About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Vacuum Cleaner Seeds
When I got to my brother and sis-in-law's place on Friday, F (sis in law) was in the middle of baking some pumpkin seeds. I said "oooh those smell good" and she told me that they had, in fact, saved some pumpkin guts for me to paw through for seeds. Wooh! So I sat down and starting sifting through pumpkin innards for seeds. I manged to get a good cereal bowl full of seeds out of it.
F did the basic cooking spray and salt for seasoning pumpkin seeds. I went the 'gourmet' route. I wanted olive oil but they didn't have any (I know! Who doesn't have olive oil?!!). After getting over my shock I, too, used the cooking spray and salt method. Along with chili powder (no cayenne pepper but they have dried ciltrano.. obviously they're in dire need of basic spice knowledge), dried rosemary, garlic powder (no garlic cloves *sigh*) and black pepper. Tossed the seeds about, resprayed with the cooking spray, added a touch more rosemary and into the oven they went.
We had learned through F's toasting that 45 mins at 350 degrees was much too long. So I set the timer for 35 minutes but ended taking them out around 30 minutes. I tossed the seeds twice during the cooking process. I took them out, set them on the stove to cool and we go to the store for groceries.
We get back and the peanut gallery (F and my folks) all make comments along the lines of "What's that smell?! Oh it's the ..pumpkin seeds." I tried them and thought they were pretty good, not the best I've made but good. My mom tried one and made a face, F never tried one, my dad tried a couple and just sort of shrugged at the taste and I don't believe my brother tried any (he was at work during the baking process).
On Saturday I'm eating some of my gourmet pumpkin seeds downstairs and F says, "What's that smell? Was someone using the vacuum cleaner?" You know that burnt, rubberish type smell your vacuum cleaner makes when something gets stuck in it and you have to stop the machine and pull out what's wrapped around the rollers? Yeah, that smell. My sis in law thought my pumpkin seeds smelled like that! Oy!
Funniest part though was that I misunderstood her. I thought she said bathroom cleaner. Imagine my horror when I realized she was talking about my pumpkin seeds and comparing their scent to Bathroom Cleaner!! For the rest of the weekend I referred to the seeds as my vacuum seeds. Told my dad that I would whip out the seeds on the plane this morning if the person next to me was bugging me. Fortunately for everyone around me, I had nobody sitting next to me.
F did the basic cooking spray and salt for seasoning pumpkin seeds. I went the 'gourmet' route. I wanted olive oil but they didn't have any (I know! Who doesn't have olive oil?!!). After getting over my shock I, too, used the cooking spray and salt method. Along with chili powder (no cayenne pepper but they have dried ciltrano.. obviously they're in dire need of basic spice knowledge), dried rosemary, garlic powder (no garlic cloves *sigh*) and black pepper. Tossed the seeds about, resprayed with the cooking spray, added a touch more rosemary and into the oven they went.
We had learned through F's toasting that 45 mins at 350 degrees was much too long. So I set the timer for 35 minutes but ended taking them out around 30 minutes. I tossed the seeds twice during the cooking process. I took them out, set them on the stove to cool and we go to the store for groceries.
We get back and the peanut gallery (F and my folks) all make comments along the lines of "What's that smell?! Oh it's the ..pumpkin seeds." I tried them and thought they were pretty good, not the best I've made but good. My mom tried one and made a face, F never tried one, my dad tried a couple and just sort of shrugged at the taste and I don't believe my brother tried any (he was at work during the baking process).
On Saturday I'm eating some of my gourmet pumpkin seeds downstairs and F says, "What's that smell? Was someone using the vacuum cleaner?" You know that burnt, rubberish type smell your vacuum cleaner makes when something gets stuck in it and you have to stop the machine and pull out what's wrapped around the rollers? Yeah, that smell. My sis in law thought my pumpkin seeds smelled like that! Oy!
Funniest part though was that I misunderstood her. I thought she said bathroom cleaner. Imagine my horror when I realized she was talking about my pumpkin seeds and comparing their scent to Bathroom Cleaner!! For the rest of the weekend I referred to the seeds as my vacuum seeds. Told my dad that I would whip out the seeds on the plane this morning if the person next to me was bugging me. Fortunately for everyone around me, I had nobody sitting next to me.
Friday, October 28, 2005
First Birthday
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Topsy Turvy
So I haven't blathered on about work in awhile. Here's the latest. I now have two jobs, work on two teams and still get the one paycheck. I have four (may be five soon) supervisors, one boss and one pseudo boss. Have I mentioned that I haven't started my second job yet? Was supposed to be Monday but, in reality, it could be more like Thanksgiving time before everything is all set up, software installed, etc (this is the federal government afterall).
The company outcast, the person everyone here despises (I've only met her once so haven't formed any opinions other than she doesn't like to let go of your hand when she's giving a handshake - which iritated me. Let go already!!), is going to be moving up to my floor, to the cube desk next to me. See, she already does what I'm going to be doing (and that's all she does) and has been for years now. It makes perfect sense to have her nearby so I can question her - a coworker - instead of one of my newest supervisors with all the questions I'm bound to have.
Needless to say my cellmates are less than thrilled with this idea. Then when they heard who is in charge of this project (the newest supervisor), they were even less thrilled and full of pity for me. Not a good sign.
Tuesday afternoon (after my current supervisor had left) one of my new supervisors and the pseudo boss showed up and were discussing the desk next to me. Taking measurements, commenting on the pros and cons. Pseudo boss asked who I was, I told him, and his reply was, "Have we met before?" I managed not to roll my eyes as I said, "Yes at least three times now, this would be the fourth or fifth time." Not that he was even listening to me but I needed to say that much.
Anyway they keep talking and my cellmates and I get the impression that they're not discussing the desk for my new trainer but for pseudo boss. I can safely say that all of our skins started to crawl. I talked to my current supervisor (the one who is actually in the same room as me) Wed morning and told him what we had overheard. He paled and said he hadn't heard anything but that he'd check into it. We haven't heard anything about it, which is typically a bad thing. On the plus side for my cellmates, it appears that my future trainer (the social piranha) might not be moving up here after all. It apparently costs upwards of $200 for people to switch desks (I have no idea why) and the people who would pay for this (some division of the government agency) is bankrupt and cannot afford the move. Yeah, hearing that gave me a sense of security about the federal government too.
Some scenarios..
1. Group/room arrangement stays as it is and I have to walk downstairs every time I have a question for the first couple of weeks. After that I could prolly just phone in my questions.
2. Social outcast moves up and into the desk next to mine, causing great tension in the room but allowing me to learn my new job much faster and easier.
3. Social outcast AND pseudo boss move into the room (we have three empty desks at the moment) and moral crashes to an unheard of low and people start deserting the company faster than one can say "Arugula!"
Have I confused yall yet? If not yall are more clearheaded than I because everything is in chaos and company moral is soooooo low. Nobody much cares about anything. After all, commodities don't have feelings.
The company outcast, the person everyone here despises (I've only met her once so haven't formed any opinions other than she doesn't like to let go of your hand when she's giving a handshake - which iritated me. Let go already!!), is going to be moving up to my floor, to the cube desk next to me. See, she already does what I'm going to be doing (and that's all she does) and has been for years now. It makes perfect sense to have her nearby so I can question her - a coworker - instead of one of my newest supervisors with all the questions I'm bound to have.
Needless to say my cellmates are less than thrilled with this idea. Then when they heard who is in charge of this project (the newest supervisor), they were even less thrilled and full of pity for me. Not a good sign.
Tuesday afternoon (after my current supervisor had left) one of my new supervisors and the pseudo boss showed up and were discussing the desk next to me. Taking measurements, commenting on the pros and cons. Pseudo boss asked who I was, I told him, and his reply was, "Have we met before?" I managed not to roll my eyes as I said, "Yes at least three times now, this would be the fourth or fifth time." Not that he was even listening to me but I needed to say that much.
Anyway they keep talking and my cellmates and I get the impression that they're not discussing the desk for my new trainer but for pseudo boss. I can safely say that all of our skins started to crawl. I talked to my current supervisor (the one who is actually in the same room as me) Wed morning and told him what we had overheard. He paled and said he hadn't heard anything but that he'd check into it. We haven't heard anything about it, which is typically a bad thing. On the plus side for my cellmates, it appears that my future trainer (the social piranha) might not be moving up here after all. It apparently costs upwards of $200 for people to switch desks (I have no idea why) and the people who would pay for this (some division of the government agency) is bankrupt and cannot afford the move. Yeah, hearing that gave me a sense of security about the federal government too.
Some scenarios..
1. Group/room arrangement stays as it is and I have to walk downstairs every time I have a question for the first couple of weeks. After that I could prolly just phone in my questions.
2. Social outcast moves up and into the desk next to mine, causing great tension in the room but allowing me to learn my new job much faster and easier.
3. Social outcast AND pseudo boss move into the room (we have three empty desks at the moment) and moral crashes to an unheard of low and people start deserting the company faster than one can say "Arugula!"
Have I confused yall yet? If not yall are more clearheaded than I because everything is in chaos and company moral is soooooo low. Nobody much cares about anything. After all, commodities don't have feelings.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Squirrelly video
This was posted in one of the Zootopia boards (U2 fan site). I just can't describe it other than "Oh My".
Head & Shoulders
As someone said, Prez Bush is spot on and the resemblance to the lads is uncanny!
Head & Shoulders
As someone said, Prez Bush is spot on and the resemblance to the lads is uncanny!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Concert Hangover
That's what, according to a coworker, I have. A concert hangover. Headache, fatigue, bad headache, no attention span, did I mention headache? It's all good though. I'd do it all over again. Well, maybe not the changing of dirty diapers ;)
Pittsburgh Vertigo
Mellon Arena or as I experienced it - the Land of Rude People. We were not at a football game folks! There was no need to drink excessive quantities of beer, chow down on hot dogs and peanuts or to wear your Steelers jerseys! You were at a concert and not just any concert, a U2 concert!!!! Get with the program! And to the jacka$$ yelling "Play Something!" while Bono was talking about the One Campaign and his united efforts to end poverty and halt the AIDS crisis I have two words for you! (Thank you Larry Mullen, Jr!) and then this rat b*st*rd had the NERVE to shout "Play something GOOD!" after One was over. Did he not just hear Edge on the guitar? Bono crooning? Was he deaf and blind as well as dumb?!!! Oy freaking vey!!!
But enough of the negative. Show was great, tho the accoustics weren't as good as the DC shows despite Mellon Arena being smaller (or so I'm told). I was on Edge's side, lower section. Fantastic seat!! Especially for moi as I adore the Edge beyond all reason (sorry Bono, Adam and Larry. I love yall too! But there's just something about The Edge and his guitar....)

Okay and his singing too :) No, I didn't take this photo, not sure who did. It was posted in the Edge forum at U2.com by MadD. Thanks to whoever took it!
I guess the highlight would have to be hearing Party Girl. Bono and Edge were at the end of the ellipse singing Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of and Bono was looking at the crowd and had lyrics issues. He looks over to The Edge and says something to the effect of "Wait wait, back up. Let me get this right" and they finish the song. Then Bono walks over to Edge and says something to him, Edge nods and Bono turns back to the crowd and says "Where's that guy with the Party Girl sign?" A fan had a big sign that said 'Me + guitar = Party Girl".
The guy comes forward and hops onto stage, to which Bono says "Woah he's a big guy." The guy was a good foot taller than B-man (at least, from my perspective). Bono gets the guy's name, "Everybody this is Big Al. Dallas we need a guitar for Big Al." Much cheering. "Dallas Schoo, ladies and genteleman, guitar guru" (something like that anyway) much louder cheering and they hike it back up the far side of the ellipse.
Edge had signaled for Dallas to bring a guitar out, so Dallas is coming down one side of the ellipse as Bono and Big Al head up the other side, so then Edge and Dallas start walking back up. They get back to the main stage, Al gets to play one of Edge's guitars and they rock on to Party Girl. It was great! Towards the end of the song, a crew guy brings out a bottle of champagne that Bono shakes up and opens, spewing champagne all over the people in the bomb shelter and onto Big Al and Edge's guitar. Bono takes a drink and offers it to Big Al, couldn't see if he took a drink or not though.
I'll hopefully get my pictures squared away tonight or tomorrow at the latest. Maybe if I can get a certain computery person *coughTcough* to help, I'll just set up a photo page and yall can watch a slide show of them. Not sure if my Photoshop skills are that good though.
Oh, for those who didn't know.. I drove to my brother's place Friday after work (only a half day, mind you) and baby sat my nephew (he'll be 1 this Friday!!!) Saturday morning while his mom and dad were taking a CPR course. It was my first time alone with JT. My first time changing a diaper, which I did four times - two of them weren't the best smelling. My second time feeding him (and third and fourth). It was a lot of fun and not nearly as terrifying as I thought it would be. A great way to spend the day before driving to Pittsburgh in the rain for the show.
I got back to my brother's place, after the show, about 3.30 Sunday morning. Got up about 10.30, left around 11.30 and drove back to my place. Got home about 5.45, talked to the folks and my brother and then went to bed about 6.30 or 7. Got up at 5.30 this morning. Think I may just crash again when I get home.
Pittsburgh Vertigo
Mellon Arena or as I experienced it - the Land of Rude People. We were not at a football game folks! There was no need to drink excessive quantities of beer, chow down on hot dogs and peanuts or to wear your Steelers jerseys! You were at a concert and not just any concert, a U2 concert!!!! Get with the program! And to the jacka$$ yelling "Play Something!" while Bono was talking about the One Campaign and his united efforts to end poverty and halt the AIDS crisis I have two words for you! (Thank you Larry Mullen, Jr!) and then this rat b*st*rd had the NERVE to shout "Play something GOOD!" after One was over. Did he not just hear Edge on the guitar? Bono crooning? Was he deaf and blind as well as dumb?!!! Oy freaking vey!!!
But enough of the negative. Show was great, tho the accoustics weren't as good as the DC shows despite Mellon Arena being smaller (or so I'm told). I was on Edge's side, lower section. Fantastic seat!! Especially for moi as I adore the Edge beyond all reason (sorry Bono, Adam and Larry. I love yall too! But there's just something about The Edge and his guitar....)

Okay and his singing too :) No, I didn't take this photo, not sure who did. It was posted in the Edge forum at U2.com by MadD. Thanks to whoever took it!
I guess the highlight would have to be hearing Party Girl. Bono and Edge were at the end of the ellipse singing Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of and Bono was looking at the crowd and had lyrics issues. He looks over to The Edge and says something to the effect of "Wait wait, back up. Let me get this right" and they finish the song. Then Bono walks over to Edge and says something to him, Edge nods and Bono turns back to the crowd and says "Where's that guy with the Party Girl sign?" A fan had a big sign that said 'Me + guitar = Party Girl".
The guy comes forward and hops onto stage, to which Bono says "Woah he's a big guy." The guy was a good foot taller than B-man (at least, from my perspective). Bono gets the guy's name, "Everybody this is Big Al. Dallas we need a guitar for Big Al." Much cheering. "Dallas Schoo, ladies and genteleman, guitar guru" (something like that anyway) much louder cheering and they hike it back up the far side of the ellipse.
Edge had signaled for Dallas to bring a guitar out, so Dallas is coming down one side of the ellipse as Bono and Big Al head up the other side, so then Edge and Dallas start walking back up. They get back to the main stage, Al gets to play one of Edge's guitars and they rock on to Party Girl. It was great! Towards the end of the song, a crew guy brings out a bottle of champagne that Bono shakes up and opens, spewing champagne all over the people in the bomb shelter and onto Big Al and Edge's guitar. Bono takes a drink and offers it to Big Al, couldn't see if he took a drink or not though.
I'll hopefully get my pictures squared away tonight or tomorrow at the latest. Maybe if I can get a certain computery person *coughTcough* to help, I'll just set up a photo page and yall can watch a slide show of them. Not sure if my Photoshop skills are that good though.
Oh, for those who didn't know.. I drove to my brother's place Friday after work (only a half day, mind you) and baby sat my nephew (he'll be 1 this Friday!!!) Saturday morning while his mom and dad were taking a CPR course. It was my first time alone with JT. My first time changing a diaper, which I did four times - two of them weren't the best smelling. My second time feeding him (and third and fourth). It was a lot of fun and not nearly as terrifying as I thought it would be. A great way to spend the day before driving to Pittsburgh in the rain for the show.
I got back to my brother's place, after the show, about 3.30 Sunday morning. Got up about 10.30, left around 11.30 and drove back to my place. Got home about 5.45, talked to the folks and my brother and then went to bed about 6.30 or 7. Got up at 5.30 this morning. Think I may just crash again when I get home.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Vertigo Photos DC 2
Vertigo DC Night 2
It was cold (okay so it was 59 degrees F). It was rainy. It was damp and windy. We were talking to a security guard, when this black SUV pulls in. Guard goes "What's this jackass doing?" Then the window slides down and it's Bono! Had his cowboy hat on again (arrived from the direction of the White House). He shook his head as he tapped his throat. Said "Sorry, can't stop tonight. My throat.." something along the lines of need to save his voice, his throat is sore.. Not really sure of his exact wording. But he touched his throat twice and smiled and waved.
The fact that he had his driver slow down so that he could tell us why he wasn't stopping..... it was heartwarming. The man is fantastic. Such a big heart. Generous with his fans. He could've just zoomed on in but he didn't.
The other guys just zipped on through like they did yesterday. Also the only one I positively ID'd was Adam.. Sitting in the back passenger side seat of a sedan..The car was full so maybe Edge and Larry were in there as well, not sure. Windows weren't tinted.. but there were a couple of vans that did have darkened windows.. Police escort.. One in front, one behind with sirens and lights aflashin..
Security was MUCH tighter tonight for the cars parking below the MCI Center but still lax at the door. As I was leaving the loading dock (about 6.45) I saw some secret service guys. Guess Condoleeza Rice was in the house as Bono said thanks to the Secretary of State.... And a variety of Senators and Representatives as well.
They mixed up the set list too. WOoo!!! Got Out of Control, Wild Horses, Walk On and they ended with BAD!!!! :) Bono was less chatty tonight but much more ..energetic. Bouncing and running and dancing about. Was fantastic! and he had Edge sing more of Walk On!!!! Yes, that scream yall heard was moi *grin*
Got my digital in tonight and I took LOTS of shots but can't face uploading them all tonight. I think I may be sick *cough*sneeze*coughcough* tomorrow *grin* I know if I start loading the pics, I'll just want to start tweaking them and posting them.. But I do need to do it before I leave for Pittsburgh so my memory card will be clean :)
The fact that he had his driver slow down so that he could tell us why he wasn't stopping..... it was heartwarming. The man is fantastic. Such a big heart. Generous with his fans. He could've just zoomed on in but he didn't.
The other guys just zipped on through like they did yesterday. Also the only one I positively ID'd was Adam.. Sitting in the back passenger side seat of a sedan..The car was full so maybe Edge and Larry were in there as well, not sure. Windows weren't tinted.. but there were a couple of vans that did have darkened windows.. Police escort.. One in front, one behind with sirens and lights aflashin..
Security was MUCH tighter tonight for the cars parking below the MCI Center but still lax at the door. As I was leaving the loading dock (about 6.45) I saw some secret service guys. Guess Condoleeza Rice was in the house as Bono said thanks to the Secretary of State.... And a variety of Senators and Representatives as well.
They mixed up the set list too. WOoo!!! Got Out of Control, Wild Horses, Walk On and they ended with BAD!!!! :) Bono was less chatty tonight but much more ..energetic. Bouncing and running and dancing about. Was fantastic! and he had Edge sing more of Walk On!!!! Yes, that scream yall heard was moi *grin*
Got my digital in tonight and I took LOTS of shots but can't face uploading them all tonight. I think I may be sick *cough*sneeze*coughcough* tomorrow *grin* I know if I start loading the pics, I'll just want to start tweaking them and posting them.. But I do need to do it before I leave for Pittsburgh so my memory card will be clean :)
Thursday, October 20, 2005
U2 Vertigo - DC - 10/19/05
The show was beyond anything!!!!!!! I was singing 40 all the way home.. Loitered at the loading dock until midnight - just in case but the need to potty and the nagging pain in my back forced me to give up my vigil (plus the 4 block hike to my car). As it is, four big tour busses had already left and Dallas was on one of them so it's likely the boys were as well. Tho they arrived in a hodge podge of cars. Adam was in a sedan with untinted windows. I nearly had a cow! "OMG! That's ADAM!!!" saw assorted heads and such in the vans and SUV with tinted windows.. No sighting of Edge, Larry or Bono.. Then the dock door slid shut...
We wait... some folks leave..
Another black SUV pulls in, passenger window rolls down and it's BONO!!!! Didn't think he was going to get out at first, but he did. And then the bodyguard was saying just photos and handshakes, no autographs.. but before he even finishes saying that, Bono is signing stufff. That man is so damn cool.
I. Touched. His. Right. Coat. Sleeve. !!!!!
He had on a Black leather coat, cowboy hat and shades. I was squealing like a girl and saying Thank You Bono!! over and over and over. Lady next to me gave him a book of her poetry and asked him for a hug. He said "Sorry no hugs, have a bit of a cold." I can't believe I heard Bono speak and it wasn't on a record or DVD or radio or through a microphone!!! He was less than an arm's reach away. It's surreal. I snapped a bunch of pictures but I have no idea if they'll
come out - took them on a disposable camera.
I know I'm forgetting stuff. I haven't even talked about the show but it's all a whirl in my head and my body just wants to lay down. It is such a spiritual experience. My soul is revived. Hadn't realized how sickly it had been but wow! If only U2 were to perform on a beach............. :)
Will post pictures - if they come out. Hopefully the digital camera tomorrow/tonight - Thursday will work out :)
No surprises in the set list.. Bono did sing snippets of Send in the Clowns, Johnny Comes Marching Home, Old Man River and at least one other one that escapes me at the moment. Dedicated Johnny to the American service men & women.
Wanted to smack the idiots sitting beside me. Think they stood up for three songs (PITNOL, Streets and WOWY - I believe). Tho the lot of them (four silvery haired guys) got up repeatedly to leave.. maybe they had bladder control issues, I don't know. Two of them left after the first encore. The other two left as soon as Bono left the stage. Numbnut next to me watched the tv screen more than the stage. WTF?!!
Jerk behind me tapped me on my shoulder because she wanted to sit down and I was standing. I ignored her and kept on grooving :)
Okay, that disjointed enough for yall? :) I'm gonna head to bed now, let the body rest so that I can do it all again tonight. WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!
We wait... some folks leave..
Another black SUV pulls in, passenger window rolls down and it's BONO!!!! Didn't think he was going to get out at first, but he did. And then the bodyguard was saying just photos and handshakes, no autographs.. but before he even finishes saying that, Bono is signing stufff. That man is so damn cool.
I. Touched. His. Right. Coat. Sleeve. !!!!!
He had on a Black leather coat, cowboy hat and shades. I was squealing like a girl and saying Thank You Bono!! over and over and over. Lady next to me gave him a book of her poetry and asked him for a hug. He said "Sorry no hugs, have a bit of a cold." I can't believe I heard Bono speak and it wasn't on a record or DVD or radio or through a microphone!!! He was less than an arm's reach away. It's surreal. I snapped a bunch of pictures but I have no idea if they'll
come out - took them on a disposable camera.
I know I'm forgetting stuff. I haven't even talked about the show but it's all a whirl in my head and my body just wants to lay down. It is such a spiritual experience. My soul is revived. Hadn't realized how sickly it had been but wow! If only U2 were to perform on a beach............. :)
Will post pictures - if they come out. Hopefully the digital camera tomorrow/tonight - Thursday will work out :)
No surprises in the set list.. Bono did sing snippets of Send in the Clowns, Johnny Comes Marching Home, Old Man River and at least one other one that escapes me at the moment. Dedicated Johnny to the American service men & women.
Wanted to smack the idiots sitting beside me. Think they stood up for three songs (PITNOL, Streets and WOWY - I believe). Tho the lot of them (four silvery haired guys) got up repeatedly to leave.. maybe they had bladder control issues, I don't know. Two of them left after the first encore. The other two left as soon as Bono left the stage. Numbnut next to me watched the tv screen more than the stage. WTF?!!
Jerk behind me tapped me on my shoulder because she wanted to sit down and I was standing. I ignored her and kept on grooving :)
Okay, that disjointed enough for yall? :) I'm gonna head to bed now, let the body rest so that I can do it all again tonight. WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
T-Minus 8 hours 20 minutes (ish)
tick tick tick.. Less than nine hours until U2 takes the stage at the MCI Center tonight!! Woooohooooo!!! I called the MCI-C to check about tonight's procedures and got some crotchity lady who was, apparently, not having a good day.
"I was calling about the procedure for tonight's show. Are cameras allowed? Are purses allowed in? What are the security procedures? Pat down? Metal detector?"
"Cameras are allowed?"
"Purses are allowed?"
"Yes purses are allowed, but no backpacks, knapsacks, sacks, briefcases or bags of any kind."
"And the security for tonight? Is it Pat down? Metal detector?"
"Okay, thanks so much. B-"
Guess I really didn't want to know about parking....
"I was calling about the procedure for tonight's show. Are cameras allowed? Are purses allowed in? What are the security procedures? Pat down? Metal detector?"
"Cameras are allowed?"
"Purses are allowed?"
"Yes purses are allowed, but no backpacks, knapsacks, sacks, briefcases or bags of any kind."
"And the security for tonight? Is it Pat down? Metal detector?"
"Okay, thanks so much. B-"
Guess I really didn't want to know about parking....
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
U2: Rattle and Hum
I saw Rattle and Hum on the big screen tonight. It was AMAZING!!!! Sure I own the DVD and have seen it before but there's nothing like a wall size Edge screaming on the guitar or Bono singing his heart out. Wow. Adam grooving on the bass or Larry wailing on the drums. Just kick ass!!!
I wish I had known about the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, Maryland playing Rattle and Hum yesterday! I'd have gone to that showing too! :)
And the ..interesting and eclectic people I encountered on the metro were entertaining (and some rather creepy) in and of themselves. I was texting a couple of people and talked to my dad three or four times and another friend once, not to mention a variety of voicemail messages I left for people. So I was just covering bases, making sure lots of folks knew where I was - just in case. Hey, it's how I was raised. I called my dad when I got home to let him know I had made it safely and thereby he could sleep better. And then I talked to my friend TC (of the notorious birthday) for awhile about hockey and U2 - you know, the important things in life *grin*
I'm so glad I went! Despite the nightmare of a drive to the metro station (hello rush hour traffic!) and then the hordes of people at the assorted stations I had to transfer trains at (again, Hello rush hour traffic!) and the nearly hour long metro ride to get to the theatre. So worth it!!
Oh, hey, MWB - I saw you and NFFBB! And you were so much bigger! ;)
I wish I had known about the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, Maryland playing Rattle and Hum yesterday! I'd have gone to that showing too! :)
And the ..interesting and eclectic people I encountered on the metro were entertaining (and some rather creepy) in and of themselves. I was texting a couple of people and talked to my dad three or four times and another friend once, not to mention a variety of voicemail messages I left for people. So I was just covering bases, making sure lots of folks knew where I was - just in case. Hey, it's how I was raised. I called my dad when I got home to let him know I had made it safely and thereby he could sleep better. And then I talked to my friend TC (of the notorious birthday) for awhile about hockey and U2 - you know, the important things in life *grin*
I'm so glad I went! Despite the nightmare of a drive to the metro station (hello rush hour traffic!) and then the hordes of people at the assorted stations I had to transfer trains at (again, Hello rush hour traffic!) and the nearly hour long metro ride to get to the theatre. So worth it!!
Oh, hey, MWB - I saw you and NFFBB! And you were so much bigger! ;)
More Work Crap
Sooooo today we got the news that the Prez of our company "made an error" during yesterday's meeting. Raises will not be retrocactive to October 1. Raises won't even become effective until January 1. Imagine the sheer joy of my coworkers upon this news. As I told them, "If I were eligible for a raise, I'd be pissed."
The email further explained that "M stated that he will schedule a meeting to discuss the error and its ramifications with the staff as soon as possible." Our collective response was, Yeah Right.
However, we found out from a coworker on another floor with a different supervisor as our supervisor was showing the new boss type person around. Email didn't show up until a good two hours after we already knew about it. We also found out from the coworker first, that I will be doing two jobs now (no, there will be no pay increase for moi) and that the person everyone here cannot stand (I have yet to meet her) will be sitting in the desk next to me. Apparently she does the job that I will be trained on in the "near future, possibly next week". I guess the way the contract was worked out the job she does will be doubling, so she'll need the help.
My cellmates are beyond estactic about this (yes, that was sarcasm). I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Mostly depends on what I'll be doing. I got some good compliments out of the whole endeavor though (when the supervisor was able to come back to tell us - after arguing strongly to keep me doing what I'm doing).
My cellmates and I have been coming up with code words/phrases/etc. for when we need a break or whatever. Leading one is Panda Cam! (camera showing Tai shan [Beatuiful Mountain], the baby Giant Panda cub at the National Zoo). We're also working on perfecting our bird calls. Anybody have any pointers? Mostly they're us saying "woo woo. woo woo." while we wave our fingers in front of our mouths.
The email further explained that "M stated that he will schedule a meeting to discuss the error and its ramifications with the staff as soon as possible." Our collective response was, Yeah Right.
However, we found out from a coworker on another floor with a different supervisor as our supervisor was showing the new boss type person around. Email didn't show up until a good two hours after we already knew about it. We also found out from the coworker first, that I will be doing two jobs now (no, there will be no pay increase for moi) and that the person everyone here cannot stand (I have yet to meet her) will be sitting in the desk next to me. Apparently she does the job that I will be trained on in the "near future, possibly next week". I guess the way the contract was worked out the job she does will be doubling, so she'll need the help.
My cellmates are beyond estactic about this (yes, that was sarcasm). I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Mostly depends on what I'll be doing. I got some good compliments out of the whole endeavor though (when the supervisor was able to come back to tell us - after arguing strongly to keep me doing what I'm doing).
My cellmates and I have been coming up with code words/phrases/etc. for when we need a break or whatever. Leading one is Panda Cam! (camera showing Tai shan [Beatuiful Mountain], the baby Giant Panda cub at the National Zoo). We're also working on perfecting our bird calls. Anybody have any pointers? Mostly they're us saying "woo woo. woo woo." while we wave our fingers in front of our mouths.
The Countdown Has Begun!!!
Actuually I've been counting down since March but haven't posted it as only a select few (okay several thousand) would get the same thrill from it as I am. :) Now I gotta figure out how I'm getting to the MCI Center. Am I taking the metro and thereby foregoing any post-show autograph waiting (aka stalking) or am I driving and paying to park? There are assorted rumours as to how safe the area (Chinatown) around the MCI Center is.
There's a theatre in Silver Spring, MD (just off of the metro red line) that is showing Rattle and Hum tonight and I'm very tempted to head up there to see it. Missed it on the big screen the first time around.
I think this means I need to get my tickets out of the freezer so they can thaw out *grin* And my metal U2.com membership card, it's gonna be chilly enough without that baby being an ice cube. Don't wanna be too Numb...
Too much is not enough
I feel numb
Gimme what you got
Gimme what I don't get
Gimme what you got
Too much is not enough
I feel numb
Holy Cow! U2 in concert tomorrow night!!! I can't believe it!!! Nearly there! I'm One Step Closer...
I’m ‘round the corner from anything that’s real
I’m across the road from hope
I’m under a bridge in a rip tide
That’s taken everything I call my own
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
I’m on an island at a busy intersection
I can’t go forward, I can’t turn back
Can’t see the future
It’s getting away from me
I just watch the tail lights glowing
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
Knowing, knowing
I’m hanging out to dry
With my old clothes
Finger still red with the prick of an old rose
Well the heart that hurts
Is a heart that beats
Can you hear the drummer slowing
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
To knowing, to knowing, to knowing
....what it feels like to be at a Vertigo show! *grin* Yay! Thanks U2 :)
Numb from Zooropa - U2
One Step Closer from How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb - U2
There's a theatre in Silver Spring, MD (just off of the metro red line) that is showing Rattle and Hum tonight and I'm very tempted to head up there to see it. Missed it on the big screen the first time around.
I think this means I need to get my tickets out of the freezer so they can thaw out *grin* And my metal U2.com membership card, it's gonna be chilly enough without that baby being an ice cube. Don't wanna be too Numb...
Too much is not enough
I feel numb
Gimme what you got
Gimme what I don't get
Gimme what you got
Too much is not enough
I feel numb
Holy Cow! U2 in concert tomorrow night!!! I can't believe it!!! Nearly there! I'm One Step Closer...
I’m ‘round the corner from anything that’s real
I’m across the road from hope
I’m under a bridge in a rip tide
That’s taken everything I call my own
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
I’m on an island at a busy intersection
I can’t go forward, I can’t turn back
Can’t see the future
It’s getting away from me
I just watch the tail lights glowing
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
Knowing, knowing
I’m hanging out to dry
With my old clothes
Finger still red with the prick of an old rose
Well the heart that hurts
Is a heart that beats
Can you hear the drummer slowing
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
One step closer to knowing
To knowing, to knowing, to knowing
....what it feels like to be at a Vertigo show! *grin* Yay! Thanks U2 :)
Numb from Zooropa - U2
One Step Closer from How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb - U2
Monday, October 17, 2005
blah blah Work blah blah blah
So we had a meeting this morning to 'clear the air' and 'start off our new working partnership with a bang'. Yeah right. The meeting was pointless. Only one of my company's (Company B) presidents (M) showed up and he spent most of his time talking in circles, eyeing the clock and then talking in slower circles. Confirmed that we will not get paid for snow days, terrorism scares, random days off that Prez. Bush gives federal employees (that close our building) unless we use our sick time or vacation time.
I asked "If we have to use our sick/vacation time for federal closings does that mean we'll no longer get paid for the federal holidays?" His reply was "Oh no, you're benefits haven't changed. You'll get paid for those days." then J (my boss) said "Those are days where Company B is putting money out but has none coming in." To which I replied, "Yes, I know. That's why I asked." When I was interviewed one of the much touted benefits was getting paid for snow days. Yet, somehow, our benefits haven't changed? Explain that one to me.
Company C's bigwigs didn't show, just sent T who is Company C's project manager on site. The one who we'll be training the next couple of weeks. Basically he has no power/influence over what Company C does. Only reason he showed was because we'll be working with him. Suposedly start training him tomorrow. We shall see...
Someone asked "What's the advantage for Company C to keep Company B as a subcontractor?" T replied that we all are "subject matter experts" and our "knowledge is too valuable to let go". Again, I say, Yeah Right!
Someone else asked the question that was really asked before but T chose to ignore; "Why is it more advantageous for Company C to work through Company B as opposed to hiring us all directly?" T passed the question onto M.
M informed us that it's part of the contract that they signed that Company C cannot recruit Company B employees to work for Company C. Apparently a lot of people gave him the same smirky look I'm sure I had on my face cause M then added "We have a contract where we are the contractor and Company C is the subcontractor and that same clause is in there. We cannot recruit Company C employees to work with us."
I know I wasn't the only one thinking 'What Company C employee would WANT to work for my company? Company C's benefits are better, they have cross training programs and are more firmly entrenched with the government than my company is - i.e. more job security.'
There was much posturing on M's part about the 'bonus' that Company B is putting together. Basically if we don't take our sick/vacation time we could be eligible for a bonus. Amount and qualifications still to be determined. Which is the same thing he said a couple weeks ago. Coworkers and I figure it's all just hot air to keep us from jumping ship. Especially when M goes from telling us we have to use our sick/vacation time to get paid for snow days to telling us not use our sick/vacation time unless "we really need it".
Note: I inadvertently saved this as a draft and didn't publish it last night, when I wrote it. So for those of you who think I'm absentminded, you may have a point ;)
I asked "If we have to use our sick/vacation time for federal closings does that mean we'll no longer get paid for the federal holidays?" His reply was "Oh no, you're benefits haven't changed. You'll get paid for those days." then J (my boss) said "Those are days where Company B is putting money out but has none coming in." To which I replied, "Yes, I know. That's why I asked." When I was interviewed one of the much touted benefits was getting paid for snow days. Yet, somehow, our benefits haven't changed? Explain that one to me.
Company C's bigwigs didn't show, just sent T who is Company C's project manager on site. The one who we'll be training the next couple of weeks. Basically he has no power/influence over what Company C does. Only reason he showed was because we'll be working with him. Suposedly start training him tomorrow. We shall see...
Someone asked "What's the advantage for Company C to keep Company B as a subcontractor?" T replied that we all are "subject matter experts" and our "knowledge is too valuable to let go". Again, I say, Yeah Right!
Someone else asked the question that was really asked before but T chose to ignore; "Why is it more advantageous for Company C to work through Company B as opposed to hiring us all directly?" T passed the question onto M.
M informed us that it's part of the contract that they signed that Company C cannot recruit Company B employees to work for Company C. Apparently a lot of people gave him the same smirky look I'm sure I had on my face cause M then added "We have a contract where we are the contractor and Company C is the subcontractor and that same clause is in there. We cannot recruit Company C employees to work with us."
I know I wasn't the only one thinking 'What Company C employee would WANT to work for my company? Company C's benefits are better, they have cross training programs and are more firmly entrenched with the government than my company is - i.e. more job security.'
There was much posturing on M's part about the 'bonus' that Company B is putting together. Basically if we don't take our sick/vacation time we could be eligible for a bonus. Amount and qualifications still to be determined. Which is the same thing he said a couple weeks ago. Coworkers and I figure it's all just hot air to keep us from jumping ship. Especially when M goes from telling us we have to use our sick/vacation time to get paid for snow days to telling us not use our sick/vacation time unless "we really need it".
Note: I inadvertently saved this as a draft and didn't publish it last night, when I wrote it. So for those of you who think I'm absentminded, you may have a point ;)
Weathery Moods
Isn't it ..amusing that, just by going outside your pounding headache disappears? That away from the fluorescent lights, institutional green cube "walls", industrial carpet, drab beige walls and canned air your health seems to vastly improve?
One minute your head is pounding and you're thinking of selling your soul to the devil for a pair of sunglasses and some extra strength tylenol. Then you go outside and can't believe that you were ever contemplating such a bargain. It's amazing what the wonders of sunshine, bright blue skies and a gentle breeze can do for one's health - both mentally and physically.
Then you come back inside and the sickening headache returns with a bang and a whimper. Anybody have some tylenol they want to send my way?
One minute your head is pounding and you're thinking of selling your soul to the devil for a pair of sunglasses and some extra strength tylenol. Then you go outside and can't believe that you were ever contemplating such a bargain. It's amazing what the wonders of sunshine, bright blue skies and a gentle breeze can do for one's health - both mentally and physically.
Then you come back inside and the sickening headache returns with a bang and a whimper. Anybody have some tylenol they want to send my way?
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Ever have one of those days where your mood is just all funky and squirrelly for no particular reason? Where you find yourself heaving huge, heavy sighs and feeling blue and out of sorts with no apparent cause visible? That's what today has been like.
Maybe it's a post-excitement/joy high from last night. I saw The Nields perform. Nerissa and Katryna (sisters) Nields that is. They were doing an acoustic set at a coffee house nearby. It was Amazing! I highly recommend anyone going to see them. They're a folk/rock/punk/celtic ish type group. Their voices are reminiscent of Dar Williams, Connie Dover, Kate Wolf and Sarah McLachlan. They have some rock'n tunes and some more traditional folk sounding, some that are twangy like country.
Man they can sing. Katryna was just belting out the tunes last night. They talk to you during the show, tell stories, anecdotes, give commentary, etc. So much fun and it feels like they're performing in your living room.
As excited and happy as I was to see them, it's nothing to the anticipatory feeling I have for U2 later this week. If I'm this down and out of sorts after seeing The Nields, how the heck am I going to be next Sunday?? Oy vey mama! (Notice how everything comes back to U2?)
Or maybe it's the meeting I have tomorrow. All the bigwigs from my company plus the bigwigs at the new company and all of my coworkers will be there. We only have an hour to ask all the questions that we have. Scratch that we only have an hour to listen to all the hot air being spouted by the various company bigwigs with whatever remaining time left, we get to ask our questions. You'd think they'd plan the meeting with ample time but no, they just want to get in and out and on with their day.
Or maybe I'm moody because I can't wear my typical jeans, tshirt and sneakers to work tomorrow. Well, technically, I could wear them but it wouldn't be professional. *sigh*
Maybe it's a post-excitement/joy high from last night. I saw The Nields perform. Nerissa and Katryna (sisters) Nields that is. They were doing an acoustic set at a coffee house nearby. It was Amazing! I highly recommend anyone going to see them. They're a folk/rock/punk/celtic ish type group. Their voices are reminiscent of Dar Williams, Connie Dover, Kate Wolf and Sarah McLachlan. They have some rock'n tunes and some more traditional folk sounding, some that are twangy like country.
Man they can sing. Katryna was just belting out the tunes last night. They talk to you during the show, tell stories, anecdotes, give commentary, etc. So much fun and it feels like they're performing in your living room.
As excited and happy as I was to see them, it's nothing to the anticipatory feeling I have for U2 later this week. If I'm this down and out of sorts after seeing The Nields, how the heck am I going to be next Sunday?? Oy vey mama! (Notice how everything comes back to U2?)
Or maybe it's the meeting I have tomorrow. All the bigwigs from my company plus the bigwigs at the new company and all of my coworkers will be there. We only have an hour to ask all the questions that we have. Scratch that we only have an hour to listen to all the hot air being spouted by the various company bigwigs with whatever remaining time left, we get to ask our questions. You'd think they'd plan the meeting with ample time but no, they just want to get in and out and on with their day.
Or maybe I'm moody because I can't wear my typical jeans, tshirt and sneakers to work tomorrow. Well, technically, I could wear them but it wouldn't be professional. *sigh*
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Well it is Sunday and I did just finish watching Bat 21 on the History Channel, so it is kinda bloody. Mainly, I associate Sunday Bloody Sunday with U2's song of the same name, about Bloody Sunday January 30, 1972 where British soldiers killed 13 civilans who were peacefully protesting the new British Internment (jailing without trial) law.
For more info, try these sites.
Remembering Bloody Sunday
Official Bloody Sunday Inquiry Site
On the bright side, a friend of mine was born on that date. Although he is misguided in his cheering for the New Jersey Devils last night instead of the Carolina Hurricanes. Maybe the events that happened on his birth date have tweaked his personality more than anyone realizes ;)
For more info, try these sites.
Remembering Bloody Sunday
Official Bloody Sunday Inquiry Site
On the bright side, a friend of mine was born on that date. Although he is misguided in his cheering for the New Jersey Devils last night instead of the Carolina Hurricanes. Maybe the events that happened on his birth date have tweaked his personality more than anyone realizes ;)
Friday, October 14, 2005
Less than a week until my first U2 Vertigo show!!!!!!!!!! First show is Oct 19 (DC), second show Oct 20 (DC) and third show Oct 22 (Pittsburgh). Oh man!! Yall can't even know how excited I am!!! If I let myself think about it, I'm off the charts excited! Oh my dog!! I'm going to be at a U2 concert in six days!! Holy [censored] heck!!!!
Just had to share :):):):)
Just had to share :):):):)
Thursday, October 13, 2005
The Carolina Hurricanes clobbered the Washington Crapitals at home in hockey last night!!! YES!! Go Canes!!!! We'll just ignore the second goal that the craps were given. Nobody need remember how Someone passed the puck back to Cam (goalie) only to discover that Cam wasn't in the net because Coach Laviolette wanted six attackers. Nopers. No need to dwell on that horrifying goal.
Let's focus on the 7-2 end result! Although I swear yall slid that puck in the net with 0.1 second left! Should've been 8-2!! Stinkin' refs!
My neighbors prolly aren't thrilled with me but so what! I have to listen to their craptacular music everyday, they can hear me yelling and cheering and maybe swearing at the refs for one night! And the stupid announcers. I wanted to smack the tar out of them! What's with talking about ACC football during a HOCKEY game??!!!! So what if your team is behind (was watching the game through the station here, so it was the crapitals announcers) there is NO EXCUSE to talk about another sport when the game you're supposed to be covering is still being played! Get a clue!
One more rant. The Comcast Sports Network has some issues. I've already covered their lousy announcers but the commercials! You have to have the volume cranked just to hear the game. Most of the commercials are regular volume (ie on par with the game volume) but then you get two or three in a row that just about blow your speakers out! What the heck is the problem??? And some of them are commercials for comcast services! Oy vey mama!
Let's focus on the 7-2 end result! Although I swear yall slid that puck in the net with 0.1 second left! Should've been 8-2!! Stinkin' refs!
My neighbors prolly aren't thrilled with me but so what! I have to listen to their craptacular music everyday, they can hear me yelling and cheering and maybe swearing at the refs for one night! And the stupid announcers. I wanted to smack the tar out of them! What's with talking about ACC football during a HOCKEY game??!!!! So what if your team is behind (was watching the game through the station here, so it was the crapitals announcers) there is NO EXCUSE to talk about another sport when the game you're supposed to be covering is still being played! Get a clue!
One more rant. The Comcast Sports Network has some issues. I've already covered their lousy announcers but the commercials! You have to have the volume cranked just to hear the game. Most of the commercials are regular volume (ie on par with the game volume) but then you get two or three in a row that just about blow your speakers out! What the heck is the problem??? And some of them are commercials for comcast services! Oy vey mama!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Word Verification
As some may notice, I've enabled the word verifcation feature in the comments section. Hopefully this will cut down on the number of spam posts I get. Please don't let this annoying extra step keep you from commenting. Yes, I'm talking to you, T!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
As several folks who read this know, I've participated in the National Novel Writing Month for the last three years. While I've had less than spectacular results (only won once of my three attempts), I plan on participating again this year.
The basic idea is to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. While not quite the average novel length, it's a reachable goal. The prize is the rush of pride and satisifaction you get for completing something difficult, for pushing yourself further than you thought you could go. It's a mighty heady feeling! :)
I always start out on Nov 1 thinking that writing 1,700 words a day is a Lot! and then by Nov 25 I'm thinking that 1,700 is a piece of cake. I just get in the NaNo Zone of churning out the words, trying to stick to my plot, telling my characters to "Back off!! I'm doing the best I can! I hear your ideas but you are NOT the one writing this so just go take a pill and leave me alone for five freaking minutes!" I swear to you, I am not crazy (well not certifiably anyway) but the more involved I get with a story the more my characters ...communicate with me.
I remember having to get up around two in the morning because this one character did not like the way I had worded something. I had to go in and fix the text. I couldn't just write it down on a notepad (tried that, didn't work, she just kept yammering at me). I had to delete what I had written and put in the new stuff before she would shut up and let me get some sleep. This would be the novel that I won with in 2003. I was at something like 55,000 words but only 3/4 the way through my novel. And no, I haven't finished it yet.
This year I've been toying with the idea of blogging my novel. It'd be restricted to a select few as I'm seriously ..hmm touchy? anxious? protective? about my writing. I'm also paranoid about plagerism so I need to figure out how to make it password protected or something. It'd be a huge blog if I stay on track with 1,700 words a day. I think it'd be a great motivator as I'd have folks reading it and giving me grief for not keeping up with the word count, etc.
What do you think? Should I blog it? Would you want to read it? Have any plot ideas?
The basic idea is to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November. While not quite the average novel length, it's a reachable goal. The prize is the rush of pride and satisifaction you get for completing something difficult, for pushing yourself further than you thought you could go. It's a mighty heady feeling! :)
I always start out on Nov 1 thinking that writing 1,700 words a day is a Lot! and then by Nov 25 I'm thinking that 1,700 is a piece of cake. I just get in the NaNo Zone of churning out the words, trying to stick to my plot, telling my characters to "Back off!! I'm doing the best I can! I hear your ideas but you are NOT the one writing this so just go take a pill and leave me alone for five freaking minutes!" I swear to you, I am not crazy (well not certifiably anyway) but the more involved I get with a story the more my characters ...communicate with me.
I remember having to get up around two in the morning because this one character did not like the way I had worded something. I had to go in and fix the text. I couldn't just write it down on a notepad (tried that, didn't work, she just kept yammering at me). I had to delete what I had written and put in the new stuff before she would shut up and let me get some sleep. This would be the novel that I won with in 2003. I was at something like 55,000 words but only 3/4 the way through my novel. And no, I haven't finished it yet.
This year I've been toying with the idea of blogging my novel. It'd be restricted to a select few as I'm seriously ..hmm touchy? anxious? protective? about my writing. I'm also paranoid about plagerism so I need to figure out how to make it password protected or something. It'd be a huge blog if I stay on track with 1,700 words a day. I think it'd be a great motivator as I'd have folks reading it and giving me grief for not keeping up with the word count, etc.
What do you think? Should I blog it? Would you want to read it? Have any plot ideas?
I was out of town this past weekend (Thursday-Monday) and didn't feel like posting any new entries whilst away. Plus I was a tad preoccupied. I'll try and remedy that today. Well I guess, technically, I already have...
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Hockey is BACK!!!!
I watched the first 2.5 periods of the Craptials/Blue Jackets game before I remembered seeing that I had NHL channels. I flipped over and nearly fell out of my chair in joy! Free preview of Center Ice! I had all the hockey games!!!! That was the best part of my night. As I'm apparently a curse to my favorite teams.
The Canes lost to the Lightning (2-5) *sob*
The Avalanche lost to the Oilers (3-4) *cry*
The BlackHawks lost to the Mighty Ducks (3-5) *whimper*
The Bruins lost to to the Canadians (1-2) *gusty sigh*
The Kings blow a 4-0 lead over the *insert expletives here* Stars to lose (4-5) *more expletives*
The Crapitals won^^ *grr argh*
Minnesota won *muttergrumble*
Gah!!! Thank God I'm still so happy that hockey is finally back!!! Otherwise I'd be seriously depressed all day.
YAY HOCKEY!!!!!! C'mon Canes!
^^I may live in the DC area but I just cannot cheer on the Crapitals. Too much of a Caniac. However, Alexandar Ovechkin kicked some serious butt last night! Man that guy is awesome!!! He may well turn the tide of my dislike of the Craps to mere disdain. Helps that I have his autograph on my 2004 NHL Draft t-shirt.
I watched the first 2.5 periods of the Craptials/Blue Jackets game before I remembered seeing that I had NHL channels. I flipped over and nearly fell out of my chair in joy! Free preview of Center Ice! I had all the hockey games!!!! That was the best part of my night. As I'm apparently a curse to my favorite teams.
The Canes lost to the Lightning (2-5) *sob*
The Avalanche lost to the Oilers (3-4) *cry*
The BlackHawks lost to the Mighty Ducks (3-5) *whimper*
The Bruins lost to to the Canadians (1-2) *gusty sigh*
The Kings blow a 4-0 lead over the *insert expletives here* Stars to lose (4-5) *more expletives*
The Crapitals won^^ *grr argh*
Minnesota won *muttergrumble*
Gah!!! Thank God I'm still so happy that hockey is finally back!!! Otherwise I'd be seriously depressed all day.
YAY HOCKEY!!!!!! C'mon Canes!
^^I may live in the DC area but I just cannot cheer on the Crapitals. Too much of a Caniac. However, Alexandar Ovechkin kicked some serious butt last night! Man that guy is awesome!!! He may well turn the tide of my dislike of the Craps to mere disdain. Helps that I have his autograph on my 2004 NHL Draft t-shirt.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Underwater Bathrooms In Space
Last night I was fortunate to finally be able to listen in on one of the Zootopian Live Broadcast Chats. This is where a Zootopian (member of U2's official website) goes to a concert and calls another Zootopian via cell phone. The Zootopian at home then puts the call on speakerphone and we all listen in via Yahoo Messenger Live Chat. There were something like 53 of us listening in last night to the Boston II show (II being the second night in Boston on this leg of the Vertigo Tour).
I wasn't really sure what to expect. I mean it is a cell phone signal emanating from inside an arena with thousands of screaming fans being bounced from Boston to California and then back to Virgina over the internet to me. People were comparing the sound to being underwater (moments of high static), to being from outerspace (lots of sawy sounds - take a hand saw and manipulate the blade -> sawy sounds) and in a bathroom (kind of echoy). At times I'd say it sounded like all three 'effects' were in play.
Taking all that into consideration the show was AMAZING!!!! I had goosebumps, I had tears in my eyes and I know that the big grin never left my face once during the show! It truly shows how phenomenal this group really is. I can't think of another band that can have it's fans crying and shivering and bouncing around when they sound like they're playing in an underwater bathroom in space.
Thank you Zootopian Broadcast Army!! And my eternal thanks to U2.
I wasn't really sure what to expect. I mean it is a cell phone signal emanating from inside an arena with thousands of screaming fans being bounced from Boston to California and then back to Virgina over the internet to me. People were comparing the sound to being underwater (moments of high static), to being from outerspace (lots of sawy sounds - take a hand saw and manipulate the blade -> sawy sounds) and in a bathroom (kind of echoy). At times I'd say it sounded like all three 'effects' were in play.
Taking all that into consideration the show was AMAZING!!!! I had goosebumps, I had tears in my eyes and I know that the big grin never left my face once during the show! It truly shows how phenomenal this group really is. I can't think of another band that can have it's fans crying and shivering and bouncing around when they sound like they're playing in an underwater bathroom in space.
Thank you Zootopian Broadcast Army!! And my eternal thanks to U2.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Once More With Feeling
I recently bought the soundtrack to the musical Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode from season six (Once More With Feeling). It's fantastic! The liner notes by Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly and some other shows) are hilarious and a treat to read!
Now I can't say that the singing is the best but it's perfect for the theme of the show and this episode. I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much if everyone in the cast was a stellar singer. The few vocal gems (ASH, AB, JM) are what keeps it from being entirely campy. I've had various songs running through my head for the last week. Today is Tara's solo Under Your Spell. Here's some of the lyrics
I lived my life in shadow,
Never the sun on my face.
It didn't seem so sad, though,
I figured that was my place.
Now I’m bathed in light
Something just isn't right
I’m under your spell
How else could it be
Anyone would notice me?
It's magic, I can tell
How you set me free
Brought me out so easily
I saw a world enchanted,
Spirits and charms in the air.
I always took for granted,
I was the only one there.
But your power shone
Brighter than any I’ve ever known
I’m under your spell
Nothing I can do
You just took my soul with you
You worked your charm so well
Finally, I knew
Everything I dreamed was true
Now I either have to find my tape with this episode on it (I *think* I recorded this one) or buy the DVDs. I have seasons one through five on DVD just haven't been able to scrape together the $50 to buy season six or the $50 for season seven. Then there's Alias seasons two through four to buy. One of these days...
Now I can't say that the singing is the best but it's perfect for the theme of the show and this episode. I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much if everyone in the cast was a stellar singer. The few vocal gems (ASH, AB, JM) are what keeps it from being entirely campy. I've had various songs running through my head for the last week. Today is Tara's solo Under Your Spell. Here's some of the lyrics
I lived my life in shadow,
Never the sun on my face.
It didn't seem so sad, though,
I figured that was my place.
Now I’m bathed in light
Something just isn't right
I’m under your spell
How else could it be
Anyone would notice me?
It's magic, I can tell
How you set me free
Brought me out so easily
I saw a world enchanted,
Spirits and charms in the air.
I always took for granted,
I was the only one there.
But your power shone
Brighter than any I’ve ever known
I’m under your spell
Nothing I can do
You just took my soul with you
You worked your charm so well
Finally, I knew
Everything I dreamed was true
Now I either have to find my tape with this episode on it (I *think* I recorded this one) or buy the DVDs. I have seasons one through five on DVD just haven't been able to scrape together the $50 to buy season six or the $50 for season seven. Then there's Alias seasons two through four to buy. One of these days...
Monday, October 03, 2005
Yet another Meeting/Contract/Work update
First, a reminder..
MC = Main Company - people who are bidding out the work to be done
Company B = company where I work now
Company C = company that won contract from my company
My work contract was extended (kinda) to Oct 31. Yet it's the new contract
because I have to file a timesheet with Company C as well as my company. A contract has not been signed between companies B and C. No clue if a contract has been signed between MC and Company C.
T - new proj manager from Company C - will be coming around to "get to know us and what we do". He'll ask questions on how to do stuff. Company B doesn't want us to answer for fear of not getting the contract signed and Company C hiring us outright. Company B can sorta tell us Not to answer because of confidentiality issues but then again, T does have clearance to know the answers to the questions. It's all very hazy. J (my actual boss and the one who interviewed me) told us to answer the questions T asks and to train him as we would anyone else. Sooooo that's what we're going to do.
There is to be a meeting between all Company B employees working on this contract (27 total), Company B home office and Company C head guys sometime in the future. Company C wanted to have it today but M (head guy at Company B) couldn't make it and nobody else at Company B wanted to step in his place. Company B does NOT want us meeting with Company C without Company B head folks being there.
It mostly sounds like Company B wants us to be loyal to them despite no guarantee of raises and no bonuses. Which doesn't impact me at all since I'm currently not eligible for either.
The way things were left today, after an informal meeting with just the Company B contract employees, is that we'll all have jobs through September 2006. Whether it'll be with Company B or directly with Company C, is unknown.
MC = Main Company - people who are bidding out the work to be done
Company B = company where I work now
Company C = company that won contract from my company
My work contract was extended (kinda) to Oct 31. Yet it's the new contract
because I have to file a timesheet with Company C as well as my company. A contract has not been signed between companies B and C. No clue if a contract has been signed between MC and Company C.
T - new proj manager from Company C - will be coming around to "get to know us and what we do". He'll ask questions on how to do stuff. Company B doesn't want us to answer for fear of not getting the contract signed and Company C hiring us outright. Company B can sorta tell us Not to answer because of confidentiality issues but then again, T does have clearance to know the answers to the questions. It's all very hazy. J (my actual boss and the one who interviewed me) told us to answer the questions T asks and to train him as we would anyone else. Sooooo that's what we're going to do.
There is to be a meeting between all Company B employees working on this contract (27 total), Company B home office and Company C head guys sometime in the future. Company C wanted to have it today but M (head guy at Company B) couldn't make it and nobody else at Company B wanted to step in his place. Company B does NOT want us meeting with Company C without Company B head folks being there.
It mostly sounds like Company B wants us to be loyal to them despite no guarantee of raises and no bonuses. Which doesn't impact me at all since I'm currently not eligible for either.
The way things were left today, after an informal meeting with just the Company B contract employees, is that we'll all have jobs through September 2006. Whether it'll be with Company B or directly with Company C, is unknown.
Outright Lies & Half-Truths
A friend of mine has started a music commentary blog called Outright Lies & Half-truths. While there are only two postings so far (I did mention just started the blog, right?) it's definitely something worth checking out. I also included a permanent link in my blog section of my links to the right (for a reminder first group is music links, middle group is environmental/human rights and end group is blogs).
Feel free to razz the blogger should the postings become sporadic. I'm sure it'll be just the kick in the pants that is needed. :)
Feel free to razz the blogger should the postings become sporadic. I'm sure it'll be just the kick in the pants that is needed. :)
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Voice Mail
Apparently I've been causing great confusion and minor panic attacks with my voice mail message on my cell phone. I changed it a couple weeks back and neglected to tell everyone. Okay, so I told one person (the one who left a hysterical message that was full of laughter and almost sobbing) but she forgot. She thought some "strange man" had answered the phone. Pondered calling the cops or "someone" who could help me because "a rapist or killer" had answered my phone. Then she remembered and started spinning fantasies about this 'strange man' actually being at my place. Reasons why he might be answering my phone. If only! *grin*
Most people just hang up and don't leave a message. Then they hunt around for my home phone number and call it. Although my grandmother had misplaced my home number. She called my folks to get it but wrote it down wrong and kept getting variations of the "We cannot complete the call as dialed. Please hang up and try again." error message. She talked to my folks three times to get my home number straight. Apparently she asked my dad (her son) if "some strange man was living with" me. Hah!
A friend (not the hysterical message leaver one - yes, I have more than one friend who calls me) left a message on my answering machine, "I must've gotten your cell number wrong because some strange man keeps answering when I call." We'll ignore the fact that she has my cell on speed dial. She's had her cell for over a year and hasn't figured out how to set up the voice mail yet. She cannot be held responsible when it comes to electronic type equipment.
Who is the strange man on my voice mail, you ask? Well you'll have to call to find out :)
Most people just hang up and don't leave a message. Then they hunt around for my home phone number and call it. Although my grandmother had misplaced my home number. She called my folks to get it but wrote it down wrong and kept getting variations of the "We cannot complete the call as dialed. Please hang up and try again." error message. She talked to my folks three times to get my home number straight. Apparently she asked my dad (her son) if "some strange man was living with" me. Hah!
A friend (not the hysterical message leaver one - yes, I have more than one friend who calls me) left a message on my answering machine, "I must've gotten your cell number wrong because some strange man keeps answering when I call." We'll ignore the fact that she has my cell on speed dial. She's had her cell for over a year and hasn't figured out how to set up the voice mail yet. She cannot be held responsible when it comes to electronic type equipment.
Who is the strange man on my voice mail, you ask? Well you'll have to call to find out :)