curious) to the bright sunny day and see lots of people walking about and instantly pick out my friend (I've only seen a picture of him once and that was some time ago and he had a hat on.. I think. It's not too clear in my memory). Anyway, he's wearing - please don't be mad at me Chutney!! I have no control over my imagination in dreams!!! - this white tank top style baggy t-shirt and these baggy navy blue basketball style shorts, white athletic socks and running shoes. He's sorta got this gangsta walk and has seriously curly red hair. He sorta shuffles over to me and says "That you, Meow?" I said yeah and he takes the keys so that he can park my car legally. Though he had to pause a minute because it's an American car and the steering wheel is on the Correct side of the vehicle *grin*. I ask him if he can drive it okay like that and he just gives me this "Oh please! I'm a man, I can do anything!" look. Ladies, you know what I mean. He parks it fine and we set off to explore the city.
We go to this mall and walk around and I comment that I didn't realize that there were malls in London like there are in the States. He shrugs. I add that it is rather small compared to most malls in the US and then we're somehow back at the airport terminal, wandering around. He says that he has to do/get something and goes over to stand in this line. I wander around some and come back to find the line even longer and everything else shutting down for the night. Still not sure what he was standing in line for, something electronic is all I remember. I then sort of blip myself back to his flat/house.. Well, I'm outside it actually sort of lounging in this odd cement thing that is under all the windows on the one side of this building. I have no idea what it is other than really comfortable and I take a nap. Chutney comes back and we go to the beach.
At the beach he finds this really pretty abalone shell (it looks Nothing like the mussel should but it's an abalone shell in my dream nonetheless). Chutney makes me a bracelet from it.. It's very pretty with blues, greens, aqua, red and silver on it. Sahid from the show Lost is there and he proceeds to start sawing a different abalone shell to make me a bracelet. I look down at my wrist and notice that the abalone bracelet is more triangular shaped than round and that it is sorta splitting in places, forming new openings - not breaking. I take it off and put it back on so that it'll rest better on my wrist and notice that my wrist and hand is turning blue and green, swelling and has angry red scratch marks on it. I take off the bracelet, Chutney shoves my hand in the water and tries to rub the color off but only some of it leaves. Then I'm at the hospital getting treated for abalone poisoning and can hear Sahid laughing in the background. I wake with the song lyrics "The reason that I'm asking yeah eyeah eyeaaahhhh That's the reason that I want to know ...yeaahh eyeah eyeaaahhhhh" running through my head. Just google'd and found out the song is In The Blood by Better Than Ezra.
Okay Freaky Wild Alert! I had this dream last night (Tuesday night), wrote this blog entry up at 9.30 this morning but didn't post it until this evening so that I'd keep my phone line open (was expecting a call). I received an email from my friend Chutney this afternoon. I hadn't talked to him in Months! So how cool is it that he emails me the day after I have a dream about him? Ya freaked now, Chutney me boy? *grin*
Apparently I was big news as the media was spinning the story as "The woman who risked her life to save U2". Took some months for me to rehabilitate and in that time, I became an even bigger story because I wasn't pissed or angry about what had happened. I was a novelty. Anyway, I had reluctantly agreed to do some talk shows, news shows, etc. to get the media off my back and earn some cash to pay the bills. So that's the background, now last night's dream...
I was on my way to London to do some shows there and had contacted my friend Chutney (his online name from years ago, not his real name) to see if we could meet up at some point. I've known him since fall of 1999 and have never met him (I've only been to Paris, Rome and some Italian city on the Mediterranean - never England) and figured now would be a great time to do so. I wake up in the back seat of my folks' old red GMC Jimmy (they no longer own it), wrapped up in a blanket, parked in a no parking zone. Apparently I had driven myself to Chutney's place but have no memory of the airport or driving there. I open the door (back right door, if you're curious) to the bright sunny day and see lots of people walking about and instantly pick out my friend (I've only seen a picture of him once and that was some time ago and he had a hat on.. I think. It's not too clear in my memory). Anyway, he's wearing - please don't be mad at me Chutney!! I have no control over my imagination in dreams!!! - this white tank top style baggy t-shirt and these baggy navy blue basketball style shorts, white athletic socks and running shoes. He's sorta got this gangsta walk and has seriously curly red hair. He sorta shuffles over to me and says "That you, Meow?" I said yeah and he takes the keys so that he can park my car legally. Though he had to pause a minute because it's an American car and the steering wheel is on the Correct side of the vehicle *grin*. I ask him if he can drive it okay like that and he just gives me this "Oh please! I'm a man, I can do anything!" look. Ladies, you know what I mean. He parks it fine and we set off to explore the city.
We go to this mall and walk around and I comment that I didn't realize that there were malls in London like there are in the States. He shrugs. I add that it is rather small compared to most malls in the US and then we're somehow back at the airport terminal, wandering around. He says that he has to do/get something and goes over to stand in this line. I wander around some and come back to find the line even longer and everything else shutting down for the night. Still not sure what he was standing in line for, something electronic is all I remember. I then sort of blip myself back to his flat/house.. Well, I'm outside it actually sort of lounging in this odd cement thing that is under all the windows on the one side of this building. I have no idea what it is other than really comfortable and I take a nap. Chutney comes back and we go to the beach.
At the beach he finds this really pretty abalone shell (it looks Nothing like the mussel should but it's an abalone shell in my dream nonetheless). Chutney makes me a bracelet from it.. It's very pretty with blues, greens, aqua, red and silver on it. Sahid from the show Lost is there and he proceeds to start sawing a different abalone shell to make me a bracelet. I look down at my wrist and notice that the abalone bracelet is more triangular shaped than round and that it is sorta splitting in places, forming new openings - not breaking. I take it off and put it back on so that it'll rest better on my wrist and notice that my wrist and hand is turning blue and green, swelling and has angry red scratch marks on it. I take off the bracelet, Chutney shoves my hand in the water and tries to rub the color off but only some of it leaves. Then I'm at the hospital getting treated for abalone poisoning and can hear Sahid laughing in the background. I wake with the song lyrics "The reason that I'm asking yeah eyeah eyeaaahhhh That's the reason that I want to know ...yeaahh eyeah eyeaaahhhhh" running through my head. Just google'd and found out the song is In The Blood by Better Than Ezra.
Okay Freaky Wild Alert! I had this dream last night (Tuesday night), wrote this blog entry up at 9.30 this morning but didn't post it until this evening so that I'd keep my phone line open (was expecting a call). I received an email from my friend Chutney this afternoon. I hadn't talked to him in Months! So how cool is it that he emails me the day after I have a dream about him? Ya freaked now, Chutney me boy? *grin*
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I've been using the excessive heat and humidity here as an excuse not to pack. Cause just moving an empty box can cause a sweat to break out. Despite my 5% CP&L discount for "insulated windows" (Insulated?! HAH!!) running the AC is waayyy expensive so I keep my thermostat at 80. Anything lower and it kicks on about every 10 minutes and runs for 15 minutes. And yes I refuse to use my oven and dryer in the summer too, I don't use the 'drying heat' on my dishwasher either.
Oh man. Some freaky looking bugs on PBS right now. It's a show about the Amazon Rain Forest. Can't watch anymore, the possiblity of a certain eight legged ...creature being shown is way too high and that would certainly impact my dreams negatively tonight.
Right, packing. I've managed to pack up *drum roll please* three boxes!! Woooohooo!!! Yay me!! As you can tell, I'm very good at it. Not at all distracted by anything. Nopers. Am one of those one track mind, must get it done now, kind of people. Yeahh... *grin*
Managed to pack a box whilst watching Veronica Mars on UPN tonight. It's a good show, just never usually remember to watch it. Unfortunately, I'd actually seen tonight's eppie before. Same with tonight's eppie of NCIS. See how dedicated to packing I am? ;) You'd think with reruns on, I'd have been able to pack more without missing anything pertinent. I did manage to tape up five boxes, so that's a positive step.... Umm yeah.
Okay, back to packing.......
Oh man. Some freaky looking bugs on PBS right now. It's a show about the Amazon Rain Forest. Can't watch anymore, the possiblity of a certain eight legged ...creature being shown is way too high and that would certainly impact my dreams negatively tonight.
Right, packing. I've managed to pack up *drum roll please* three boxes!! Woooohooo!!! Yay me!! As you can tell, I'm very good at it. Not at all distracted by anything. Nopers. Am one of those one track mind, must get it done now, kind of people. Yeahh... *grin*
Managed to pack a box whilst watching Veronica Mars on UPN tonight. It's a good show, just never usually remember to watch it. Unfortunately, I'd actually seen tonight's eppie before. Same with tonight's eppie of NCIS. See how dedicated to packing I am? ;) You'd think with reruns on, I'd have been able to pack more without missing anything pertinent. I did manage to tape up five boxes, so that's a positive step.... Umm yeah.
Okay, back to packing.......
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Race for the Cure
As I posted yesterday, I volunteered at the Race for the Cure water stop. The Race is in support of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The Raleigh Race was organized by the Triangle Chapter and had a record breaking 18,071 registered participants!! Just reading that chokes me up, if yall think that's sappy, don't read the rest of this blog entry :)
It seemed like there was a lot more people this year than last. I've only been fortunate enough to volunteer for two years so my area of expertise is quite limited. I do know that every time I saw a pink Survivor shirt or folks with Remembrance tags/signs/shirts I got teary eyed. I saw two women who were bald and had to blink several times, look away and take several deep breaths. The mixture of courage, strength and hope I saw in their expressions was ..beyond words. There was this huge sense of comraderie, determination and, again, hope amongst everyone there. I mean, sure, you had the serious runners who just blew on by, wanting to clock a good time but they wouldn't be there, running, if this cause didn't mean something to them.
One of my friends had a chat with an elderly lady who had been walking by herself. At first I thought that there was something wrong, physically. It was pretty warm out and the walk can be pretty hard for those of us with health issues (which is why I volunteered at the water stop and didn't walk). It wasn't until later that my friend filled me in, yall can read it on Elims' blog. And you know, everyone there had a story to tell about how this disease had impacted their lives.
This morning when I hit the bookstore for coffee *coughfrappacinocough* and a paper (Washington Post - yes I officially got the job) the lady behind the counter asked if I had ran. She had noticed my pink "Breast Cancer Awareness" bracelet (you know the ones that look like flea collars in assorted colors). She said that she had wanted too but had to work. I was just happy that someone who wasn't there, knew it was going on and cared enough to ask.
All in all it was a very rewarding experience and I plan to at least volunteer or walk every year. The amount of goodwill from the participants and the other volunteers was mind boggling and repeatedly gave me goose bumps. When we put our differences aside for a common goal, it's truly amazing what we can accomplish. Just remembering the feeling that was in the air yesterday brings on the goose bumps. And the rather attractive guys running by didn't hurt the positive vibes either ;)
It seemed like there was a lot more people this year than last. I've only been fortunate enough to volunteer for two years so my area of expertise is quite limited. I do know that every time I saw a pink Survivor shirt or folks with Remembrance tags/signs/shirts I got teary eyed. I saw two women who were bald and had to blink several times, look away and take several deep breaths. The mixture of courage, strength and hope I saw in their expressions was ..beyond words. There was this huge sense of comraderie, determination and, again, hope amongst everyone there. I mean, sure, you had the serious runners who just blew on by, wanting to clock a good time but they wouldn't be there, running, if this cause didn't mean something to them.
One of my friends had a chat with an elderly lady who had been walking by herself. At first I thought that there was something wrong, physically. It was pretty warm out and the walk can be pretty hard for those of us with health issues (which is why I volunteered at the water stop and didn't walk). It wasn't until later that my friend filled me in, yall can read it on Elims' blog. And you know, everyone there had a story to tell about how this disease had impacted their lives.
This morning when I hit the bookstore for coffee *coughfrappacinocough* and a paper (Washington Post - yes I officially got the job) the lady behind the counter asked if I had ran. She had noticed my pink "Breast Cancer Awareness" bracelet (you know the ones that look like flea collars in assorted colors). She said that she had wanted too but had to work. I was just happy that someone who wasn't there, knew it was going on and cared enough to ask.
All in all it was a very rewarding experience and I plan to at least volunteer or walk every year. The amount of goodwill from the participants and the other volunteers was mind boggling and repeatedly gave me goose bumps. When we put our differences aside for a common goal, it's truly amazing what we can accomplish. Just remembering the feeling that was in the air yesterday brings on the goose bumps. And the rather attractive guys running by didn't hurt the positive vibes either ;)
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Race, Water and Music
I'm volunteering at a Race for the Cure event this morning in Raleigh. Friends are picking me up so we'll be good environmentally minded people and carpool over to the Meredith College area. Okay so we're stopping for coffee on the way there *grin*, we're not stupid. :) Last year we didn't get the coffee and we survived but something about this year is just screaming "stop for coffee first!!". We're not walking/running the 5k, we'll be at the water stop.
This afternoon there's a free concert in downtown Raleigh that I may be attending with some other friends. Not sure what bands are performing other than Better Than Ezra. I know the last time that I went (late April) I discovered the music of MG4. This has left a most positive impression on me so I hope my back is up for it. And if the atmosphere wants to be less soupy and juicey, that'd be great too :) I'd much rather be cold than hot and sticky. Hopefully that doesn't say something squirrelly about my personality ;)
This afternoon there's a free concert in downtown Raleigh that I may be attending with some other friends. Not sure what bands are performing other than Better Than Ezra. I know the last time that I went (late April) I discovered the music of MG4. This has left a most positive impression on me so I hope my back is up for it. And if the atmosphere wants to be less soupy and juicey, that'd be great too :) I'd much rather be cold than hot and sticky. Hopefully that doesn't say something squirrelly about my personality ;)
Friday, June 10, 2005
Astrological Musings
Here's my horoscope for today: If you don't express yourself now, the chance may not come again. This moment will soon be lost, for a situation in your life has just about reached the end of its road. Take action today, but only if you have the support of others. This isn't the best time to start something on your own.
Soooooo could the situation that's nearly over be my unemployment? My insomnia? My brakes making mysterious creaky noises when used? Maybe I should take this time to express myself about these situations, just in case.
Unemployment: On one hand I'm so happy to possibly have a job it's silly...and yet, I've gotten used to being bored out of my mind and lying around in my pjs, reading all day. What can I say, I've adapated. ;)
Insomnia: Oh man Please let me get some sleep!!! Have had about three hours since Weds and I can't stop yawning my head off, yet naps are hiding from me and sleep at night avoids me like the plague. *sighyawnbiggeryawn*
Creaky brakes: Bring it on!!! Fix those bad boys! Replace the rotors! Just make them stop creaking cause I can't handle the stress of thinking "Even tho the mechanic says they're okay, will my breaks actually work this time?!!" whenever I go somewhere!!
Soooooo could the situation that's nearly over be my unemployment? My insomnia? My brakes making mysterious creaky noises when used? Maybe I should take this time to express myself about these situations, just in case.
Unemployment: On one hand I'm so happy to possibly have a job it's silly...and yet, I've gotten used to being bored out of my mind and lying around in my pjs, reading all day. What can I say, I've adapated. ;)
Insomnia: Oh man Please let me get some sleep!!! Have had about three hours since Weds and I can't stop yawning my head off, yet naps are hiding from me and sleep at night avoids me like the plague. *sighyawnbiggeryawn*
Creaky brakes: Bring it on!!! Fix those bad boys! Replace the rotors! Just make them stop creaking cause I can't handle the stress of thinking "Even tho the mechanic says they're okay, will my breaks actually work this time?!!" whenever I go somewhere!!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Ninjas, Mobsters and Geography
I posted two weeks ago or so about having odd dreams influenced by a combination of the book The Eyes of The Dragon by Stephen King and insomnia (not the book by SK tho it is one of my favorites by him). I had another dream the day after my initial castle cavorting dream except the modern day people were replaced by ninjas and your stereotypical mob 'family'. There was no snow or hurricanes. This time it was a dust storm because the castle was in Arizona, Ireland. Yes, that's right, Arizona was in Ireland. The Grand Canyon state with goregous red and orange bleeding rocks, beautiful wildflowers, mountain scapes and spectacular blue skies was in Ireland. So there were sheep and vibrant green fields that ended in cliffs at the edge of the sea and the Grand Canyon off in the distance. And lots of fog in the rampant dust storm.
Now the ninjas and mobsters (I'll call them The Crew) weren't fighting, they were working in tandem, hunting up dragons. The Crew wasn't going to kill the dragons, they were going to save them from extinction because dragons are cool. Actually The Crew were trying to fight the book characters because the characters wanted to kill the dragons. Problem being that The Crew couldn't fight the book folks because they're in different worlds and the book folks can't even see us (not that I was fighting, I was too busy lurking about to fight). Lots of fierce ninja moves and mob posturing with no tangible results but much laughter and mayhem. Also lots of coughing and wheezing from the copious amounts of damp dust flying about. Yes, damp dust.
The leprechaun is gone, having dashed out the gate and over the moat, once he realized the castle was in Ireland. He tossed his flute in the Grand Canyon as he road a rainbow over it. Soundtrack is "It's a small world after all" and yes, little pedal powered boats are cruising around on the moat. Munchkins are doing the pedaling and they're sort of hunkered down and looking around for flying monkeys.
I lay the ...inspiration for this particular dream theme on the folks at DYE. You know who you are. And my sister in law. The Wizard of Oz references are entirely because of her. It's just really weird for me to wake up with a "What in the world?!!" reaction to a dream because I'm used to having odd dreams. Being chased by technicolor swirly snakes on a playground while Monoply houses and hotels are being built and torn down around me, snow bleeding through the cement walls of my dorm room to be mopped up with a white tshirt that totally freaked me out because it turned grey when it got wet with snow.. Just two examples of my normal dreams.
Now if only I could channel my imagination into something more tangible, like a story, instead of giving it free rein to interpret my subconscious. That'd be something. :)
Now the ninjas and mobsters (I'll call them The Crew) weren't fighting, they were working in tandem, hunting up dragons. The Crew wasn't going to kill the dragons, they were going to save them from extinction because dragons are cool. Actually The Crew were trying to fight the book characters because the characters wanted to kill the dragons. Problem being that The Crew couldn't fight the book folks because they're in different worlds and the book folks can't even see us (not that I was fighting, I was too busy lurking about to fight). Lots of fierce ninja moves and mob posturing with no tangible results but much laughter and mayhem. Also lots of coughing and wheezing from the copious amounts of damp dust flying about. Yes, damp dust.
The leprechaun is gone, having dashed out the gate and over the moat, once he realized the castle was in Ireland. He tossed his flute in the Grand Canyon as he road a rainbow over it. Soundtrack is "It's a small world after all" and yes, little pedal powered boats are cruising around on the moat. Munchkins are doing the pedaling and they're sort of hunkered down and looking around for flying monkeys.
I lay the ...inspiration for this particular dream theme on the folks at DYE. You know who you are. And my sister in law. The Wizard of Oz references are entirely because of her. It's just really weird for me to wake up with a "What in the world?!!" reaction to a dream because I'm used to having odd dreams. Being chased by technicolor swirly snakes on a playground while Monoply houses and hotels are being built and torn down around me, snow bleeding through the cement walls of my dorm room to be mopped up with a white tshirt that totally freaked me out because it turned grey when it got wet with snow.. Just two examples of my normal dreams.
Now if only I could channel my imagination into something more tangible, like a story, instead of giving it free rein to interpret my subconscious. That'd be something. :)
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
So I have a tentative job up near DC. Sorta kinda. Had a message on my machine Monday afternoon, returned the call Tuesday morning...
"Hi this is JG with XX Company and was wondering if you were still interested in the Analyst job that you interviewed for at the end of April"
"Yes, I'm still interested."
"Great! When can you start?"
"Umm well I live in NC and would have to move to VA so it depends on when I could find a place to move to."
"Okay, let me talk to the project manager and we'll work up some possible start dates and I'll get back to you later today."
I wait around all day and he doesn't call. I call him this (Weds) morning and leave a voicemail. "This is me and I was wondering if you had come up with any start dates as yet. Please call my cell as I will be in and out all day. Thank you."
He calls me back
"This is JG, how's the new place search going?"
"Well it seems like everything costs twice as much for the same amount of space."
Garbled sound "I talked with the PM and we decided that when you find a place to live and know when you'll be moving here, let us know and we'll send an offer letter with that as the start date. If we have to wait until July, that's fine, but we'd really like you to start as soon as possible."
"Ooookay thanks."
I get to my friend's place (Hellooooo cable modem!!!) and send off an email (after consulting with some folks on proper phrasing, terminology, etc) to JG saying that
I would like a written offer letter stating the salary and include information on vacation, medical benefits, retirement programs, relocation program and any incentive compensation programs. My start date is contingent on the details of this offer and how quickly I could be relocated.
So we shall see...I may or may not have a job in the DC metro area. I'll keep yall posted.
"Hi this is JG with XX Company and was wondering if you were still interested in the Analyst job that you interviewed for at the end of April"
"Yes, I'm still interested."
"Great! When can you start?"
"Umm well I live in NC and would have to move to VA so it depends on when I could find a place to move to."
"Okay, let me talk to the project manager and we'll work up some possible start dates and I'll get back to you later today."
I wait around all day and he doesn't call. I call him this (Weds) morning and leave a voicemail. "This is me and I was wondering if you had come up with any start dates as yet. Please call my cell as I will be in and out all day. Thank you."
He calls me back
"This is JG, how's the new place search going?"
"Well it seems like everything costs twice as much for the same amount of space."
Garbled sound "I talked with the PM and we decided that when you find a place to live and know when you'll be moving here, let us know and we'll send an offer letter with that as the start date. If we have to wait until July, that's fine, but we'd really like you to start as soon as possible."
"Ooookay thanks."
I get to my friend's place (Hellooooo cable modem!!!) and send off an email (after consulting with some folks on proper phrasing, terminology, etc) to JG saying that
I would like a written offer letter stating the salary and include information on vacation, medical benefits, retirement programs, relocation program and any incentive compensation programs. My start date is contingent on the details of this offer and how quickly I could be relocated.
So we shall see...I may or may not have a job in the DC metro area. I'll keep yall posted.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Movie Mania
So I saw Revenge of the Sith Memorial Day weekend. Loved the special effects, laughed at the dialogue. Seemed rather juvenile in places "Hold me like you did on Naboo" Oh please!!! *eye roll* Even though I knew who lived and who died (except for a certain Senator - thought she raised Leia and then died. What can I say? Haven't seen the original three movies in years), I found myself tense and rooting pretty fiercely in the fight scenes. And thoroughly disgusted with young Skywalker, despite knowing he would turn. Oh man, the incident at the Jedi Temple toward the end...yeah, no longer a fan of Skywalker. Seriously felt betrayed - even though I knew he was turning evil - and sickened.
I saw The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with five friends last Thursday. Wow, better than I anticipated. Definitely a tear jerker and a great film to see with your female or more effeminate male friends. Scenery in Greece is Amazing!! Just goregous! We all left wanting to go there *grin* and with future plans for the DVD release. Think the midnight margaritas scene from Practical Magic :)
I also have loose plans to see Monster In Law this week. I'm not in any sense of the word a 'fan' of Ms. Fonda or Ms. Lopez. However, being an Alias addict, I am a fan of Michael Vartan. His presence in the movie is the entire reason I'm willing to see it. I saw Daredevil to support Jennifer Garner. It left no lasting impression with me so take that as you will...
Speaking of M.V. and Alias, did yall see the season finale?!! ACK!!!! Crap!!! Just mean of them! MEAN! Granted, I love cliffhangers :) So it's a good mean.
Monster in Law is a hoot!! Sure it's predictable but it's not like you go in there wondering what's going to happen. Besides, Wanda Sykes is fantastic! And, on a purely oggling level, Michael Vartan is jogging on the beach shirtless.
I saw The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with five friends last Thursday. Wow, better than I anticipated. Definitely a tear jerker and a great film to see with your female or more effeminate male friends. Scenery in Greece is Amazing!! Just goregous! We all left wanting to go there *grin* and with future plans for the DVD release. Think the midnight margaritas scene from Practical Magic :)
I also have loose plans to see Monster In Law this week. I'm not in any sense of the word a 'fan' of Ms. Fonda or Ms. Lopez. However, being an Alias addict, I am a fan of Michael Vartan. His presence in the movie is the entire reason I'm willing to see it. I saw Daredevil to support Jennifer Garner. It left no lasting impression with me so take that as you will...
Speaking of M.V. and Alias, did yall see the season finale?!! ACK!!!! Crap!!! Just mean of them! MEAN! Granted, I love cliffhangers :) So it's a good mean.
Monster in Law is a hoot!! Sure it's predictable but it's not like you go in there wondering what's going to happen. Besides, Wanda Sykes is fantastic! And, on a purely oggling level, Michael Vartan is jogging on the beach shirtless.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Ugh Ugh Ugh
This past week I haven't been receiving my emails at my main account. I did the obedient customer route and emailed customer support. I asked them to send their reply to another account to insure that I received it. They didn't. They sent it to my account with them. How logical is that??? "Gee, let's send an email to someone who isn't receiving them! That sounds like a Great idea!"
Bright side is that their response actually showed up in my inbox. Granted they didn't fix the problem. They first need me to "verify who I am" by going into a live chat session and handing over my password. I don't think so. Why the heck would they need my password? Sounds squirrely to me. Tho, apparently, I'm getting some email now (no way to know if I'm getting all of it) but the emails from earlier this week are still MIA.
Get this, the following sentence was also included in their response: "We understand that you are your lost emails in Web Mail" Huh? I'm my own lost email? What does that mean??? Or was that some psycho babble directed to my laptop? If that's the case, then I can honestly say that we're both confused.
I also received a customer response survey email asking me to go to this web page and indicate my satisfaction level to their response. Needless to say, they didn't get high marks. They also had this "other comment" box which kept cutting me off so that I was unable to fully express myself. If I hadn't included this particular email on several resumes and job applications, I'd probably cancel my account with them.
And to think I had originally planned to ramble about my recent hair cut issues with this blog title entry. I'll give you the short (like my hair) version. I wanted to get about seven or eight inches cut off and ended up with twelve inches scattered about on the floor. A foot of hair gone and it wasn't even donated to Locks of Love. They require a ten inch minimum and the longest pieces were about nine inches. Took my 'stylist' awhile to get my hair cut straight. Should've known that when she whacked off more than I wanted gone in the first cut, that it wasn't going to be pretty.
I haven't had my hair this short since elementary school. I don't like it. It won't stay back in a pony tail and I Still had to trim my bangs to make them straight!!! At least my hair grows fast. :)
And now I have the tune "Always look on the bright side of life" *whistle here* from Monty Python running through my head. Which is a good philosophy and a much better tune than the one running rampant in my dreams lately (see earlier entry).
Bright side is that their response actually showed up in my inbox. Granted they didn't fix the problem. They first need me to "verify who I am" by going into a live chat session and handing over my password. I don't think so. Why the heck would they need my password? Sounds squirrely to me. Tho, apparently, I'm getting some email now (no way to know if I'm getting all of it) but the emails from earlier this week are still MIA.
Get this, the following sentence was also included in their response: "We understand that you are your lost emails in Web Mail" Huh? I'm my own lost email? What does that mean??? Or was that some psycho babble directed to my laptop? If that's the case, then I can honestly say that we're both confused.
I also received a customer response survey email asking me to go to this web page and indicate my satisfaction level to their response. Needless to say, they didn't get high marks. They also had this "other comment" box which kept cutting me off so that I was unable to fully express myself. If I hadn't included this particular email on several resumes and job applications, I'd probably cancel my account with them.
And to think I had originally planned to ramble about my recent hair cut issues with this blog title entry. I'll give you the short (like my hair) version. I wanted to get about seven or eight inches cut off and ended up with twelve inches scattered about on the floor. A foot of hair gone and it wasn't even donated to Locks of Love. They require a ten inch minimum and the longest pieces were about nine inches. Took my 'stylist' awhile to get my hair cut straight. Should've known that when she whacked off more than I wanted gone in the first cut, that it wasn't going to be pretty.
I haven't had my hair this short since elementary school. I don't like it. It won't stay back in a pony tail and I Still had to trim my bangs to make them straight!!! At least my hair grows fast. :)
And now I have the tune "Always look on the bright side of life" *whistle here* from Monty Python running through my head. Which is a good philosophy and a much better tune than the one running rampant in my dreams lately (see earlier entry).
Friday, June 03, 2005
I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaacccck!! (Take 3)
Actually I returned Wednesday evening but have been busy unpacking and running errands all over the place. I have several new blogs to post but am debating how to go about it. One gigantic post, several posts in one day, or spread out over the next couples of days. I'm thinking of a couple a day - one current and one from last week, like a bonus post. Or I could go and post-date my blogs but that feels like cheating. If yall have ideas, preferences, etc, let me know.
I do want to say that stupid CBS has cut off the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson for PGA Highlights. What the heck is up with that?????? What golfer is up at 1 am to watch golf highlights?? C'mon on now! Be serious, CBS! Get a clue! That's my rant for the night. CBS must've heard my ranting cause they fixed it. See yall, it pays to rant. Now, to leave this entry on a positive note.....
I just want to say Spit Happens!:)

Here's another photo of my super cute nephew, JT. Yes, photos are small for us folks stuck in the dark ages of dial up..... ;)

And yes, JT is getting ready to sprout some teeth, hence the drool. This would be my mom's thumb, rubbing JT's gums in search of any teeth.

The 'Take 3' bit in the title is from the fact that this is the third time I've started this blog entry. First two attempts went somewhere in the nether regions of the World Wide Web... Cue Twilight Zone music here...
I do want to say that stupid CBS has cut off the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson for PGA Highlights. What the heck is up with that?????? What golfer is up at 1 am to watch golf highlights?? C'mon on now! Be serious, CBS! Get a clue! That's my rant for the night. CBS must've heard my ranting cause they fixed it. See yall, it pays to rant. Now, to leave this entry on a positive note.....
I just want to say Spit Happens!:)

Here's another photo of my super cute nephew, JT. Yes, photos are small for us folks stuck in the dark ages of dial up..... ;)

And yes, JT is getting ready to sprout some teeth, hence the drool. This would be my mom's thumb, rubbing JT's gums in search of any teeth.

The 'Take 3' bit in the title is from the fact that this is the third time I've started this blog entry. First two attempts went somewhere in the nether regions of the World Wide Web... Cue Twilight Zone music here...